Laserschwert Posted August 12, 2010 Share Posted August 12, 2010 The tool doesn't crash anymore, but unfortunately the classic music couldn't be extracted, and the SE music is missing tracks 22, 23 and 24. By the way, when walking around Mêlée Town, isn't there supposed to be ambience playing? Or was that just in the SE? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 12, 2010 Share Posted August 12, 2010 Laserschwert said: The tool doesn't crash anymore, but unfortunately the classic music couldn't be extracted, and the SE music is missing tracks 22, 23 and 24.I can see the problem. Sorry, my goofy editing. In tools\cdaudio.bat line 5, remove the part before "call miseAudioProcessing.cmd", that'll fix it. Quote By the way, when walking around Mêlée Town, isn't there supposed to be ambience playing? Or was that just in the SE?It's in the SE only. But I have this on my todo list. The next version will probably have ambient tracks for Mêlée Town and for the river on Monkey Island. Those will be only available in ScummVM, though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MusicallyInspired Posted August 13, 2010 Share Posted August 13, 2010 So does this mean that all the dialogue lines are properly carried over now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 13, 2010 Share Posted August 13, 2010 MusiclyInspired said: So does this mean that all the dialogue lines are properly carried over now?They should, if I didn't miss anything. If you notice any errors, please report them right here. What I'm still doing is basically some tweaking with sounds, timing etc. to make it the perfect version. There were quite some obvious and also not so obvious goofs in the original scripts. See the readme for details. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OzzieMonkey Posted August 13, 2010 Share Posted August 13, 2010 Sorry, but I have absolutely no idea how this works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laserschwert Posted August 13, 2010 Share Posted August 13, 2010 OzzieMonkey said: Sorry, but I have absolutely no idea how this works. Just read the ReadMe-file... it explains it (although you just have to copy the files into your folder and double-click one file). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 16, 2010 Share Posted August 16, 2010 New version: - Converting CD audio and SE music tracks. (v0.6 beta) - "Thanks" at Stan with wrong voice. (v0.5 beta) - Picking up yellow flower not animated. (all versions) - Yellow petal is green at Stan's (enhanced CD) - Random swordfighting pirates have all the same colors (enhanced CD) - Firework colors and lightning effect. (all VGA versions) - Blue floor color in the kitchen door from the Scumm bar, despite the kitchen has a brown floor. (enhanced CD). - Beat the swordmaster cheat re-implemented. Cheats are only available in debug mode. - Safe sound not playing for every move. (ScummVM problem with the SE sound) - Added sounds for Scumm Bar chef crying, LeChuck punching Guybrush and Stan, grog machine crash and shaking, monkeys eating bananas, monkey head key and monkey bride. - Added ambient tracks for Melee Town and Monkey Island river. - Added accentuation differences of right and wrong insult's replies. - Debug keys on unfeasible combinations. (DOSbox defaults, ScummVM and even native SCUMM V5) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whaleyland Posted August 18, 2010 Share Posted August 18, 2010 Thanks for this latest update. It seems immeasurably better than the old updates. I feel confident that I can give this version to my friends who have never played Monkey Island before because they disliked the lack of "talkiness". One question, though. Has anyone found a way to get LeChuck's Revenge SE working with talkie in ScummVM? Since this project seems to be wrapping up, I'd really like a copy of LeChuck to work in ScummVM. Since LucasArts actually linked talkie to the original LeChuck in the Special Edition, wouldn't it be much easier to adapt for ScummVM? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 18, 2010 Share Posted August 18, 2010 whaleyland said: Since LucasArts actually linked talkie to the original LeChuck in the Special Edition, wouldn't it be much easier to adapt for ScummVM?It would be exactly the same work. What the SE actually does has nothing to do with this project, or how ScummVM works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkey Mania Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 I think it would be nice if you could lower the frequency of the voice files to match the sound quality of the classic "talkies." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 Monkey Mania said: I think it would be nice if you could lower the frequency of the voice files to match the sound quality of the classic "talkies."Currently, I convert all samples to Soundblaster friendly 22050 Hz, 8 bit, mono. Which is what the other Talkies for DOS did, except Loom (which is CD audio) and Indy4 (which has needlessly low 11025 Hz only). Hence, besides those exceptions, it DOES match the classic talkies. Though, since I plan to support a ScummVM version without resampling at all, I have to implement support for multiple sample rates anyway, so a user selectable rate should be no problem to support in the final version. