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I just saw Lord of the rings!


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Just got back from FOTR! As everyone was saying, it was amazing! I went to the local hoyts cinema instead of my usual choice (showcase, which is stadium seating) since the larger cinema was going to be crazy with all the new movies out (its always nuts on a Friday night!) Still, even though there were only 30+ people in the crowd, everyone was in awe. Though i just recently read the first book, i noticed some major differences, none of which took away from the essence of the novel.


The one thing that irked me was what OnlyOneCanoli referred to; if anyone can clear this up, please message me cause i dont remember that and i just finished the book a few weeks ago.


Excellent movie; can't wait to see it again!

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Dudes, I just got back from the theatre. I had booked tickets like a week ago and I managed to be the first one to get to my showing so I got prime seats. This is my experience.

The stupid trivia thing that rolls before the movie ends, there was much rejoicing.

The lights dim half way, and I was expecting previews, but no... We got @#%$ comericals. I mean COMERCIALS! Like the kind you see on TV. I think there was a pepsi one, a windstar one, and another. Finally the previews begin, nothing I want to see except AOTC. The lights dim some more.

"The Lord of the Rings"

I was so excited I almost wet myself, errr, maybe it wasn't excitement, maybe it was that I just drank a 32oz thing of soda :D

Background story

Then zoom Frodo, sitting at tree

"The Fellowship of the Ring"

Won't reveal anymore, but I will say this, the movie was @$%& awesome, one of the best I have ever seen, I'm a big fan of the books, I've read them about six times, and it was way above my expectations. It didn't even feel like it was three hours long. I can't wait until the Two Towers and the Return of the King comes out. *sigh* I have a year to wait.

I have that trumpet song from the movie stuck in my head

Da Da Da, Da Da Dum, De Dee Dum, Bum Bum Bum

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There was no "major change" to the story, not that I remember anyway. A few minor ones like giving more minor characters from the book larger roles. They cut out the entire Old Forest, Tom Bombadil and the Barrow Downs bit, and there was an addition of a new orc named "Lurtz" or something, but other than that it was pretty consistant. There were no changes to any of the major characters. I mean they couldn't be able to translate the whole thing to the screen. The Fellowship of the Ring itself would be about six hours long if they did, therefore the entire trilogy would be like 18 hours.


18 hours long... *drool* That would be nice to see.


Anyway, the movie was good, go see it.:D

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just got back, we took a whole row to ourselves, and one of my mates even drove 3 hours from london to see it with us ;)


Great film, although possibly not as great as everyone is making out. Of all of us, about 1/2 had read the book and 1/2 hadn't, but almost everyone liked it.


EXCEPT: the girls... not one girl i know has liked it... they all find the orcs kind of silly it seems... so possibly not a date movie.


It was A LOT slower and less actiony than i expected (an than the trailer makes out)... which was a good thing in my opinion, but possibly might dissapoint some people... (and whatever you do, don't sit near any little kids... they all got bored 1/2 way through and started to fidget and get really annoying... they should have made it a 15 for that reason alone.)


There were some fairly major omissions...but I think they were pretty much all a good idea... nothing that annoyed me. The sfx were cool, the acting was cool...


I do agree that it did skip around possibly a bit to much, missing out whole days and condensing yourneys into 30 seconds of quick cuts... i guess they had to do it, but it did mean you didn't get all of the bonding of the fellowship.


minor quibbles:

gimli was hardly in it at all.

not much character development of aragorn. (still think sean bean should have played him instead.)

elven forest wasn't at all what I expected... not very beautiful... none of the silver trees.

not much development of merry or pippin either...apart from for comedy value.

balrog battle a bit short.


major plus points:

gandalf was cool, as was saruman.

frodo was cool.

sean bean was great as boromir.

the whole moria bit was great.


don't go expecting an action movie, or with anyone with a short attention span and you will love it.... :)

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Originally posted by OnlyOneCanoli

Legolas is still a badass. He was my favorite character in the books too. Bah, I have to go. :(


Orlando Bloom went to my old school. He left a couple of years before I joined, but still... I've sat in the same classrooms as him, been taught by the same teachers as him and even stood on the same stage that he used to.


Just thought I'd mention it in passing.....

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EXCEPT: the girls... not one girl i know has liked it... they all find the orcs kind of silly it seems... so possibly not a date movie.


Thats funny, my girlfriend liked it.


BTW, did anyone notice that at the Council of Elrond bit that when Gimli took his axe to the ring and the axe broke, five seconds later he had his axe inhand intact?

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*Possible Spoilerz*


I dunno, I thought the Balrog CG looked rough...some of the full body shots and his animations just looked way rushed. Also, the way the whip moved seemed very artificial. Some of the other CG stuff was great though.


As for Legolas, he was the bad-@$$ of the movie...extremely controlled, like when they were fighting the cave troll.. The troll was whipping his chain at him and you could see him calculating when and where to jump..he could have ducked for cover behind the columns, but he stayed in the most dangerous spot because it gave him the best vantage point for jumping onto the troll.


Later, fighting the Urukai (sp?), he shot one guy, stabbed another in the face with an arrow because he was so close, then took that arrow and shot it point blank into another guy. Never flinched or retreated a bit. Very, very cool.


However, Aragorn was pretty tough too.

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The major plot change I spoke of really isn't that major. Boromir dies in the movie, when in the books he died in the opening pages of TTT. I said it was major because people who have only read FOTR in anticipation for the movie may have been mad (which happened at another board I go to... I said that Boromir dies and they got pissed because it didn't happen in the book they read). That's all. Some other things include no Tom Bombadil, no Old Forest, no battle with the wolves before they get to Moria, no gifts to the fellowship from Lothlorien except Frodo's light thing, and maybe one or two other minor things I forgot.











































End spoilers

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continuig spoilers...










ya, i also know about Boromir dieing at the end of the movie, but i suppose that they wanted to put it there, to kind of help end the movie, and they didnt want to start the next one with him dieing... prob not the best way to start a movie... plus, they still wanted to do it, when you felt for him, if you get a feel for this charcter, and then you see him die, you feel for him, but if its a year later, then you dont care so much anymore... sure your still sad, but its more heart wrenching to do it right away.. did i get my poing across??:rolleyes:





end spoilers...

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I believe the director ended it the way he did for a better effect on the audience. In the book, FOTR ends with Frodo and Sam sailing down the river. I think this would have made a lot of people say "huh?", with the way it was ended in the movie (by allowing it to flow over into chapter 1 of TTT) it gave the movie a more complete ending and left it at a greater cliffhanger type effect. "Well what are they going to do now? It looks kind of hopeless, I better go see the next part to see what happens." Also as acdcfanbill said they probably didn't want to start the next movie with that.

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