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Other Passions in life


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Other than gaming? Hmm...lots actually.


(in order of importance)


1. My girl - without her, my life doesn't mean much of anything. She's everything to me.

2. My family - without them, I dunno how I'd survive.

3. My friends - They're there for me when I need them and they care.

4. Anime - Need I say more?

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Guest SlashAndBurn

My other passions...


My girlfriend, we've been together 6 months as of tomorow and its the best relationship I've ever been in.

My friends.

Good TV....Simpsons, Babylon 5, Star Trek

Wrestling, not actualy wrestling but watching WWF and old ECW tapes


Comics...my favorites right now are the ongoing Star Wars serries(dated right after Phantom Menace), Ultimate X-men, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Spawn

Heavy Metal...have about 400 cds and whenever I can I have it cranked!

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Um, besides gaming? uh....wait...i know there's something...um...no...uh....no, no wait!....no... ;) j/k


I play tennis all year round, and in the summer i play tennis tournaments, which take up a lot of time and energy.


I study, i wouldn't want to make a B after all.


Friends, i do things with them on the weekends


Church, i go to church and youth group twice a week and have other events as well.

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Well... mmmh let me think:


1. My girlfriend..... we are together over 3 years now so.. cant live witout her.

2. Formula 1. it is big sport in Europe. and a Dutch guy drives in it.

3. Movies. i have a whole set of different movies and i get new ones every month.

4. Biking. i go biking when i can and want.... i usualy dont have time tho.

5. go out with my friends from school.


and this other than doing the Star Wars things and gaming on my comp.

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My joys of life:


-My g/f. It will be one year Decembre 13th!!!! :)

-Hockey... i miss it allready (I had to quit, I didn't have time for that baby anymore :()

-graphic design/web design: for me its relaxing. I dont know why

-going out with bunch of friends. there is nothing more i like the laughing. Without laughter I personnaly think you cannot be happy.

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man i love it when these threads are put up!!!

well anyway, my passions are in order of importance (they dont include family and friends cuz they're really not hobbies)


1. STUDY!!!! when i didnt give a **** about school, life was GREAT!! but once you get ranked in the top three of your class, the competition is suffocating!!!!!


2. piano-been playing since age 4 and its just kinda stuck. i won a couple of competitions---nothing big.


3. tennis-i also play in tournaments in ny


4. counterstrike (it should really be my first priority---that is the most addictive thing i've ever exposed myself to


5. anything dbz or gundam. i also enjoy drawing anime, although i kinda suck


now i'd like to take the time to say that one of the best things in life are when it's midnight, the parents are sleeping and everything's quiet, and you go on your kickass comp (1.5 ghz p4) and play cs or gb until your parents wake up, then you go to sleep.


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