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Star Wars: Second Legacy


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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...




With DARTH CAEDUS, formerly known as Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, now defeated, the galaxy find itself once more trying to recover from the devastating aftermath of war. LUKE SKYWALKER, Grand Master of the Jedi Order, has been exiled for ten years from Coruscant--or until he can determine what has caused his nephew's fall to the Dark Side. Anti-Jedi sentiment is raging, and the few who remain struggle to keep order in the midst of the chaos and hatred all around them. The Jedi's one last hope, BEN SKYWALKER, has accompanied his father into the great unknown and thus is unable to guide his comrades toward peace and resolution.


In the midst of everything, conflicted Jedi Knight CHETYRA VEK is trying to come to terms with the fact that ADMIRAL NATASI DAALA, now Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, has seemed to betray it by banishing the brightest light in the galaxy and therefore condemning it to live in shadow. Will she risk everything, including her own exile and imprisonment at hard labor, to try and bring Luke and Ben back--or at least contact them? Only they can counter a new Sith threat, which has emerged closer to home than either Skywalker--or even Chetyra--has ever imagined possible...




Chetyra Vek hated conflict. The Jedi Knight had been taught to believe that the way to solve one's disagreements was to discuss them rationally and peacefully, being careful to be fair to your opponent and suspend judgment.


That was not what was happening right now.


Darth Caedus, formerly known as Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, was dead. He was not only dead, but defeated, and the legacy of his new Empire had been shattered. Sadly enough, Admiral Natasi Daala, the new Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, had punished neither Caedus nor his former followers. Instead, she had turned against the one hope the galaxy'd had during the time of his reign: Luke Skywalker, Grand Master of the Jedi Order itself.


She had betrayed it, and him, sending Skywalker into ten years of exile.


According to the Admiral, Luke was to blame for not discerning his nephew's fall soon enough, and not discovering the cause of it before it was too late. She had never trusted the users of the Force, Jedi or Sith, and she placed the full weight of the punishment for Caedus--Jacen--upon his stalwart uncle. Who knew where Luke, and his loyal son Ben Skywalker, were now?


It wasn't fair. Chetyra Vek knew it wasn't fair. Yet, all she could do was listen with the other Knights and Padawans in the main Council chambers as the Masters argued fruitlessly. One particular Master, a female, stood in the midst of the ring of chairs, her silver head humbly bowed. Who was she?


Who else would she be? If the brother has vanished, then blame the sister...


"How could you not have sensed it before, Master Solo? Your own son!"


"What kind of a Jedi doesn't try to end a Sith where he stands? Answer!"


"Leia. I can't believe this. You used to be so certain, and so sure of yourself in the Force, but now...I can barely sense you. What has happened?"


"Why has Master Skywalker been exiled, yet you've been spared? Tell me!"


"I wish I could help, but...I can't...Caedus was yours. Didn't you know?"


Shame flooded the Jedi Master's face. It was all over. What could she do? Her son was dead, and her daughter, the one who had slain him, was deemed both a hero and a rogue by her colleagues in the Order. Leia Organa was no longer the beautiful Princess of years past. Instead, she was a near-outcast, a fallen figurehead who was left to withstand the fallout from her son's tyranny. Why had Admiral Daala chosen to punish Luke, and not her? Indeed! She was the boy's mother. She had raised Jacen from a child. How could she not have seen, how could she not have sensed, what he'd become?


"You are disgraced." This from a Jedi Master. "You should step down, Leia."


"Step down?" Her meek voice raised all eyes. "I must continue to serve."


"You may think we need you to deal with the repercussions of your son's actions, but we don't." The Master's voice was cold. "Luke was not the only one to blame. Resign, or we shall vote to take your Mastership from you."


This was more than Chetyra Vek could bear. She lit both silver lightsabers.


"Shakh!" she cried. "Check! I challenge you to a duel. You will sooner see me dead than you'll see Leia Organa Solo cast down!"


Her blue eyes blazed with fury, and two black ones watched from the shadows...

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"That won't solve anything, Chetyra, but neither will forcing Master Organa Solo's resignation. I for one, vote against revoking her Mastership." Arren Kaltas, a Jedi Knight in her late twenties, spoke up. "If anyone is to blame, it is Vergere, and the Yuuzhan Vong. Their actions are what pushed Solo to the Dark Side, not Master Skywalker's teachings."

