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August '09: The Horrors of Loss

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Alright. I'm craving for a bit of Greek tragedy, and since Writer has given me the honors or deciding the next topic for you lot, I have decided upon the basic emotion of loss. A good fanfiction topic and an excellent character study if you're into that sort of thing.


The definition of loss:

1: destruction, ruin

2 a: the act of losing possession : deprivation<loss of sight> b: the harm or privation resulting from loss or separation c: an instance of losing

3: a person or thing or an amount that is lost: as aplural : killed, wounded, or captured soldiers b: the power diminution of a circuit or circuit element corresponding to conversion of electrical energy into heat by resistance

4 a: failure to gain, win, obtain, or utilize b: an amount by which the cost of something exceeds its selling price

5: decrease in amount, magnitude, or degree

6: the amount of an insured's financial detriment by death or damage that the insurer is liable for


So, pick your poison. That is a very lenient term and should be seen as such as well. You can make it centered around the loss of a loved one, the loss of money, the loss of (a) body part(s)... They're all options, they're all excellent topics and great examples, but I want to see what you guys can come up with yourself.


Let the games begin!

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The definition of loss:

the power diminution of a circuit or circuit element corresponding to conversion of electrical energy into heat by resistance

6: the amount of an insured's financial detriment by death or damage that the insurer is liable for

So we can write about Zaalbar fixing inefficient electrical systems and Carth doing filing insurance claims, right?



This contest is gonna be awesome. o_Q

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Already got mine submitted, but I don't exactly know how I would define it as a 'loss.' It would qualify very loosely for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Do I have to state exactly which one I'm going for, or could a reader decide for her/himself?


I hope not, 'cuz I've got my idea planned out, but I have no clue which category it'd fit in! :lol:

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I actually submitted one, but realized that it's only half of the full submission. The other half really is the 'horror of loss' where as the first is the character actually losing something.


Another question: Could someone submit two stories for one contest? (assuming votes don't stack)

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The rules prohibit submitting more than one story (see them here) per competition. That was to prevent someone from submitting a ton of stories and getting an unfair advantage. You'll have to pick which one you want to submit, Darth_Yuthura, and let one of us know.


@Lord of Hunger--as long as it has not been previously published somewhere else, you may submit a chapter from a WIP.

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In that case, I'm going to want my next submission to replace my first draft. This one revolves completely around the subject of loss whereas the first just brushed the subject.

PM one of us with the name of the thread you want deleted when you've got this one done so we can make sure to delete the right one. :)

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Well I more or less got my new version in. Here's to procrastination!


I forgot to include a preclusion.


The Galaxy is in a state of ruin. Although the Star Forge had been destroyed, the Republic and the Jedi Order have been severely crippled and struggle to rebuild from the ashes of war.


To replenish their dwindling numbers, the Jedi Order has been forced to reconsider the training of unfavorable recruits, the most controversial among them being the former students of the Sith Academy and their former instructor, Yuthura Ban.


While many from this group of talented individuals are willing to accept the rules of the Jedi, more and more traditions are being suspended to stimulate their reconstruction efforts...

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