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LucasArts Exciting Announcement


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I got this in the LucasArts insider newsletter.


'Announcements Coming Soon!

LucasArts is poised to make several exciting announcements in the coming weeks. Watch the LucasArts web site beginning next week and be the first to know!'


Does this mean our patience with this Star Wars nonsense has been rewarded? An adventure game to be announced? Maybe its the sequel one - I think they are making two at the moment aren't they?

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yeah! This could be what we we're waiting for! Ohh I'd love a cool Indiana Jones game!! :)


Anyway, yesterday was great with the pre-order of JK2 and new site and revealed boxart (love the boxart). Anyway I think one of their cool announcements could be like a anticlimax to us, because they still need to reveal what the mystery gift with JK2 is hehe ;) That could be a major announcement in their eyes heehee :) We'll see what happens! :)

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Well, judging from what Simon was saying at the last E3, there will be at least a few non-Star Wars games announced this year, and most likely at least one adventure game. (probably too early for Sean Clark's new game to be announced) Hopefully LEC will dig itself out of this horrible Star Wars rut it's been in for the past years.

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I'm pretty much certain that they're gonna announce an adventure game. They say 'exciting developments', and the Star Wars games would probably be something like 'exciting new games.'

'Several' - that means more than two. This could be games, web sites, new merchandise or any manner of another things I can't be bothered to think of. I half hope its a sequel to an existing adventure - seeing screenshots etc. - but I also half hope its a new game. With hindsight, the announcement of a newie like Grim Fandango would be brilliant - speculation galore!

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There are other generes they could fill.


Fine by me. As long as they don't try to fill their "golf game"-hole at least.


I'm still hoping for a Gameboy Advance conversion of one of their older games though. That would be easy and cheap in the making and they wouldn't lose that much money if it didn't work out.


But seriously. I'm DYING for a new adventure game. DYING.

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Indy games... humm


If LEC is going to take their time and make a nice 3D FPS/Action-Adventure, I'd just assume they make it Star Wars. IMO, saber's are more fun then whips. I guess I do have that Jedi Knight II game on my waitlist to hold me over... so ya, let's hope a cool Indy game will come out.


On the other hand, something original would be a nice change. LEC hasn't had something new since 1998's GOTY Grim Fandango.


We'll probably all find out in April... E3's not that far off.

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How do we know FT2 is going to suck? Just because it's not being made by Tim Shaffer dosn't mean it'll suck. And the fact that the guy who did the voice of Ben is no longer with us and....oh who am I kiding it's probly not gonna be as good as the original but hey! Its another Lucasart Adventure and you can never have to many of those.

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Non-SW game from LEC. ROFL as if. It will probably be EMI for the Xbox with a new location or something or more murray or something stupid like that. :swear::max:


New Grim or new FT or new all together, or maybe new Loom, will be the only thing i might buy. :duel:


This stupid smilies are great.




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Originally posted by QueZTone

Erwin, i dont get it...you're speaking as if the announcement is already made...


Hmmm, after re-reading my post I now see that I was a bit vague. (Hey, it was early and I didn't got a mug of coffee yet) :D


I'm trying to say that I don't really expect great announcements, I think they have more StarWars for us... I really hope I'm wrong, though. :(



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LEC's previous announcement record hasn't been too inspiring i'll admit. But, together with the decision to make 50% non-starwars games (of whatever genre) i think it's only fair to show a bit of optimism and give LEC a break until they actually unveil their startling products.

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I'm speaking from what I know here.

LucasArts said prior to the last E3 that they were not going to announce any adventures there. A lot of mojo people started saying, 'well, I thought you said it would be a 50-50 thing?'. The reply to this was that they were making a lot of Star Wars games due to the new interest in the movies, what with Episode I already out and episode II on the way. However, they did say that there would more than likely be an adventure game announced at the next E3. Another source (I'm not sure of its authenticity) said that there were two adventure games in the works, and one of them was a sequel.

This is all opinion now. They will announce it within the coming weeks, but we won't see any proper pics, or be able to download a trailer until after E3. After E3 more plot details will emerge as well. If it is a Full Throttle sequel, so what? Full Throttle was great, and just because its a sequel means nothing: Secret of Monkey Island was not as good as Monkey Island 2. Day of the Tentacle was at least 5 times better than Maniac Mansion. Indy: FOA was better than Last Crusade. In fact, as far as LEC sequels go (excluding EMI, not that I dont like it. I don't want to kick that debate off again) they are more 'Godfather II' than 'Speed 2' - ie. they are generally improvements. I once narrowed the list of possible sequels down. Here it is again:


Maniac / Dott: possible (they re-released DOTT, didn't they) and would rock!

Zak: Possible, but unlikely - not many people will understand it would be a sequel. Not a large existing fanbase.

Loom: Possible, but unlikely - see Zak.

Indy: Possible, especially if the Indy 4 movie happens. Would be cool.

Monkey: Ok, MI5 will happen at some point, guaranteed. (The voodoo lady: 'I have a 5 game contract with LucasArts' / Guybrush in CMI 'I have the potential for at least 2 more sequels') However, isn't it too soon to 'Return to Monkey Island'? :D


Full Throttle: Possible, but as said, the voice guy is dead. Would be good though, see previous paragraph.

The Dig: would be good, but what could happen? This story is over, and many people tuned out of it before they finished it 'cos it was too hard for 'em.

Grim Fandango: Would be well recieved, as original was GOTY. However, a sequel would have to have a good story, or else they'll ruin the legacy of the original. It could be another story, set in the same locations, or a PREquel. That would be kinda cool. (But I like NOT knowing why Manny is working for the DoD.)


There you are. Comprehensive? You said it.

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