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The Zabrak Jedi Master, Jagar Kord, was mentally distanced from the uproar. The issue at hand was not one of unimportance, but assertion that Master Solo must be stripped of her rank seemed to be unchallenged... That is, until one female Jedi Knight stopped all voices with the ignition of two lightsabers.


Kord looked up. The Knight challenged one of the Masters, and soon enough, someone else tried to calm the girl.


"If anyone is to blame, it is Vergere, and the Yuuzhan Vong. Their actions are what pushed Solo to the Dark Side, not Master Skywalker's teachings."


Intrigued by the statement, Jagar took the opportunity to speak. "We cannot blame the enemy any less than ourselves. We must all carry the weight of fault, for our order is still flawed. Conversely, it is foolish to blame any one Jedi. As long as our teachings and standards remain unchanged, there will always be a Sith threat. There will always be a Darth Caedus." Jagar hoped the words would reach the other Masters before their aimless arguing continued.

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"Shakh!" she cried. "Check! I challenge you to a duel. You will sooner see me dead than you'll see Leia Organa Solo cast down!"


Dray nodded his head in agreement at the Padawan's words he agreed with them but prder had to be restored.


"Calm yourself Padawan. Anyone who wants to see Solo cast down will have to go through me first."


The Echani battle-Master's eyes were closed but the message was clear.


"That won't solve anything, Chetyra, but neither will forcing Master Organa Solo's resignation. I for one, vote against revoking her Mastership."


"I agree as well. Revoking her Mastership would deprive us of a valuable ally in these trying times. We can't afford to lose her."


"We cannot blame the enemy any less than ourselves. We must all carry the weight of fault, for our order is still flawed. Conversely, it is foolish to blame any one Jedi. As long as our teachings and standards remain unchanged, there will always be a Sith threat. There will always be a Darth Caedus."


"Listen to this man's words. He is the one among us who makes the most sense."

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The Master who had spoken to Chetyra now gazed down at her with the expression a parent has when their child has failed them miserably...as Jacen Solo had failed his mother and father, his uncle and aunt. He had murdered Mara Jade Skywalker, Luke's wife and Leia's sister-in-law, in cold blood. He had turned the Galactic Alliance into a police state using his command of the GAG, or Galactic Alliance Guard. He had even seduced Jedi Knights, notably one Tahiri Veila, into joining his side until the final confrontation. More than anything, he had forsaken his lover, Tenel Ka, and had kidnapped his own daughter, Allana. Jacen had destroyed not only the galaxy during his reign, but himself. He had sacrificed his humanity for power he'd eventually lost.


It was the same kind of power Master Pandol Bruis saw Chetyra wanted.


"Do you honestly believe you can defeat me in a duel?" he sneered at her. "Your combat marks are not the best, Padawan Vek. In fact, they are some of the lowest in the entire Academy. You're not weak, but you're slow. I suggest you stand down before you get yourself into even more trouble."


Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Chetyra deactivated her sabers.


"That's the way. As for you, Master Organa Solo, I ask you the question that so many of us have put to you before, but you've not said a word. How is it that you have raised Jacen Solo from a boy, and yet you did not sense...?"


"Jacen was very good," Leia answered, "at hiding himself in the Force. We both thought--my brother and I, that is--that it was only a part of his training against the Yuuzhan Vong and for the Galactic Alliance. If he had not learned how to conceal himself in this manner, I doubt he could have survived for as long as he did. He cloaked himself in Force shadows, Master. Even I, his own mother, could not easily discern his true motives--"


"Until it was too late!" Master Bruis was livid. "A fine excuse, Master Solo."


"Your brother has been exiled," a colleague of his, Master Jowyn, chimed in. "Why do you think that Admiral Daala chose to condemn him, and not you? Why are you still here, but our Grand Master's been sent away?"


Leia shook her head. "It is not my place to speculate upon her reasons."


"Perhaps if you had done a bit more speculation," chimed in a third Master, a female Twi'lek, "then you could have stopped Jacen in his tracks, as soon as he stopped hiding and started taking some responsibility for his actions. Instead, you chose to ignore the fall of your son because he was your son. That is why the Old Order outlawed marriage and family creation between members of its own ranks. They knew attachment could lead to such folly."


