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Name this forum!


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"Class discussion" is boring, so we want ideas from you for what to name this forum! We're looking for names related to the game, but not necessarily related to a specific planet. Be creative! Post your ideas below, and the staff will choose their favorite.

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Symposium for Archetypal Character Debate and Discussion (SACDD, for short)


Jedi Proving Grounds/Sith Crucible



Might I also add that I feel that this would be more appropiate if the the approval of a title was chosen by a popular, open vote, seeing as it's a rather trivial and "fun" matter that allows for more user feedback. Given the possibility of a massive influx of suggestions, the staff can always sift through and narrow down the public vote to ten or so candidates, if advisable. :)

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-The [Galactic/Preferred Planet) Job Centre

-Your Class 101/Introduction to Your Class

-L2P Nub

-There's No Such Thing as a Classless Society


More to come later.


Might I also add that I feel that this would be more appropiate if the the approval of a title was chosen by a popular, open vote, seeing as it's a rather trivial and "fun" matter that allows for more user feedback. Given the possibility of a massive influx of suggestions, the staff can always sift through and narrow down the public vote to ten or so candidates, if advisable. :)

I agree, the Boobatorium would be an awesome name.

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