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Monkey Island: Behind the Scenes


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His head shouldn't bob like that. He looks like a puppet. Also, that track sound a little....fast-paced for an office setting doesn't it? Also not much variety beyond some crazy sax improv. I'm sorry if I sound harsh or critical but I'd just like to see this turn out the best it can be. And there's definitely room for improvement. The way I see it, everything should be refined until it's good enough to go in a final product. Rarely anything is perfect on the first go during game development. Just because it's well-done doesn't mean it's right for a given scenario.

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  MusiclyInspired said:
Just because it's well-done doesn't mean it's right for a given scenario.


Yeah, that's a really easy trap to fall into. It's difficult to tell the difference between "wow, this really looks like something you'd see in a finished game" and "wow, this really looks like something that would fit in my finished game" (or whatever the situation may be)

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Very nice MIDIS... reminds me of the music in Theme Hopstial; and I love that Ron Gilbert walk! When I used to make adventure games I could never get the walk right -- in the end I just had characters skid from one location to the other.

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This is a beautiful project! The brilliance amazes both me and makes me glad I joined this site about twenty minutes ago. Heheh.


Anywho, I just wanted to insert my opinion here about voices. I know it was discredited earlier, but I've personally always found games with voice acting to be much more enjoyable. Perhaps it could be optional to turn it off for people who don't share my love of talkies, but I doubt I stand alone in this either.


Besides, wouldn't it be fun to make Ron sound a bit like Guybrush, or the rival team sound a bit like LeChuck?

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  MrHarper said:
Lol at skidding, what games did you release (if any)?


The skidding was mostly from my Monkey Island inspired adventure game, The Tales of Grog Island. I made about 10% or so of the game before it got accidentally deleted. The way I was making it (in The Games Factory) would have made it impossible to ever complete, though; it was in many ways too ambitious. I found that creating a storyline, puzzles and characters was the easy part -- actually making the damn thing was what was so difficult.


I did complete some games though: "Ian 3," a game in which you fought against someone that a group of my friends saw as the school bully (it was our way of getting back at him: we couldn't win against him in school, but we could make games about him behind his back!); Also LucasArts Killer (which borrowed some of the concepts from Ian 3) and a game based on The Rounders, a comic strip series I created when I was 13 (and which briefly came back in Behind Mojo) and also Ron Gilbert's Christmas Challenge, inwhich you had to deliver presents (as Ron Gilbert, for some reason) before Christmas morning.


But that's all off-topic!


Welcome to the forums, Rosefull and hamza721! I like the sprite you made very much, hamza721 -- the hair is just right for Grossman -- though the glasses are in the wrong resolution (everything needs to be done using the same bricky pixels).

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Welcome to the forums hamza!

The sprites look very good, but the glasses are still the wrong resolution. If you take a look at your picture, you'll see that the ears are for example both one pixel large. All the pixels should be the same size, so the rims of the glasses are too small.


And btw, I think the square glasses look best. Just what I would imagine with a game developer!

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I've thought about what we could do for the insult stuff, the opponents could be rival writers vying to write SMI, and the insults could be jokes, or famous game trivia questions which he has to answer (I.e. who was the main character in Loom, Answer: Bobbin Threadbare), stuff like that. And the swordmaster could be schafer or grossman or people like that, or another member of the team thats been at lucasarts for a while, and until ron comes along is seen as the best writer. They could be fighting by writing stuff down each on a peice of paper

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  Edward van Helgen said:
Here it is!

I think it should fit quite well if there's people running all around the office to get a quite hectic atmosphere.

Awesome! was it done on an MT-32? :thmbup1: Even so we should do an mt-32 HQ version like the original scumm games had, just to satisfy the guys who have paid good money for one. :)

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