Chetyra Vek stepped in quickly to stand in the middle of the circle next to Leia. "Could is the operative word here," she said bluntly, her voice shaking. "That does not automatically mean that two Jedi professing their love and marrying will automatically lead to the next Darth Vader--or Darth Caedus--arriving on the scene. It is not love that leads to such folly. Rather, it is hate, it is anger, it is the lust for power--all of which Jacen had. In my own opinion, you are not looking for answers. You're not looking for justice. You're not even looking for solutions. All you want is someone to punish, and someone to blame! You've singled out Master Solo as a scapegoat!"


"That's enough!" Master Bruis hissed angrily. "We've had enough deliberations. Padawan Vek? I would demote you to a Youngling if you weren't far past the age. As it stands, we'll decide a course of action in regards to you later. Right now, we must choose what to do in the matter of Master Organa Solo and her place within the Jedi Order. To chambers, all."


The Masters retreated to deliberate, both those favoring Leia and those against her.


Leia Organa Solo gave Chetyra a long hug. "Thank you, Padawan," she said, "but I fear it is no use now. You are right, but how can one hear the truth when all one wants is retribution? I sincerely hope enough of my friends and comrades-in-arms vote to keep me. Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do."


Chetyra didn't quite know what to say. She could only return the motherly embrace as she saw Loru Tsana, Leia's bodyguard, step into the circle.


"I'm here," she said. "If any one of them tries to attack, I'll stand with you."


Leia nodded. "Agreed, Loru. You have always been my most faithful guard. You may not be a Jedi, but you can outfight any enemy in your own right. In a way, I am glad you do not sense the Force. You can survive where most Jedi cannot, simply because you do not hear the Force as we do. We Jedi rely on a power beyond our own, but you rely on yourself. Keep doing that."


Loru nodded, and it wasn't long before all the Masters returned to the circle.


Master Bruis stood and read off of a holographic datapad. "Out of twelve Masters of the Jedi Order," he announced, "by a vote of seven to five, your own rank as Master will henceforth be revoked. We are sorry that this sentence must be passed, but you have been derelict in your duty as well as your brother...our Grand Master. If you had been the Jedi that you had been in the past, you would have curtailed Jacen Solo's activities for the GAG before he had a chance to become Caedus. However..." Bruis trailed off.


Loru Tsana kept a grip on her vibroblade, prepared to defend her mistress.


Chetyra Vek kept a grip on her lightsabers, prepared to charge at will.


Leia Organa Solo kept a grip on her emotions and her voice. "I understand."


"Your lightsaber. Surrender it to us." Bowing her head again, she did so.


Bruis closed his eyes. He didn't hate Leia. He only hated Caedus, and the fact that such a woman, as strong as Leia was, hadn't been able to stop him completely because of her love for him. That kind of love was weakness.


"This meeting is adjourned." The Masters then departed slowly--all but one.


"Padawan Vek? Why are you still here? Why haven't you returned to class?"


"I'm not the one who needs a lesson," she said coldly. "I still challenge you."

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"Out of twelve Masters of the Jedi Order by a vote of seven to five, your own rank as Master will henceforth be revoked. We are sorry that this sentence must be passed, but you have been derelict in your duty as well as your brother...our Grand Master. If you had been the Jedi that you had been in the past, you would have curtailed Jacen Solo's activities for the GAG before he had a chance to become Caedus. However..."


The Echani's eyes slowly began to open as he turned toward Pandol Bruis, his eyes the only sign of his rising anger.


"Excuse me? Is this what the Jedi Order has come to? We are throwing this woman out of the order because she made a mistake?


He slowly stood up and walked toward the master who had spoken.


"I will not lie. I hated Caedus. The crimes he has commited will be remembered by many if not all, If Caedus were still alive I would agree with this type of punishment but he is not. Master Solo tried to stop Caedus. She failed. It is unfortunate that she failed but that is no excuse to revoke her masterhood."


He brought his hand down on the table, sending a large crack down the middle of it.


"You are nothing but an arrogent fool "Master" Bruis. And were it up to me you would be the one who's masterhood would be revoked."


Even as all the Masters began to leave, he heard a voice behind him.


"I'm not the one who needs a lesson, I still challenge you."


The Battle-Master nodded his approval at her words. Bruis was nothing but an arrogent fool, and even though the Padawan was no match it would still show that he was not invincible if she managed to hit him a few times.

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Jagar Kord watched the scene from the door, as the Jedi named Vek issued another challenge to Master Bruis. This one was a fiery spirit, the kind that seemed all too prevalent in the Order.


