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I know some of you may find the subject very boring, but I found a very interesting website that measures your political position.




Check it out. I was left wing libertarian, just near Ghandi!!! :D


Post you positions if you like, it may be interesting!


I know its a UK based website, so you may not know who most of the politicians are, but stay patient, its really very interesting.

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Economic Left/Right: -2.38

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -5.38


I'm a Liberatarian Left according to the chart


I'm closest to Gandhi on the Historical Figures


I'm closest to Ken Livingstone on the British Politicians chart

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Originally posted by Clefo

Soo If your on the Left that means your a Liberal (In American Terms) and if your on the Right your conservative..


So I think this test was pretty accurate of meself..


If you look at the FAQ section on the website, it mentions that there is confusion for Americans regarding left wing ideals and liberalism.


I think Geroge Bush would probably be near Ian Duncan Smith in 1999 postions, if that is any help to you.

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heehee, this is british. I'm almost in the dead center leaning a little conservative but right on the line. That means I can be swayed by subversive messages sent through television waves. Better go find a political stance from my happy t.v.

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Originally posted by Clefo

*Claps to self*


I'm probably the only person in the USA (and Canada and Mexico) Who thinks George Bush has "Really Sucked" in office. So I'm the only person who isn't a mindless Sheep in North America.

You're talking too fast, Clefo. I, along with many of my friends, think just like you.


Economic Left/Right: -2.25

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -4.21


Left Libertarian, just like many people here. I guess it's "common sense" :)

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That's a pretty good question because, I am a very conservative also. I like the president of the U.S. and I listen to Rush Limbaugh, and above all I deplored Bill Clinton. It labeled me almost dead center. The thing is shifted left a little bit I tell ya.

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

what is up with that? Im the most conservative person i know*farther right than rush limbaugh :-o* but why is the little dot on the right labeled liberalism???


You know, I thought I would be way Authoritarian and Right, but I was placed opposite, you should not trust this completely, there are certain questions that should be debated, and they only gave you 4 different options to answer, so that debateless answers could make the difference in the test between what you really are, and what the test told you.

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