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From what Homeland Stupidity informed me, a name change would not work. It could just be that they put all forms of a name into the data base. So if your name was Robert Smith, you could not change it to Rob Smith, Bobby Smith, Roberto Smith, or Bob Smith to invade the list. If one form of someone’s name is on the list then every form of that name is on the list. Kind of understandable why the list grew so big, so fast and is now more a hindrance to security and not the tool it was advertised to be.


Strange, the guy I read about just added like a middle-name or something and bam, nobody looked at him.

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That is what I wanted to do. I was just going to change my middle name to an initial or shorten my first name. There was no way I was going to change my sir name (out of respect for my dad). I’ve just decided not to fly as often as I use to, sorry airlines. Now I only fly for really important trips (Texas Longhorn Football). :)

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The test: It ar broak'n.


Issue: Free Speech


Let it all hang out. I believe duking it out should be a part of it where that guy in apartment 408A refuses to just STFU b/c the world doesn't revolve around him and it isn't everyone else's fault his dogs bark at every little thing while he is hung over.


Issue: Guns

If you know me this one reqires no explanation. If ya don't know, take a look at my username and then take a wild guess what I think about guns.


Issue: Homosexuals

no comment


Issue: USA's role in the world

they didn't have an apathy option. :mad:

no comment


Int'l. trade


I personally was negatively affected by nafta as were friends and family. So if I sound a little pissed off when I talk about it, umm, yeah. And I have a nonpartisan source to back me, not just Glenn Beck though I'm sure he'd love to get his hands on this.




So I'm _not_ just a bitter guy who got hit by the ugly end of the ugly beating stick. Door's open for a private chat if you don't like what I've said.


Issue: National ID


No... Just, no. Not that I think it would do an effective job at protecting and securing people as our Gov't. claims it would. It is a power grab. This is merely hiring more bureaucracy and admin, while achieving more consolidation of power under one department, and expediting the process if the government wants to know every little thing about you at a whim.




We need it b/c there are too many little agencies and one doesn't know what the other one is doing? I think it's just fine AS-IS. They can already contact each other quickly in this age. We need our checks and balances.


As if privacy isn't ALREADY on a collision course with copyrights. Ask Black Knight of Keno what his signature is talking about.


Health Care:

It needs reform, yes. To what degree and where is the question. I can't be too sure.


I know a "loser pays" rule applying specifically to cases found to be frivolous would end that crap REAL quick. Just a suggestion, I mean that if lawsuits are what is primarily behind the costs being so high.


Issue: Corporate welfare


I'm just going to yell HAAX! and throw a computer monitor at nafta again when it comes to the farms. It eventually stems from that.


EDIT: Perhaps I'm not clear here. I'm all for American farming jobs because it is strategically wise in case we have a large scale natural disaster that ends up isolating us from the rest of the world or just wreaking havoc in general and we need food NOW as opposed to waiting for it to ship to us from elsewhere in the world. HOWEVER I know USA farming is largely related to why Mexico has lost *their* farming economy hence our problem with so many illegal aliens from Mexico. In general also, I despise bailouts.


Bringing me to my next point: Bailouts...I don't like them. Yet I hear it would be worse if we didn't have them. Until I have solid proof that the institutions won't botch it all again, I'll remain skeptical. Regulations to prevent this self destruction were removed systematically and subtly over time--WHY?!


It's just all a lot of BS to me. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. :dozey:

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With the star leaning to the right, nearing the conservative border but still in the libertarian zone. While I suppose this fits me, the quiz lacked *so* much consideration and nuance I had to force myself into whatever of their answers came closest to what I think and believe, and even then it was with grinding chafe.

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I read through the first question. I read through the second question. I decided the test questions and answers are constructed so poorly that a freshman psych major would be kicked out of class for making something that bad. I couldn't go on trying to answer seriously.


Question 1: Free speech and eminent domain are two entirely different questions, yet they're somehow lumped together here.


Question 2: "ensure that mentally unstable people can't get guns and go on shooting rampages". Sure--no bias in the wording there whatsoever. Nope. None. And that's just that 1 choice. The rest are just as bad.


Question 3: "Homosexuality is an abomination..." I think I wanted to throw up when I read that choice.


Question 4: We get the lovely choices of being the world's bullies, working towards a one-world government where our domestic policy of big government is somehow extrapolated to world government, or isolationists who've stuck our noses where they don't belong. The military is worked in there in varying degrees of lack of success.


Question 5: Choice a. We'll lose our privacy! Choice b. We'll lose our privacy! Choice c. We'll lose our privacy! Choice d. Only the guilty care about losing their privacy!


Question 6: Do you like your government big, bigger, extra-large, or 'super-size-me!'?


Question 7: Choice a: We want free trade that's fair while we do our best Robin Hood 'rob the evil rich people who are suppressing the poor' impersonation. No contradictions there at all.


Question 8: We either play Robin Hood again (complete with prancing in green tights), or we get out from under a pyramid scheme. Nice choices there.


Question 9: Conspicuously absent from these choices--corporate greed and fraud have caused insane increases in our health care.


Question 10: Choice 3 takes the cake here. "We should balance the budget, but we should expand the national debt as needed." Um, explain to me how you expand the national debt by balancing the budget, please?

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@Quiz: I lol'd.


My 5 year old niece could write a better quiz.


Qouted for excellence:

I read through the first question. I read through the second question. I decided the test questions and answers are constructed so poorly that a freshman psych major would be kicked out of class for making something that bad. I couldn't go on trying to answer seriously.


Question 1: Free speech and eminent domain are two entirely different questions, yet they're somehow lumped together here.


Question 2: "ensure that mentally unstable people can't get guns and go on shooting rampages". Sure--no bias in the wording there whatsoever. Nope. None. And that's just that 1 choice. The rest are just as bad.


Question 3: "Homosexuality is an abomination..." I think I wanted to throw up when I read that choice.


Question 4: We get the lovely choices of being the world's bullies, working towards a one-world government where our domestic policy of big government is somehow extrapolated to world government, or isolationists who've stuck our noses where they don't belong. The military is worked in there in varying degrees of lack of success.


Question 5: Choice a. We'll lose our privacy! Choice b. We'll lose our privacy! Choice c. We'll lose our privacy! Choice d. Only the guilty care about losing their privacy!


Question 6: Do you like your government big, bigger, extra-large, or 'super-size-me!'?


Question 7: Choice a: We want free trade that's fair while we do our best Robin Hood 'rob the evil rich people who are suppressing the poor' impersonation. No contradictions there at all.


Question 8: We either play Robin Hood again (complete with prancing in green tights), or we get out from under a pyramid scheme. Nice choices there.


Question 9: Conspicuously absent from these choices--corporate greed and fraud have caused insane increases in our health care.


Question 10: Choice 3 takes the cake here. "We should balance the budget, but we should expand the national debt as needed." Um, explain to me how you expand the national debt by balancing the budget, please?

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