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Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade

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From the readme:

  Readme said:

Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade


by Darth InSidious





Not really a mod, as it just replaces one default game texture with another.

What it DOES do, though, is make the Ebon Hawk and Nar Shaddaa seen out of the window on Goto's Yacht look a little less... blurry.

I've simply replaced the low-res textures Obsidian used for those with the higher-res ones in the files. It was annoying me. :)




Just drop the files NAR_EBOHWK.tga, NAR_EBOHWK.txi and NAR_pnt01.tga in this archive into your Override folder.




Take the files out again. :)


Legal Disclaimer


All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,

Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith.

I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed

as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.

Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must

ask me first.


Thanks to:


Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion;

Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is :) ;

KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ;

Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this ;) .



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Wow... all I can say. I expected it would be a tiny, hardly noticeable change, or at least a relatively minor one, but never that big an improvement. This makes it even more obvious how rushed this game is, that they made this texture and failed to put it ingame.

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