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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Well if you do some test, could you post the results, if they're worth mentioning ofcourse :)


I'm starting to think we might have to start wright down the stuff we do in 3D and that work OK in the game.

It might give a much clearer picture, perhaps turn into a sort of copendium tralalal book thing... file :lol:


Collect our knowledge and put in a big Word Doc, so everyone can download it.

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Looking good, Q! :)


Just a few comments: Out at the front, the way you have the sphinxes now... looks odd and not terribly Egyptian. I'd be more inclined to make them line the path to the entrance:






Where 's' is a sphinx, and the || is the path. Also, in one the shots you have some very short pillars. I'd advise either lengthening them, or rescaling them. Now there's just the texturing.


The boundary wall should really be mud-brick; if this is a space-temple, though, it could just as easily be a giant death-laser shooting thingy, but accuracy would be nice. :p


I'll see if I can get together some links to the kind of text you'll want on te walls and pillars.

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Oh, the grass settings: Already shared these with DV, but other than that these are part of my module editing tut, and _not_ to be shared around:


Grass_Ambient - Not used on Dantooine or Kashyyyk, the worlds that use grass settings in KotOR. Used on both Dxun and Dantooine in TSL. The settings are the same for both modules. I surmise that the Grass_Ambient function affects the lighting of some of the grass in the middle-distance, as this appears to its effect.

Grass_Density - Primarily seems to affect how sparse the grass is - on Dantooine it is set to 4.0. Other settings can cause greater variance – lower settings will make the grass more sparse, and higher ones seem to have little effect. I'm not sure why. Kashyyyk is set to 5, however – but I don't think the grass looks much more densely packed.

Grass_Diffuse - Not used on Dantooine or Kashyyk, the worlds that use grass settings in KotOR. Used on both Dxun and Dantooine in TSL, but the settings are the same in both, and I have been unable to determine the use of it yet, if any .

Grass_Emissive – TSL-only? Used on Dxun and Dantooine.


Grass_Prob_LR - These four settings appear to alter how which direction

Grass_Prob_UL the grass faces. Setting all four the same will cause

Grass_Prob_UR the grass to all face the same way. Probably best to

leave as they are, but I would surmise that their

positioning is dependent on rotation, between values

of 0.0 and 1.0, sort of like Bearing fields, of which more


Grass_QuadSize – Sets the size of the grass. Higher settings make it taller and thicker, lower settings, smaller and thinner. Be aware, however, that setting it too high will stretch the grass texture until it is very pixellated.

Grass_TexName – Sets the name of the texture used for the grass. However, the texture will appear as it is - the game will not 'cut out' the necessary bits, as with lightsabre blades – look up the default grass textures referenced in the .are file in KotOR Tool for a better idea of what I mean.

( N.B. - I believe that the grass settings will only take effect in areas with walkmesh set as grass. As such, you can turn off the grass settings on Dantooine, for example, but will be unable to make grass grow, say, in a modified version of Marka Ragnos' tomb. Not without editing the area models, anyway. ;) )

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Well doesn't matter much now, my Laptops GPU is busted... 3D stuff is out of the question. Tried to fix it, but nothing helped the problems returned no matter what.

Since its an older machine I can't get it fixed easly anymore in a store.


Its now a fancy type writer with internet... :'(


So all big 3D projects are on hold, nothing of my files are lost, but I can't work on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, back in action ! I have saint as brother, as he paid my new Desktop PC -a loan I now have to pay back ofcourse :) -


Anyway its now a powerfull rig, just to show off :xp:


Duo Core 3.0 Ghz ( socket 775, so if I feel like it I can go Quad core later on :p )

2 Gigs of DDR3 ram

A ATI Radeon 4870 with 512 Mb ram

A Terra sized harddisk

And a 22" Samsung T220 as screen, no more endless zooming in !


Anyway I got everything back installed and here's a peek of a result :p

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More pics here: CLICK

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Well... thats kind of freezed.


GM is quite buzzy with his school, so I guess we'll pick it up eventually, somewhere in a long holiday.


*sigh* Tainas Replacer is giving me a headache, the stupid thing keeps crashing on the mdx saving part...


EDIT: Better news on the grass testing department ! Succes !

Thx DI for the helpfull tip ;)


A screeny of the result:

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Me? Never :D. I may get bogged down with work... but I get up again :). My mod is back full force now. And with the holidays coming up I think we will be seeing some interesting stuff. Hope you are all doing well. Quanon are you still on about 8 million projects? :D It's always nice to see what stuff you come up with.



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Ow, about the grass thing:


Make sure that the walkmesh is contained with an actual model part of your area and lights ofcourse.


I sometimes export out the walkmesh alone and compile it then, but somehow, because of that, it doesn't generate the grass.


So make sure walkmesh get exported out together with another part of the area and compile. With the right settings in the .are file you should have grassy fields :)


Million projects indeed:


- working on 2 areas for Exiles Yavin mod ( 2 are done already)

- My own Private Secret "crazy" project ( aka PSCP :lol:)

- Samourai stuff with J7

- Scrapyard Games with GM


Did I forget anything ? xD

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