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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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And, yes, I wish for a bit more competition. I get the feeling Holowan has lost a bit of its "hardcore" modders... or I'm just inpatient with the new kids to show off their hidden talents... arghz, shouldn't be so cranky


Well, once I develop the patience needed for UVW Mapping.... then I'll have to re-learn how to use photoshop/GIMP for textures :xp:


Otherwise, that looks very, very, very nice! Makes me so very jealous, not only of the obvious free time (And the dedication to use it for this instead of slacking off :xp:) but of the skill.....


Nice work you two Dis. :xp:

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Hmm how so?


In 3dsm i just have a simple skylight to make renders nicer. In game we use the settings in the area files. In your opinion did my in game shots for the landing bay look better?


I have not gotten the complete merchant area in game yet :) I will be doing that tomorrow, WITH hopefully a working walkmesh:thmbup1:

After having another look at the in game shots, Yes the lighting looks more appropriate. I figured it was the renders. I also didn't realize some of the skybox is pretty dark when not facing the sun. Sleyheron must be a smoggy place.

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Looks really great guys, puts my areas to shame.


You did a faithfull job on what Bioware did SS!

Me and Dis took the easy road: inventing your own layout of maps is often easier then trying to piec together that once was made.


Besides, all your other 3D projects are marvellous! I hope you find the time again to mod. Nice of you to drop in :)

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You did a faithfull job on what Bioware did SS!

Me and Dis took the easy road: inventing your own layout of maps is often easier then trying to piec together that once was made.


Besides, all your other 3D projects are marvellous! I hope you find the time again to mod. Nice of you to drop in :)


Well if you would like to use any of my old models, I can try and dig up some of the files for you. This looks really great, and I'm kinda disappointed that I'm not a part of it.

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The merchant area looks good. Nice job on getting the poly count lower than the docks area - no mean feat when dealing with so many rounded shapes. What is the poly count incidentally? The textures look pretty good too, although the ground texture does kind of induce a bit of eye bleed with such a wide open empty area. I imagine having a few NPCs running around and various static models will help dampen the effect.


Also, lol @ drunk Quanon. You should post drunk more often.

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Well if you would like to use any of my old models, I can try and dig up some of the files for you. This looks really great, and I'm kinda disappointed that I'm not a part of it.


Always room for you, if you'd like :thmbup1:


Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I will post the poly count of the merchant area once I boot everything up today.


As a petite update :lol:, I have gotten the entire merchant area in game, and you can walkie around in it. However, as expected, textures got skewed, so I will have to go back in and fix that before posting screens.


And SS, I agree with Q, you did a fantastic job restoring bioware's vision. It is allot harder to try and recreate something faithfully vs. Just having 100% creative control. As for the files, I would really be interested in that re-skinned swoop track you had done. Was it a working swoop race with Sley skins? I think Q and I would like to have a swoop race on this planet for people :)


Petite update 2:


I am going back over every piece and fixing the texture issues. Mostly related to the walls since i did it the lazy way :lol: Now i have to do twice the work, you would think I would learn.


Should have the area completely done and in game tomorrow, with screens!

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Alrighty, as Q would say "petite update":


The textures have all been fixed, no more blurry funky textures in weird places :lol:


Also, a door has been added to the landing bay leading to the merchant area, and it works. A door has been added to the merchant area leading back to the landing area, and it works (kinda). So thats good.


Also, while waiting on Q to make some filler 3d for the market area, I decided to make a hutt statue for the landing bay. So the first thing you see when coming down the ramp from the ebon hawk is a hutt staring you in the face letting you know he owns dis place. And since all hutts look alike, it does not matter what hutt posed for this :lol:


Oh and finally, although not important, PC shadows are now showing up. Enjoy



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