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Boba Fett


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Loads better! But what happened to the insignia and the rectangle thingy on his chest plate?


I just hadn't put them back on yet.


This helmet looks like an carton.


What exactly do you mean by that?


I'm personally glad you decided to not include the cape as making the thing animate would probably bring flashbacks to your Revan Flowing Cape project.


The cape is still an option that I'm considering. However, it wouldn't be animated in the same manner as the Revan model, and it would only be to about waist height.




This is where I'm at now. I still need to do some work on the boots and the gloves.

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Nice job SS! This is looking better with every update.


I mean this http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/eskay/eskay1209/eskay120900139/15068590-man-with-a-carton-box-on-head.jpg


I've made this helmet in 15 minutes, and it looks more realistic than this Cartoonish Crap...Learn modeling and come back when you ready to model.


L2M than Ripping


Wow... that's harsh. Constructive criticism is what's usually given on this board, not blatant insults.

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I mean this http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/eskay/eskay1209/eskay120900139/15068590-man-with-a-carton-box-on-head.jpg


I've made this helmet in 15 minutes, and it looks more realistic than this Cartoonish Crap...Learn modeling and come back when you ready to model.


L2M than Ripping




I apologize for my apparently substandard work. I am very, very sorry that it brings you such grief and pain to get on this forum and look at my work. I am also so very, very apologetic for the fact that you only get to do this for free, and that I am also sorry that there is no less compensation on my part for what I do. Thank you so much for taking time out of your obviously busy day, since you evidently only have 15 minutes to model, to correct the horrible flaws in my model. I am sorry that my "cartoonish crap" gets in the way of your true-to-life, authentic scale models that you obviously spend so much time on. I assume that you must have a brilliant KotOR modding career, but that everything that you have made has just been too awesome to release. All of us people who don't know how to model just wouldn't have been able to handle it. I can see that your perception is very good, because the helmet on my Boba Fett does look just like you pointed out:




Your understanding of geometry is obviously far superior to mine, because I didn't even realize that curves were so box-like. I also didn't realize that different shades of red and grey looked so brown. Maybe that is just a color-blindness issue on my part. Since your helmet is so awesome, I would love to be able to include it in this mod. But, since all of your stuff is so great, and you are most definitely an expert modeler, I just can't bring myself to ask because of my obviously lousy and pathetic modeling skills. No, a helmet like that deserves to sit on better shoulders than the ones that I have edited. Your helmet is true genius. Even in it's untextured state, it looks better than mine already. I'm sure that if you uploaded it right now, everybody would rush to use it over my currently released one. And, I can't blame them, seeing as it obviously has extra polygons that I no doubt missed somehow due to my extreme deficiency in looking at details. I wish that you could tutor me on even the basics of modeling, since I have evidently missed out on them entirely. But you are too great, and alas, I am far too lowly. I suppose that I could go to school to learn how to 3d model, but since I am already a senior studying Aeronautical Science, I really don't think that it would work out. It sounds like I am forever doomed to an insignificant KotOR modding career. I will never made any modding advances or new techniques. I will never be able to make any tutorials. And I will never make any worthwhile mods. Oh, if only you could understand my sorrow, but it is not to be, since obviously we have a small bit of communication error due to slight differences in dialect. I wish that I could understand what "Listening to Music than Ripping" meant. Or maybe you mean "Laughing to Myself, then Ripping". I can only fathom that I should listen to music as opposed to ripping my clothes or other cloth items. Or maybe it means that I should laugh inwardly, and then rip my clothes or other cloth items.


Please let me know if my stuff bothers you to the point that I need to take it down. I would hate for it to hurt your cultured eyes.





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I've made this helmet in 15 minutes, and it looks more realistic than this Cartoonish Crap...Learn modeling and come back when you ready to model.


L2M than Ripping


Do you work for ILM or something? Just kidding, your example stinks; it's all floppy and it looks like a big blob. It'd be best to google "edge loops".

That's not even touching upon what the topology probably looks like...




SithSpecter your textures are looking much better! Keep up the good work man.

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I guess someone will soon be in possession of a shiny new ban.