A duel would be unnecessary. However, Jagar was not one to act and stop things before they've had a chance to play out a little. Perhaps the duel would be good for the stoic Master Bruis and the rebellious Padawan Vek. Jagar walked along the wall of the room, and kept his lightsaber at hand if needed. The duel could very well get heated beyond safety.

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Sam'kil watched Olo's blue cheeks become slightly purple from blushing.

"Sam'kil, stop, it's embarressing!" Olo protested half-heartedly. Someone came running in. "Bruis is challenging someone to a duel!!" He said, his emotions flowing out of control. Mostly, it was excitement.

"Olo, my dear, care to join me? I need to see this!" Sam'kil said, holding out his arm.

"Sure, my shifts over" Olo said, barely holding back her own excitement.

After a ride up the elevator, they entered the main hall of the council room.

Leia walked by, her head held low.

"Go on babe, I'll catch up!" Sam'kil said as he went to Leia.

"Hey, Master Leia, what's wrong?" He inquired.

"I'm no longer a master, according to Bruis..." She responded.

Sam'kil tried, and failed, to hold his anger in check.

"The miserable Schutta! When I get my hands on- Wait, that's why soemone challenged him? Perfect! I'm in!" He said, running towards the middle to watch the fight unfold. He couldn't wait to see if Bruis gets slaughtered, metaphorically ofcourse, or if he did the slaughtering.

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Arren rolled her eyes as she watched the spectacle unfold. Idiot She thought about Chetyra, when a man wearing a long brown coat, and a wide brimmed hat approached her. "Your friend's pretty reckless." He told her. "She's not my friend. She's just an idiot Padawan." Arren replied. "More to the point, there's no way she'll win that duel, but if she lives, tell her I can get her out of here. Name's Rolan Shain. My ship's in Docking Bay 94." He explained, and with that, he just walked away.

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Ghel Thek slowly rose from the rear of the room, one of the very last to leave. He had silently voted for Leia Organa Solo, his Mother-in-Law, to continue her Mastership.


"I'm not the one who needs a lesson, I still challenge you."


He walked over to behind his padawan and put a hand on her shoulder.


"Padawan, this is not the time nor the place. Come with me. We have some things to discuss."

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Chetyra trembled. What was she doing? Here she was, challenging a Master that had at least double her skill in combat, sparring or not. True, she was strong in the Force, but not that strong. Somehow, the words idiot Padawan--had she heard them, or just imagined them?--stung her mind. She knew she was not the best at anything she'd ever studied within the Order. She was just--mediocre--and she knew it. However, what she lacked in power and skill, she made up for in...idiocy? Bullheadedness? Sheer force of will, which always had been misdirected? Whatever it was that had possessed her to challenge Bruis, it was more than the anger she felt at Master Organa Solo's demotion. More than anything, it was anger at herself.


This was not the first time others had doubted her intelligence, and Chetyra suspected it would not be the last. Why had she even joined the Order? It was because she wanted to do good and help others, but she certainly wasn't helping anything now. She deactivated her silver blades, knelt, down and crossed her lightsabers in the middle of the floor. Her greatest move.


"I surrender," she said slowly and humbly. "I didn't really want to duel you."


Master Bruis gazed down at her, his eyes cold. "Those are the two smartest words you've said this week, Padawan Vek," he stated. "Keep them in mind."


She stood up, fighting back rage and tears, and turned to her Master.


"Indeed. That was not my proudest moment. I haven't had a lot lately."

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"Those are the two smartest words you've said this week, Padawan Vek Keep them in mind."


That is it. Master Bruis needs to have some sense beaten back into him.


The Echani battle master's eyes flashed at Master Bruis's words. "Master Bruis. I would like to have a word with you in private. At once."

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Arren approached Chetyra. "Listen, I'm sorry about the 'Idiot Padawan' comment. I agree with your views on this whole situation, just not your methods of dealing with it." She explained. "There's something else. A smuggler by the name of Rolan Shain wants to speak with you. He's waiting at Docking Bay 94." Truth be told, if this smuggler was planning to take Chetyra with him, she wanted to go as well, and hopefully find some dirt of Daala, or anything to exonerate Master Skywalker.

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"Of course." Master Bruis turned to his colleague, and they departed. Once they were in a section of the Temple deemed "neutral ground" for heated discussions and meetings that could turn ugly, one way or the other, Bruis gestured fluidly toward his surroundings. "The Atrium. A place of peace, of quiet reflection. Let us sit here and talk this over, as rational beings should, without resorting to sparring or duels." He sat down in a chair near one of the Thousand Fountains, admiring the good work the gardening droids had done. "If this is about Master Organa Solo's demotion, I do not regret my decision. She needed to step aside, and step down, for the good of the Order. Anti-Jedi sentiment is raging, and Jedi like Leia would only abet it."