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkey Mania Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 LogicDeLuxe said: Currently, I convert all samples to Soundblaster friendly 22050 Hz, 8 bit, mono. Which is what the other Talkies for DOS did, except Loom (which is CD audio) and Indy4 (which has needlessly low 11025 Hz only). Hence, besides those exceptions, it DOES match the classic talkies. Though, since I plan to support a ScummVM version without resampling at all, I have to implement support for multiple sample rates anyway, so a user selectable rate should be no problem to support in the final version. Strange, the voices still sound too crisp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 24, 2010 Share Posted August 24, 2010 New Version: v0.8 beta: - The narrator is now available on CTRL-a. - Talk color for the voodoo lady. (enhanced CD) - The codewheel query now works as intended. (v0.5 beta) - Mancomb's missing chair and blue scum. (all VGA versions) - Cyan pixels in spinning Scumm Bar pirates. (all VGA versions) - missing sign on the ghost ship deck. (all versions except EGA) - Various costume regressions. (enhanced CD) - Shaking animation of grog machine. (enhanced CD) - LeChuck removing his sheriff costume has a cyan beard for a brief moment. (all VGA versions) - downward flying LeChuck has flashing hands. (all VGA versions) - line with missing voice at the Loom guy. (v0.5 beta) - Lookout dialog. (v0.5 beta) - Firework colors and lightning effect. (all VGA versions) - Too bright costume palette in some rooms. (enhanced CD) - Torch colors in jail. (enhanced CD) - Lamp in mansion light color. (enhanced CD) - Colored corner at the sign on the banana tree. (enhanced CD) - Jolly Roger still visible on the mast after cooking. (all versions) - Added additional notices for restored jokes to prevent misunderstandings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krasas Posted August 24, 2010 Share Posted August 24, 2010 I just have to say this. LogicDeLuxe you rock! I tried your Talkie Version builder and it works amazingly (I have only tested it for a few screens so far, but I am certainly impressed)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laserschwert Posted August 24, 2010 Share Posted August 24, 2010 By now this has transformed into more than just a talkie version builder... with all those bug fixes, implementations and options (Toggling the narrator? Brilliant!) it's more like to "Ultimate Classic Version Builder". Awesome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 24, 2010 Share Posted August 24, 2010 Laserschwert said: it's more like to "Ultimate Classic Version Builder".Good idea. I think, I will use that name for the next version. Unless someone has an even better suggestion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JezzaTheLagomorph Posted August 25, 2010 Share Posted August 25, 2010 Just a suggestion, can you put in an option to not use the close-up of Spiffy the dog? It sorta looks out of place, since it was from the EGA version. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whaleyland Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 "Ultimate Classic Version Builder" suggests that this is less than it actually is. I suggest something more along the lines of "Reverse SCUMM Edition" or "Ultimate Talkie Edition". Basically something that emphasizes the new "talkie" feature, the new "ultimate" additions, and the reversion of the Special Edition to the original SCUMM edition. I got it, "The Secret of Monkey Island: The Monkeys are Speaking Edition". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whaleyland Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 JezzaTheLagomorph said: Just a suggestion, can you put in an option to not use the close-up of Spiffy the dog? It sorta looks out of place, since it was from the EGA version. I like the addition of Spiffy but I think the image could be a bit better quality. Were any other versions of Spiffy produced other than the EGA version? It does look very pixilated compared to the other graphics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 whaleyland said: I like the addition of Spiffy but I think the image could be a bit better quality.If anyone can provide a better one, please do so. Here are some guidelines: - It should stay true to the original intention, of course. - The image should include Guybrush. - The image must be in 256 color format. - The image may use any color palette, as long as it doesn't use the first 16 colors. - The image size must be either 320x144 or 320x200. (which is approximately 16:9 or 4:3, ie. pixels aren't square) Also very welcome would be MIDI versions of the cannibal music and of the hijack scene. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisapprovingOwl Posted August 29, 2010 Share Posted August 29, 2010 This is absolutely brilliant - played through the latest version today and it's astounding how polished it all is. I didn't encounter any bugs with the speech; it's great to hear that the voice files now appear to all be correctly linked to the relevant dialogue. Improvements such as restoring extra details and effects from the EGA and VGA floppy versions, and fixing artwork errors, is much appreciated too. This is truly Monkey Island as I'd never played it before! A couple of questions & suggestions: - Remove the slight camera pan before cutting to the close-up of Spiffy in the Scumm Bar. The game doesn't do this for any of the pirates you can talk to in the bar, and it just comes off as a little weird and unprofessional looking. I'd recommend just cutting straight to the dissolve-in of the close-up, like with the pirates. - As