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September '09: Getting the crystals


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Another classic RPG plot hinge.

We all know K2 begins with a lightsabre quest, you have to find the parts and hey presto, you've got a lightsabre. But what about those crystals? They're all named things like Adegan and the Heart of blablabla, they're forged on a rocky world caught in the supernova of a blue giant or in the gullet of a Krayt Dragon after hundreds of years of pearl like formation. They're rare, they're hard to find and the fortuitous event in part defines the Jedi of old. It is an adventure in itself, a quest.


The technology is one thing, but I want to know how all these Jedi got their crystals. Is there a twilight zone market bazaar that opens up in the home town of every Jedi? Did the Jedi Council collect them over millenia of expedition? If so, who do they send on these expeditions? Where to?


The Sith, well according to the RPG sourcebooks cheated, they forged their crystals artificially (hence always the red blade). For them the quest came in the form of learning the arcane arts to guide the process. Where the Jedi happened upon their crystal by luck and fate, the Sith made their own luck and fate.


Tell me where the crystals come from, in particular the one your Jedi uses.

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