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Endar Spire X-Panded v2


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Greetings friends.


It has been over a year since my last visit and I am now returning to start a brand new mod known as "Endar Spire X-Panded Version 2".


As the continuation from where the mod left off - It expands the beginning of the game introducing a new characters and locales!


I am the sole member working on this mod , any help would be appreciated!


Thanks for viewing !


It's good to be back!

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not to be snippy or anything, but whats the point of expanding the Endar Spire? It was meant as a tutorial part, and theres nothing really needed to be added. I mean come on, You get to know the basics, the Sith Attack, Trask dies, you escape and boom, bye Endar Spire. It's not really necessary to add on to that, and what is there to add on to it? Personally, I think Bioware did the Endar Spire just fine

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Well, welcome back! It's always great to see people in the community, wether new or old.


I think I'm going to disagree with Johnathon and say that I think an addition to the Endar Spire would be a very good thing! If it was expanded, I would truly enjoy playing it, instead of breezing through it as a tutorial level. I've always thought that there could be more to mine from the idea of a ship under attack. It always seemed a little empty and lacking to me.


So welcome back and good luck! I look forward to seeing your work.

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not to be snippy or anything, but whats the point of expanding the Endar Spire? It was meant as a tutorial part, and theres nothing really needed to be added. I mean come on, You get to know the basics, the Sith Attack, Trask dies, you escape and boom, bye Endar Spire. It's not really necessary to add on to that, and what is there to add on to it? Personally, I think Bioware did the Endar Spire just fine


Firstly , Mods are recomended to be played after initial completion of the game. Even experienced playes want something new when replying games. Carth Onasi is recruited at the very beginning of the game , with this mod someone is also recruited - You'll just have to wait and see who!


@ MakoKing77 , thanks for the help!


Update : As for the progress , storylines for the mod are finished , initial ideas for custom skins are coming along soon.We don't need anymore members as of yet though. Exams are on this week , I'll try and post some more dialouge samples If I get the time!

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Bindo, I'm quite good at making websites. Do you (and anyone can chime in here) think we need a project website yet?


Hi , thanks for the interest!


Being a bit eager are we!


But to awnser to your question - we don't need a project website yet, But I would like one pretty soon when we get through a fair amount of the mod.


No status updates as of yet - please be patient everyone! , My mock exams are coming to a close, I'll be having a free weekend this week.



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New update!


We have started on the mod but Bindo245 is taking a leave of absense. This means I'm on my own for the moment :p. I could get this mod done on my own soon. But It would be great if some people could be kind enough to give us a hand. Thank you.


On to the update, modules have started, storyline planning is just about done. Skinning has started. This mod is really starting to get done.


Thank you everyone and see you guys in the next update!



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Update Time!


I am skinning some items that you'll be getting in the mod.



They're Golden Item's. A Robe, Saber and Visor



I'll post some screenies once I've finished making a module. Site is being made and I hope to give you a bit of information about the Recruitible Party Member that is going to replace Juhani....


Stay tuned folks!

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Oh...you are both going to be surprised once you find out who it is...


Apparently, anyone who was following this mod the first time it was being made will know who it is. Please don't tell anyone, it'll ruin my surprise.


@Slstoev, this is not a jedi you are recruiting...but HE is able to use a lightsaber and also this is not on the endar spire. So there's no point. But thank's for pointing it out anyway!

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Alrighty, time for an update!


I have made the website, as I am obeying the list that was given to me by bindo245. So here it is




Have a look at the screenshots page. You'll find a picture of the new golden items (You can also see the old version) that are coming as well as the preview for the Apprentice of Darth Bandon: Darth Venom.


As I have said, any questions, just ask. And also, if you want to help, you can post here, send me a private message, or sign up at the website.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm excited for this project; always thought the endar spire was cool and should've been more than a tutorial. I just have to say that I think the "old" versions of the gold items look better. The "new" versions just look too yellow to me and the old lightsaber also looks way better. Anyway, I'll add this to the list of mods I'll be following with great interest.

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#Dak Drexl: The old versions of the gold items were lost when the mod ended a while back. This new restarted version of the mod is being made by me, a very new modder, with limited skills. I'll try to update them and make them better, and thank you for your input. But I don't know If I'm good enough to make these really good.


Update: Modules are in progress, skinning of the new party member is being done. I'll have some delicous screenies for you guys soon. Thats all folks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dak: Thanks I'll keep trying. I'm going to be releasing some little screenies on the new party member very soon.


On a related note: Who is the sexiest male character in the game? I need to reskin him so he looks like someone else. Now, on to the mod.


Lots of work has been done in the doing nothing department. No progress. I've been in a lazy state and I'm going to start work again now. Alright, any ideas or voulenteering would be really appreciated. And if anyone knows how to make a decent lightsaber hilt, check out my request in the modding requests section. I haven't looked yet, but It was a while ago, so It might be buried, so I might need searching for. You can just seach my username and It should come up with my posts.


I have updated the website. On the 28th Feburary 2010, I'll be releasing the new party member. O_o


Stay tuned for (actual) updates!



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