In the Council chambers, Chetyra Vek smiled at Arren. "Apology accepted," she said quickly, extending her hand for a shake. "Although, you were right. I was being an idiot, going against Master Bruis and challenging him to a duel. That's not the Jedi way. That's more the Sith way--Caedus' way." She had almost said Jacen's way, but she'd caught herself just in time.


"Master?" she asked, turning to Gel Thek. "Docking Bay 94, or your office?"

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"If this is about Master Organa Solo's demotion, I do not regret my decision. She needed to step aside, and step down, for the good of the Order. Anti-Jedi sentiment is raging, and Jedi like Leia would only abet it."


"Although I feel your decision about that matter was wrong that is not what I have asked you here for."


His eyes narrowed.


"The Padawan. I feel that you are being far too strict with her."

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Sam'kil was PO'd. He'd wanted to see soemone at least get a hit in on Bruis. But, nooooo, Chetyra had to back down. Sam'kil never doubted Chetyra, she was a padawan, and as such needed time to learn, but, come on! One of the best lessons anyone will ever learn is to stand by what they believe in and to not ever back down.

Then again, with the Jedi's luck lately, some reporter would be hear to see it all.

Sam'kil had almost jumped in, about to ignite his own saber and see if Bruis would stand against him. But Olo pulled him back, knowing what he was thinking.

"You'd only get yourself hurt." She'd said to him. But he wasn't listening. For once, he was completely ignoring Olo. He was thinking of a way to prove Bruis wrong, to show the Council that they weren't the law, that they were as dumb as a Tach at sometimes, not looking out for the people of the republic, but for their own images. Where's master Skywalker when you need him.

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The lower levels of Coruscant were darker then usual, the Dark Side still emanating greatly from the ruins left by the Yuuzhan Vong war...but it had spread.


Vek Das'tak, Mandalorian Knight, felt this. He had hoped with the defeat of the New Republic's Darth Caedus would have brought peace to the unrest in the Lower levels...but it seems that things had gotten worse.


Vek walked quietly through a dark alley, lit only by a small light at the far end. The floors were covered with an organic flesh-like substance, another item left behind when the Yuuzhan Vong were pushed off of Coruscant...the Mandalorian force senses told him of the pain that still echoes from that time, and how it has gotten worse.


"If only if the arruuetiise listened to the wisdom provided by their Jetti comrades..."


Vek didn't like the Jedi one bit, but they had offered solutions that could've prevented the war and destruction that had plagued the Republic these past years. They had earned a small amount of respect in Vek's eyes because of that.


If only the Jedi would pay more attention to what was happeing right under their very noses...instead of getting involved in the politics of the galaxy...


Mandalorians were warriors, and they always were direct in how they did things, no political walls could stop them, and that is why the Mandalorian Knights were so effective, but also why there were so few left.


Vek shook his head, he needed to help the less fortunate people of the Lower City...and for the galaxy for that matter, and spread the good word of Mandalorian acceptance. Boba Fett, had he known what was happening with his most loyal force of Knights, would be pleased. But not even Mandalore knew that the Knights even existed.


But that was besides the point, Vek would need help in order to deal out justice...and right now, the Jedi seemed the right option. They could help him to help others, if they listened, and through that, he could finally atone for his crimes.


"It's time I visited their temple..."


He sprinted forward, leaping off the edge of the alley and into the space lanes, landing ontop of a speeder that happened to be going upward, hopefully in the Temple's direction.


He beganed on the window just to be sure.


"I'm sorry...but it seems I'm going to need your help..."


The Barada inside didn't seem to have the same opinion, taking out a blaster and shoving it out the window, preparing to take a shot.


Vek moved fast, grabbing the creature's arm and pulling him out, then dropping him onto a nearby alcove. The Mandalorian could've killed the Barada, but instead chose for a much more peaceful option, he had no idea whether or not the alien was truly an enemy.


Vek jumped inside and immediately began piloting towards the temple, reaching the Upper City in minutes...and not too far from the Jedi as well.


The Upper City was considerably brighter, and more positive then the world below, and it made perfect sense to Vek. He knew that this 'caste' system so to say simply put the rich and fortunate in a brighter place like this.