said, the Spiffy close-up being a modified scan just looks weird, as it's nowhere near as sharp as the other images. I see you're interested in improving this if people are willing to redraw this, so I'll see if I can have a crack at it and post the results. I'd probably give it an orange background to be consistent with the other Scumm Bar images though, since if a VGA version of the image had existed, it probably would have done this anyway. AFAIK, the only reason the current image has a black BG is that all EGA Scumm Bar closeups had a black BG. - If you notice, in the Scumm Bar close-ups the perspective we see Guybrush from takes into account his height in relation to the position of the patron he's talking to. With this in mind, making Guybrush kneel down (use his 'picking item up from floor' animation) just before cutting to the close-up of Spiffy would better match the close-up, since otherwise the dog is so small that Guybrush's leg should be what's visible in the close-up rather than his head. Even then, since the dog is so small in relation to him, the angle we see him from should be closer to the angle used in Estevan's close-up, rather than the one currently used. If this was done, you'd also need to add him standing back up when cutting back to the bar after finishing talking to Spiffy. - Since you've been restoring effects and details that were lost in the VGA version, would you be open to making the one-eyed pirate Estevan's eyes dart around when he talks about LeChuck, as in the EGA version? I realise this would require new art, but I'd be willing to have a crack at it if you'd be interested in putting it in. Of course, I'd need screengrabs from the EGA version, for reference regarding how many new frames would be needed and the different positions his eyes would need to be in for each one. - Is it possible to make the candles in the Scumm Bar kitchen flicker, as they did in the MI1 EGA demo (mentioned on this page)? If so, it might also be an idea to make the candles above the Three Important-Looking Pirates flicker too for consistency. - Is it possible to combine each of the audio files of Fred (the fat Man of Moral Fiber) in pain with a sound effect of him being hit? Since these only seem to play when he's hit, I don't think this would create any issues, and would help 'sell' the effect more. - Don't remember if the SE did this, but using the ambient "music" track from the regular version of the docks on Mêlée as the default music on the close-up version (used when Fester tries to kill Guybrush/Elaine tries to save him/LeChuck kidnaps Elaine/Guybrush arrives back on Mêlée, etc.) would add consistency, as it'd mean whenever you're on the docks you'd be able to hear the ocean. Though I'd only recommend doing this if the the music which plays at some points in these scenes would still play at the correct points (e.g. the 'romance' music that comes in while talking with Elaine, or the cue that plays as LeChuck's ship sails off). - When the Narrator is switched on, is it possible to make the voice file for the Voodoo Soup recipe in Part 2 only play the first time you look at it? I had to keep checking the recipe at various points to see which items to put in, and hearing the voice file every single time I checked it quickly got annoying. - I know the lines have not been recorded, but are there any voice files in MI1:SE or MI2:SE which would make an acceptable substitute for the un-voiced noises Guybrush makes when he's waking up after making the voodoo soup in Part 2? I'm thinking at least a couple of the more distressed-sounding noises he makes when failing to talk to Elaine earlier in the game might possibly be suitable. - While being punched across Mêlée by LeChuck, Guybrush doesn't scream as he flies through the air. This would be possible by combining the punch and scream sounds into a single unique sound used for this scene. - After defeating LeChuck, his body makes a water splashing sound when it collapses to the ground and disappears. Again, I haven't played the SE in a while - is this really the correct sound effect? Finally, I know this isn't currently a priority, but when this CD Talkie Edition officially reaches a 100% completed version, how easy would it be to modify it to create a version that removes any dialogue that has no corresponding voice files? I realise that the current version is intended as a "completist's version" of the game and that many people would not be interested in a slightly "inferior" version content-wise, but it'd be nice to also have a "fully-voiced" version to use to introduce people to the series without having to worry about missing lines of dialogue souring their experience. The only major changes I can see that would be needed would be re-removing the Stump Joke, removing Carla's one un-voiced insult, and maybe altering the game logic when haggling with Stan to use only values with corresponding audio (I think this was mentioned as an issue - I didn't actually encounter any un-voiced lines on my playthrough today, though). Either way, this is an awesome project and I can't wait for the final polishing to be done to turn this into a 100% definitive version of Monkey Island 1. I'll get working on my take on the Spiffy close-up as soon as I have some time; will post it when it's done to see if it's good enough to use. = ) Keep up the good work, LogicDeluxe! