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who is playin Sw galaxies


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If i upgrade my computer, i'll probably end up getting Galaxies, depending if my internet connection (AT&T Cable) ever gets better, i fear at&t may disconnect me alot if i get that game, just to spite me, and make me do something stupid. (like running into an at&t place with my watergun 'flamethrower' and soaking everyone, particularly on a cold day...


If all goes well, I'll be a Zabrak or Trandoshan informant/spy.

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First, I don't think it'll be more than 10 $, as Sony should get enough money with this one, EQ, Sovereign, Planetside (+ all PS stuff...)


I'll play a human, and the game decides if you become a Jedi !!

You do not create it at the beginning to ne one ...

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Guest BountyHunter

Oh yeah, I will be playing! I have been following this game since the earliest reports of it and I can't wait for it's release.


I think maybe I will be a bounty hunter (surprise) that also studies the ways of the jedi.



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Guest Lord Tirion

Raven, thats even more the reason they will up it. Sony has just about monopolized the mmorgps (the ones that are good anyway). They wont see any real competition until 2003 when World of Warcraft comes out. Maybe Shadowbane this year, but thats risky since that whole game is based on pvp in a fantasy rpg.


They already discussed it about raising the price for EQ since its getting so much business and when I was a regular at the SWG Forums, it was ranged from $12 and up due to the maintenance since it will be far greater than what EQ has.

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

Sony has just about monopolized the mmorgps (the ones that are good anyway). They wont see any real competition until 2003 when World of Warcraft comes out. Maybe Shadowbane this year, but thats risky since that whole game is based on pvp in a fantasy rpg.

I don't agree with this at all. Dark Age of Camelot looks to be just as fun as Everquest with all its expansions, and it's very popular. It'll probably become even more crowded than Everquest, because it still in its infancy stages. Anarchy Online fares pretty well too.


I doubt that Galaxies is going to cost more than Everquest. Remember that Lucasarts still holds a watchul eye over them, and you all know that LEC is always aiming for the mass-market (which, in the case of an MMORPG, means lower cost for a higher user base).

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I to will probably get the game if the monthly cost is below $10, but if it is over i won't get it.


If i do get it, i will play as either a wookie or a human, and i would be a bounty hunter, smuggler, or weapons smith(if it's possible)

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Guest Lord Tirion

"I don't agree with this at all. Dark Age of Camelot looks to be just as fun as Everquest with all its expansions, and it's very popular. It'll probably become even more crowded than Everquest, because it still in its infancy stages. Anarchy Online fares pretty well too."


Not even close my friend. EQ has almost half a million customers. DAoC is not even close. You ever stop to think and wonder why Camelot is popular for now? Because EQ was the only good mmorgp out there and it had been out there for almost 2 years with no competition. So people got bored and needed something new. Anarchy Online was a bust. So that left DAoC. So of course people jumped to it. But please dont tell me that DAoC graphics and gameplay is better than EQ's new expansion. Did you see the new graphics and looks of characters and landscapes in the expansion? Its incredible. The level of detail in the armor and the uniqeness of weapons and their looks is innovative. Now look at DAoC..character's faces look like they were put in an anvil and squished. Their body parts look like long spheres that were dragged too long. About the only kewl thing was the importation of guild logos imprinted on your items.

Ever since the expansion came out, EQ has drawn back a lot more customers that left for DAoC.


"I doubt that Galaxies is going to cost more than Everquest. Remember that Lucasarts still holds a watchul eye over them, and you all know that LEC is always aiming for the mass-market (which, in the case of an MMORPG, means lower cost for a higher user base)."


They might very well try to keep costs down. But SWG was already pushed back. They are going to be losing money if this keep getting pushed back and where do you think they are going to make up for their losses when the game is released? LucasArts is in the backseat. It is Sony running the show. What Sony says, LucasArts will do on all fours. Why do you think LA went to Sony to make their game? =)

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Well lets just say that from the moment i read it that this game would come i looked it up and totaly ganna play it.....

Because i will work on day and earn to play it for a month :D

i get the newsletter every month..... and im also a huge X-wing series freak. :D so im gonna buy the the expansion pack to where you will be able to fly your own ship :D :D :D


I thought of 2 species:


1. Twi'lek. because they are warriors and have there own lekku


and then i will be like: Nawarra Ven (X-wing series 1 to 4)


2. Human. because i think a lot of people are gonna be a alien so

no one is going to be human :p.

and then i have 2 choises

A. Like Han Solo. a smuggler or a trader.

B. Like Garik Loran. (X-wing series 5 to 7)


And what kind of name are you gonna have?? because you cant use any REAL STAR WARS names like Luke Skywalker.


Im gonna be Garik Loran.... or probably something like that!





"You know, if i had even the tiniest control over the Force, What i'd do with it?" "I'd scratch that little spot in the center of my back I can never reach....." -Garik Loran-


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Tirion, you're jumping to conclusions. DAoC was runner up to (if not the) game of the year of 2001. I have faith in it - it's got excellent customer support, no big server problems, and regular patches and update. It's also new, which means that expansions are still in the works, whereas Everquest has seen its last expansion released (I think). Mythic already confirmed that DAoC's next expansion will feature upgraded graphics using a revamped version of the engine. Also, remember that Luclin's system requirements are beefy (512MB RAM recommended??)


I remember your sad story about SWGalaxies' community. Well, it's over now, move on. It looks like you're leading your own personal crusade against the behemoth that is Sony ;)


Wraith 9, I'm sorry to report that Humans are the most popular race in Galaxies, judging from Verant's and LEC's polls. If you want to pick a race that's not popular, I'd suggest Zabrak, Rodians, Moncals, and Twi'leks.


I forgot to say what kind of character I'd be in Galaxies... I'm planning on being a Mon Calamari, with the name Sherack Nhar of course (I originally created it just for that purpose). I don't know what profession I'll practice though.

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