He began his landing descent, right onto the Temple's steps.

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Master Bruis narrowed his charcoal-gray eyes. "If I am strict with Padawan Vek, it is because I need to be strict with her," he said deliberately. Measuring his words as if they were ingredients in a gourmet recipe, he continued, "She is strong in the Force--very strong--but so was the former Darth Caedus. In her I see impatience, rashness, intractibility. These are the very same traits that led Jacen Solo to fall to the Dark Side. He was eager to increase his knowledge of all Force techniques, but at what cost? Instead of tempering his newfound abilities with compassion and empathy as well as strength, he let his lust for power overtake him. He was even willing to let Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith, become his mentor despite his upbringing.


"As long as I stand watch as a Jedi Master, another Darth Caedus will not emerge. Chetyra Vek shows the signs, and I want to extinguish them before signs become symptoms, and symptoms lead to suffering. That is why I did not spare her when she sought to challenge me. It was a foolish act."


A Jedi Padawan courier suddenly burst into the office, panting heavily.


"There seems to be a...a Mandalorian, Masters...upon our front steps."


Bruis scowled. "Hold your tongue! We'll deal with this." He signaled for his colleague, the Echani battle master, to come and rise to this new occasion.




Leia Organa Solo, who had been a Jedi Master merely two hours before, sank her head into her hands and cried. Of course it was only natural for the Order to want to sanction someone after what had happened to the galaxy. Of course it was only logical that they would choose Caedus' own mother to blame. Of course it was only a matter of time before she'd be reinstated...


Wouldn't it?


What would she do now? She couldn't contact Luke and Ben, even through the Force. Galactic Alliance Chief Natasi Daala legally forbade it, on pain of imprisonment or exile to hard labor. For what seemed the millionth time in her life, one of the most powerful Jedi Masters of the Order felt absolutely powerless. She could not change the Council's decision any more than she could change the actions of the son she'd lost. All that Leia could do was try to adjust to civilian life as quickly as possible. Perhaps she could become a diplomat, in no way affiliated with the Jedi, and do some good in that role.


She shut her eyes. Politics was a dirty business, and she wanted none of it.


Leia had dismissed her servant, Loru Tsana, for the rest of the evening. It was true that more and more people, especially on Coruscant, wished for the Jedi to disband and never return to meddling in the galaxy's affairs again. After all, out of ten Jedi, it was rumored that at least two eventually became Sith. The lure of the Dark Side was just too powerful for some to resist.


Or, were those who yielded to its power too weak? No one knew for sure.


The only thing she knew for sure was that she must find her brother and nephew...before it was too late, and the Sith had time to regroup.




Loru Tsana loved to meditate. As Master Organa Solo's bodyguard, she knew that being aware of one's surroundings, being mindful, was just as important as knowing the latest techniques to terminate what she called hostile targets. Unfortunately, she could not have made one move or said one word to stop the most hostile targets of all from revoking the Mastership of her dearest friend. By a vote of seven to five, Leia had been cast down.


Division. Disunity. Discord. These were tactics of the Sith, not the Jedi. If the five who had stood with her mistress had managed to convince the other seven well enough of the necessity of keeping Leia on as a Master, this heaviness would not weigh upon her heart. They had forsaken her, just when they needed her the most! How dare they presume that a mother was at fault for the actions of a child who had no longer wanted to call himself her son? It was this arrogance, and this lack of unity, that drove Loru to tears.


Tsana. She heard a hissing voice inside her mind. Loru Tsana.


"Who is it?" she snapped out loud. She was not frightened. She was angry.


I wanted to unify the galaxy as well, to make it mine and make it bend to my will. I was wrong--I was a Sith--but I know that you can make it right.


"Who are you?" The lovely bodyguard's voice dripped with caustic hatred.


I am the one you loathe, the one that you despise above all others. Listen to me, and I shall show you how to avoid what I've become. You do not have to become Sith to expose the flaws of all the Jedi. I shall make you see...


Loru stood. "No. I won't have it. You're not supposed to have returned to the Force! Those who fall to the Dark Side always die, and die permanently!"


You're not listening. I have returned so that you will know the truth.


"What is the truth?" Loru Tsana spat upon the ground, not caring for manners.


There is one who can travel back in time...see the mistakes I've made. She can sense the present and the past, and distant glimpses of the future. If you have her on your side, she can help you unify the galaxy, Tsana.