The model is looking good SS. It was only the textures that needed a bit of a going over. The chest/knee/shoulder plates still look a little underdone to me, and the undershirt should be more grey than white (even in ESB where it appears paler than ROTJ, it's not pure white, at least not that I have seen).

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looking at your model, i have a deep urge to skin it (means its really good XD), you da man SS ! some people, *cRougPhK*, just don't understand the way our community works, we offer constructive, not destructive, criticism. we want progress not congr... you get the point XD it seriously looks really good. the textures are looking good. but, maybe some more grunge?

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Reference image do you know what is it? And is XXI age not medieval.

lol RPK's head model looks like shyte.


Proportions are wrong brah.


Do you even model?



Kotor 2 version please?


I modelling only for JKA, and half of models from kotor are ripped from JKA or even BF2(even SS models, for example his Millenium :)).

Proportions? Proportions are good, this screen is from perspective not front image :). And yes, I do model :).


I guess someone will soon be in possession of a shiny new ban.


The model is looking good SS. It was only the textures that needed a bit of a going over. The chest/knee/shoulder plates still look a little underdone to me, and the undershirt should be more grey than white (even in ESB where it appears paler than ROTJ, it's not pure white, at least not that I have seen).


Oh because i have own opinion? And is doesn't matter he do better retexture, even he fail his UV on this model.


looking at your model, i have a deep urge to skin it (means its really good XD), you da man SS ! some people, *cRougPhK*, just don't understand the way our community works, we offer constructive, not destructive, criticism. we want progress not congr... you get the point XD it seriously looks really good. the textures are looking good. but, maybe some more grunge?


Without critism you can't do something. And i do understand because i too doing mods :).

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criticism is pivotal in anything.. hence the term constructive criticism.. it is vital t anyone and everyone who wishes to progress no matter their trade.. those who take on board and adapt through the criticism gained often become the most succesful at what they do, or there abouts.. and those who ignore the advice from others usually fade away as they do not adapt and become victims of their own inadequacies.


of course, this is down to the type of criticism, quite a lot of it tends to be ignorant ramblings of a fool and court jester. So it is often wise to decipher the gem from the rubbish.


Criticism plays a major role, more so than people initially fathom and realise, governments can be broken or made on criticism, an actor's or singer's career can be defined by it and mould by it. but that is a conversation for a different thread for a different time.


i love the model and what you are ding with it, i would suggest making it darker, not in the lighting sense, but the feel, texture and overall look :)

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Reference image do you know what is it? And is XXI age not medieval.


I modelling only for JKA, and half of models from kotor are ripped from JKA or even BF2(even SS models, for example his Millenium :)).

Proportions? Proportions are good, this screen is from perspective not front image :). And yes, I do model :).


Oh because i have own opinion? And is doesn't matter he do better retexture, even he fail his UV on this model.


Without critism you can't do something. And i do understand because i too doing mods :).


Constructive criticism is one thing. Blatant insults are another. It would have been fine if you had suggested trying some new modeling, texturing, or UV mapping techniques. Instead, you have only left your candid opinion and false accusations.


I will not argue that constructive criticism helps create better mods and modders. But you are certainly not doing that. I honestly do not care what you think about my work. But I do care that you think it's okay to just insult people's work. I don't want you ripping on any new modder's models, regardless of quality.


I've made this helmet in 15 minutes, and it looks more realistic than this Cartoonish Crap...Learn modeling and come back when you ready to model.


So, with that said:


Learn some manners and come back when you ready to be polite.

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I will never be able to make any tutorials. And I will never make any worthwhile mods. Oh, if only you could understand my sorrow, but it is not to be, since obviously we have a small bit of communication error due to slight differences in dialect. I wish that I could understand what "Listening to Music than Ripping" meant. Or maybe you mean "Laughing to Myself, then Ripping". I can only fathom that I should listen to music as opposed to ripping my clothes or other cloth items. Or maybe it means that I should laugh inwardly, and then rip my clothes or other cloth items.


Picture HK-47 saying this. You'll get a good laugh if you do his voice right. :)

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