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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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Its gettin there! This is allot of work, and here I wanted to have it all in game by this past saturday :lol:


Couple more days...




Art can't be rushed :p

Plus there's no need to rush my friend.


I'm getting behind, I've no idea what happened... *sigh*

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ys, take your time and do it the way you feel needs to be done, it is just exciting after all this time of wondering about the planet and the possiblities to see such work happening. The development team was sad to lose what they had worked hard on for the original game...evidently even those original files were lost at one point when they ahd to change file formats..... so all that is left are the remnants in the game files you already know about...and your amazing creative efforts carrying on from there.

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I am in no way rushing. I have always been like this, when I start something I just want to get it done and done right. I hate procrastinating, and I feel with something like modding that is a hobby, the longer something takes to get done the more likely it will never get done.


I was like this with the middle city I worked on, the only difference is I did not have the skills then to make my ideas come true. I halted that project, worked on my polygon modeling skills, and then Q and I picked this project up together.


Anyway, I am most def taking my time, I am just working like a mad man on it :) Detaching each and every piece and texturing things takes the longest by far, and is also the most depressing part IMO. I like to get it done fast and move back on to the fun modeling part :)


More to come tomorrow


Oh and edit: Q kick it up! :lol:

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The entire area is textured, and believe it or not, I think I got the walkmesh in one try :lol:


Here is a teaser shot, working on getting it in game now:thmbup1:




EDIT: SUCCESS! :lol: first try Area is in game, with a working walkmesh :) I am not happy with a few texture issues, or choices on textures for things, so I will be tweeking. I will post screens later :)


EDIT 2: blast :lol: one small area the walkmesh is jacked up on...

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WOW this walkmesh was a PIA :lol:


Area is all in game and working fine. Still have some textures i am not happy about, but thats minor. I am not happy with some stretched textures, and im not satisfied with the jumbo-trons :lol: We are kicking around some cool ideas for the tv screens... Here are some screens:



















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WOW this walkmesh was a PIA :lol:


Area is all in game and working fine. Still have some textures i am not happy about, but thats minor. I am not happy with some stretched textures, and im not satisfied with the jumbo-trons :lol: We are kicking around some cool ideas for the tv screens... Here are some screens:

{Snipped Images}


Those areas need some random NPC's wandering around. Maybe a few props too. Great job, as always.

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Impressive. Most impressive!


That area, like the other ones you've done, is amazing! I really like the work you guys have done on the front of the arena, and the Hutt statue turned out pretty nice!

Its quite fun to see a project like this progress so well. Keep up the good work gents!

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If you can do animated textures of a reasonable size and quality, you could do something cool like some random arena wannabe getting eaten by a rancor.


Will the large television screens have some small animation in them?


Where aiming to do some nice textures for the screens.

Though the animation will be fairly simple.


Each frame needs to be on the texture, so doing a whole cycle requires a large texture to give each frame some quality.


Its a bit sad we can't use the animated UVW maps, that would give a more fluenty look and all.


But we're stuck with the TXI file to do the animation job.

Anyway, expect to see a bit of movement at least on the screens ;)

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