"And if I refuse?" She stared icily. "I am a servant of the Light, you know."


When the time comes...it shall be too late to refuse. Better to consent.


"If I do not?"


Then the galaxy shall be divided as always--and you yourself with it.

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Jagar had intended to follow Dray and Bruis to hear their discussion in attempt to better understand their perspectives, but stopped to see a speeder descending upon the steps of the temple. An armored man was piloting it.


A soldier? Mercenary? Strange.


After examining the man closely for a moment, he heard a voice from a nearby room.


"There seems to be a...a Mandalorian, Masters...upon our front steps."


The two masters he had been following had been summoned to greet the Mandalorian, but Jagar didn't want to keep him waiting. A Mandalorian coming to the Jedi Temple was not an everyday event.


Jagar walked through the hallway, and outside onto the magnificent staircase below. He approached the Mandalorian.


"I hear there's a Mandalorian arriving. It is not an uninteresting affair. My name is Jagar Kord." he said, holding out his hand. Jagar did not expect kindness from a Mandalorian, but hoped that he would at least be hospitable.

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Vek wasn't surprised when he saw two Jedi Masters come forward to greet him. Mandalorians were definately not your usual guest.


"Well, it seems the Jedi Council is still polite...to be expected. Which masters did they send to greet me?"


He could sense a slight feeling of annoyance coming from them, he had a good idea as to why.


Vek had devised a short plan, beginning with enlisting himself as an Ally of the Jedi, and from there he could operate from the inside, and perhaps make the system work for him. The Mandalorian had always been very good at that. The Jedi had always been the natural enemies of the Mando'a, at least since the War.


Now was the time to use a new tactic, something very subtle, the Jedi themselves would never know until it had already happened, when they had already assisted in a Mandalorian grab for power. Through this, Vek would help who he could.


Another Jedi came forward.


"I hear there's a Mandalorian arriving. It is not an uninteresting affair. My name is Jagar Kord."


Vek simply nodded.

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"Who are you, sir?" asked Master Bruis. "I am Master Pandolf Bruis, of the Jedi Council. As you probably know, Mandalorians are not common visitors to our humble Temple. What brings you here, and what can we do for you?"


He had chosen the word we very carefully. Not only did he not want to get too closely involved with this helmeted stranger on a personal level, but he also had the sudden feeling he might need allies--Jedi allies--in case the situation regarding their guest got out of hand. It did not take one mere man to subdue a Mandalorian. Mando'a, as they called themselves, were warriors, and it took a person of highly-uncommon strength to fight and defeat one.


A Jedi. Bruis knew that if their newest visitor posed trouble, he would fight the duel that Padawan Chetyra Vek had so recently (and wisely) declined.

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"I am Master Pandolf Bruis, of the Jedi Council. As you probably know, Mandalorians are not common visitors to our humble Temple. What brings you here, and what can we do for you?"


Dray nodded to the Mandalorian.


"I am Master Dray. Echani Battle Master and the man in charge of teaching the younglings the way of battle. What brings you to the temple?" He asked pointedly ignoring Bruis as he was still angry at him for being such an annoyance

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Jalok Betra stepped out of one his ships. It was an Imperial Star Destroyer from Darth Vader's fleet. He smelled the fresh air of Coruscant. He brought 20 guards with him as he walked to the Jedi Council Chambers. He attracted the attention of several people, but he didn't care.


His guards were arranged with 5 guards at his left and right side, 6 at the back and 4 at the front.


He walked inside the Jedi Temple.

"Take me to whoever's in charge. I have important information regarding the abduction of one of you Jedi."

The Compeer grinned. It was he who captured the Jedi, after all.

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"I am Master Pandolf Bruis, of the Jedi Council. As you probably know, Mandalorians are not common visitors to our humble Temple. What brings you here, and what can we do for you?"


"I am Master Dray. Echani Battle Master and the man in charge of teaching the younglings the way of battle. What brings you to the temple?"


"Hmm. Well, glad to be of acquaintance."


Vek could sense that Master Pandolf Bruis was being careful, no doubt trying to avoid trouble. The other master was trying the same way, though emanating an annoyance...though it didn't seem directed at Vek.


"I am Ve'ker'nac Das'tak. Mandalorian Knight. I have simply come here to offer my services."


His quick answer was an example of Vek's way of doing things. He loved being direct and effecient. This seemed the best way, so far.

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