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 29, 2010 Share Posted August 29, 2010 DisapprovingOwl said: - Remove the slight camera pan before cutting to the close-up of Spiffy in the Scumm Bar.Good point. Indeed, the panning doesn't serve a purpose anymore. Quote - If you notice, in the Scumm Bar close-ups the perspective we see Guybrush from takes into account his height in relation to the position of the patron he's talking to. With this in mind, making Guybrush kneel down (use his 'picking item up from floor' animation) just before cutting to the close-up of Spiffy would better match the close-up, since otherwise the dog is so small that Guybrush's leg should be what's visible in the close-up rather than his head.The animation should be easy to implement. In the SE graphics, we see Guybrush's feet. I think, both can work, if the perspective is right. Quote - Is it possible to make the candles in the Scumm Bar kitchen flicker, as they did in the MI1 EGA demo (mentioned on this page)? If so, it might also be an idea to make the candles above the Three Important-Looking Pirates flicker too for consistency.I'm aware of this. I'll ask SimSaw if we can do this with the current tools. Quote - Is it possible to combine each of the audio files of Fred (the fat Man of Moral Fiber) in pain with a sound effect of him being hit?It's on my todo list. Quote - Don't remember if the SE did this, but using the ambient "music" track from the regular version of the docks on Mêlée as the default music on the close-up version (used when Fester tries to kill Guybrush/Elaine tries to save him/LeChuck kidnaps Elaine/Guybrush arrives back on Mêlée, etc.) would add consistency, as it'd mean whenever you're on the docks you'd be able to hear the ocean. Though I'd only recommend doing this if the the music which plays at some points in these scenes would still play at the correct points (e.g. the 'romance' music that comes in while talking with Elaine, or the cue that plays as LeChuck's ship sails off).Should be possible. I'll consider it. Quote - When the Narrator is switched on, is it possible to make the voice file for the Voodoo Soup recipe in Part 2 only play the first time you look at it? I had to keep checking the recipe at various points to see which items to put in, and hearing the voice file every single time I checked it quickly got annoying.You might just hit the "."-key to skip his text. Also, you really could just put everything in the pot. This is a foolproof recipe. Quote - I know the lines have not been recorded, but are there any voice files in MI1:SE or MI2:SE which would make an acceptable substitute for the un-voiced noises Guybrush makes when he's waking up after making the voodoo soup in Part 2? I'm thinking at least a couple of the more distressed-sounding noises he makes when failing to talk to Elaine earlier in the game might possibly be suitable.I don't think that they exactly fit the mood. I'd rather not use any MI2:SE sounds, as this would make that game a requirement too, which would be overkill. Quote - While being punched across Mêlée by LeChuck, Guybrush doesn't scream as he flies through the air. This would be possible by combining the punch and scream sounds into a single unique sound used for this scene.I suppose, I could do this. Quote - After defeating LeChuck, his body makes a water splashing sound when it collapses to the ground and disappears. Again, I haven't played the SE in a while - is this really the correct sound effect?I once heard it in some version which had a sound here (most don't). I think, I'll change it to 100_Ghost_Die.wav, though. Quote Finally, I know this isn't currently a priority, but when this CD Talkie Edition officially reaches a 100% completed version, how easy would it be to modify it to create a version that removes any dialogue that has no corresponding voice files? I realise that the current version is intended as a "completist's version" of the game and that many people would not be interested in a slightly "inferior" version content-wise, but it'd be nice to also have a "fully-voiced" version to use to introduce people to the series without having to worry about missing lines of dialogue souring their experience.I think, a separate version is a bit over the top. A boot param could be implemented to switch those scenes off. Would that serve your needs? Quote and maybe altering the game logic when haggling with Stan to use only values with corresponding audio (I think this was mentioned as an issue - I didn't actually encounter any un-voiced lines on my playthrough today, though).There is a perfect system behind Stan's price ideas. There is no easy fix to cover all possible voice files. I could improve the coverage a lot by only allowing selecting 2000 as the first offer, though. This would eliminate any price ideas above 10000 at least (which all have no voice file), but also might seem strange to only have one option available at first. And some news: - I managed to convert MIDI to Adlib. Normally, I'd say, there is still room for tweaking, but unfortunately, I'd have to rewrite the tool to do so. I accidentally damaged some of them in progress. While they sound different to the floppy version, I think, they are quite listenable as I got them now. Due to a completely different sound engine in SCUMM V5, they probably never will sound exactly the same anyways. Hear for yourself in the upcoming version. - The other lost is my tool to calculate the voice file offsets and create the voices.tbl file used by the build_monster tool. In order to support flac, mp3 and ogg vorbis, and without resampling, I need native file offsets included in that file, so the current version does not work anymore. I have to rewrite that tool. - Anyway, a few more tweaks and bug fixes in the game are already done, and project credits will be added. The remaining sound problems in native DOS should be fixed too. A few sounds will remain only available in ScummVM, though, due to missing polyphony in native SCUMM V5. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisapprovingOwl Posted August 29, 2010 Share Posted August 29, 2010 Thanks for trawling through my epic wall of text and replying so comprehensively, LogicDeluxe! = ) Will skip anything you've just said you can/will do or that's on your to-do list and just offer the following couple of extra comments: LogicDeLuxe said: The animation should be easy to implement. In the SE graphics, we see Guybrush's feet. I think, both can work, if the perspective is right. Good to hear that it'd be easy to implement if necessary. Still, it's probably not worth worrying about until you have a "final" version of the Spiffy close-up that you're happy with, as if the close-up used shows Guybrush's leg rather than his head then it's not worth implementing the extra animation of him kneeling. I'll see whether leg or head looks better when I get to that part of my attempt at redrawing it. = ) LogicDeLuxe said: You might just hit the "."-key to skip his text. Ah, good point; I thought doing that would skip the screen entirely, so I hadn't tried it. It does indeed work. = ) Never mind, then. LogicDeLuxe said: I don't think that they exactly fit the mood. I'd rather not use any MI2:SE sounds, as this would make that game a requirement too, which would be overkill. Yeah, I get what you mean about the sounds I mentioned; they were just the first thing I thought of off the top of my head. Also, good call on saying no to MI2 sounds - I hadn't considered that that would make MI2:SE a requirement too, which would be prohibitive to those who only own the original MI:SE. LogicDeLuxe said: I think, a separate version is a bit over the top. A boot param could be implemented to switch those scenes off. Would that serve your needs? That would be even better actually; I didn't even consider you'd be able to make something like that a boot param. Only other thing I'd mention is that, if you couldn't find any suitable sounds within MI:SE for Guybrush's un-voiced noises in Part 2, that they also be removed as a part of this boot param. Quote There is a perfect system behind Stan's price ideas. There is no easy fix to cover all possible voice files. I could improve the coverage a lot by only allowing selecting 2000 as the first offer, though. This would eliminate any price ideas above 10000 at least (which all have no voice file), but also might seem strange to only have one option available at first. Ah, didn't realise it was so complicated, not having seen the system behind it. I must admit, I've never personally got a price over 10,000, so I didn't even know it went up that high! From what you've said, it sounds like the price system would need to be rebuilt almost from the ground up to work only with the voiced lines, which would be far too much time and effort that could be put into better things. = ) Since any changes to this bit would only be part of an alternative boot param, and from the sounds of it still wouldn't fix the issue entirely, I'd say do whatever you feel is best on this one. Will stop clogging up this topic with my feedback now; my next post should hopefully be the first version of my take on the Spiffy close-up, which doubtless will need some refinement. = ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LogicDeLuxe Posted August 30, 2010 Share Posted August 30, 2010 Another idea popped up, for which I could need help: Are there any talented voice impersonators around here? Since we have some missing lines for Carla, Guybrush, the narrator and Stan. - Carly needs 3 lines added. Most important, the missing insult. - For Guybrush, it is the stump joke and the noises he makes when lying on the kitchen floor on the Sea Monkey. - The narrator should read "Deep in the Caribbean", "The Isle of Melee", to be consistent with other announced locations. - Stan is missing a bunch of price ideas. If a talented Stan is found, I would make a list of all price ideas possible and order it to the missing ones. As I use sox as a tool, I also could splice just the new numbers into the original recording, if it turns out right. We would need the voice acting in any case, though. DisapprovingOwl said: That would be even better actually; I didn't even consider you'd be able to make something like that a boot param.One catch, though: While it is really just a command line parameter in ScummVM, it is not that simple to use in DOS. You have to enter debug mode in order to use it. Most SCUMM versions let you just enter a number on the command line, but the talkie enabled SCUMM V5 unfortunately doesn't. The alternative would be a keyboard shortcut. How is that? On the downside, you would have to activate this mode after you started the game rather than immediately. Just like the narrator mode. On the other hand, if you change your mind, you could toggle it any time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JezzaTheLagomorph Posted August 30, 2010 Share Posted August 30, 2010 Would this work? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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