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No Conc?????? Bahhhh


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OMG NO CONC?!??!?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHHAHAHAA OMG dudez that is like so not cool the conc is the best gun ever in a mutilplayr online game and the most exciting type of gun matches i mean come on how many guns u know of that can go that fast and across the whole level and NaiL someone when they aint lookin? dude they better include the conc or someone make a mod that has the conc or i am not buying JKII


[Edit - Stormy - you don't need to post a sig image twice :cool: ]

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Welcome, lNaiLzl. (see my sig :) )


Although it hasn't been mentioned anywhere, the conc. has not been categorically confirmed as not being in the game. It is neither confirmed or denied.


However, even if it is absent, I find it remarkable that you would base your entire decision to purchase the game on that single element. :rolleyes: I mean, I have my favourite weapons too...but even if they were all absent, I would still have to judge the game on all of it's features and merits. I mean, you didn't know that you would like the conc. rifle until you tried it...so how do you know there isn't an even better weapon, or a weapon you would like just as much, in the game?


I would heartily recommend trying a demo first before burying this title. :)

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He talks about a gun being the sole definer of a game? The gun wasn't even that great not to mention, in Star Wars you never see people on foot blasting people with some huge beast of a gun.


[Edit - Stormy - just an FYI...personal attacks on other forum members isn't tolerated here. Everyone has the right to express their opinion about the topic at hand...and by all means disagree with what you read...but resorting to personal insults could also be construed as immaturity by some other members. :cool: ]

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Hey stormy I'm not insulting him, I'm standing up for the game, I don't think the game would be any worse or better if say they didn't have force powers or storm troopers. All caps while typing? Nothing against that? That's yelling, so dude I'm not trying to flame here just standing up for the game.

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how many guns u know of that can go that fast and across the whole level and NaiL someone when they aint lookin?


To name just a few.

The Sniper Rifle from :

1. AvP2

2. UnrealTournament

3. Quake3 Urban Terror

4. AWP from Counterstrike

5. Tribes1 and Tribes2

6. Red Faction

7. Day of Defeat for Half-Life


And a few other high powered weapons with very long range, suitable for sniping:

8. The laser from Battlezone 2

9. The rail guns from Quake2 and Quake3

10. The infinity modulator and phaser rifles from Elite Force


Any other good weapons I should include?


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Originally posted by StormHammer

I mean, I have my favourite weapons too...but even if they were all absent, I would still have to judge the game on all of it's features and merits.


Hmmm....I beg to differ. I'm not entirely sure you would be too forgiving if the lightsaber were left out. But that's beside the point.


Yes, I will be annoyed if they leave out the conc. Nothing beats ff guns with people with speed and sight on running around with a bunch of hand-held X-Wing lasers (as a metaphor, don't get on my case) for a quick adrenaline rush. However I think there will be a decent replacement. From the sound of the description of the Golan Arms that's going to be one fun weapon to use.

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Yes, the Concussion was great fun to use, yes it was the most powerful, and yes, to an extent, it was a core weapon that made Jedi Knight fun. And, yes, the lightsaber is also very unique and important to Star Wars and to making Jedi Knight a fun game (even if the saber was very underpowered).


There was lot more to the game than the concussion rifle and the saber. Rails, carbonite, thermals, mines and of course the force. Not to mention all of the other (somewhat weaker) weapons, each which was fun.


It would be great if Raven included the Concussion Rifle in Outcast. But, given all the other elements that are included in Jedi Outcast, there is no way that the inclusion or omission of the concussion rifle would affect my decision to buy Jedi Knight.


Do you really want a Jedi Knight clone?

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Originally posted by +Nimbus+

Hey stormy I'm not insulting him, I'm standing up for the game, etc...


I understand your position, Nimbus. All the same...the comments I edited were a bit inflammatory. :cool:


All caps while typing? Nothing against that?


I only see a few words in caps (one an abbreviation, which is acceptable). Make no mistake, if a significant proportion of anyone's post is in caps, I'll be asking them not to shout. ;)



Originally posted by StarScrap

Hmmm....I beg to differ. I'm not entirely sure you would be too forgiving if the lightsaber were left out. But that's beside the point.


Yes, if the lightsaber were left out it would have a major impact on the game - and seriously bring into question the JEDI part of the title. A lightsaber and Force powers are part of the defining characteristics of a Jedi...so of course their omission from the game would not make a great deal of sense. It might as well just be another type of Star Wars FPS in that instance.


However, the conc rifle and other blaster-type weapons are not really the weapons of a Jedi...Kyle uses them because of his militaristic and mercenary background. He is, in some ways, a one man army, a Guerilla fighter...so he is at liberty to pick and choose the weapons that will enable him to achieve his objective.


I would have preferred to see a wider variety of weapons available in the game...but I'll wait to see how this arsenal pans out in terms of gameplay...


Lastly...I have always wanted them to expand the context of the FPS in the Star Wars universe. Playing Kyle Katarn and using lightsabers and Force powers is great...but I wouldn't mind seeing a title that does not even include any Jedi. I believe there is fantastic potential for other types of FPS games based in the Star Wars universe, such as playing a Rebel or Imperial commando, a Bounty Hunter, or some other role. :)

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well, no conc for me is no big deal but I understand where he's coming from. if he(nailz) cares about the conc(or similar weapon being in jk2) as much as I care about this game having a saber then I wouldn't buy it either.


I'm saying if this game didn't have a saber as a weapon I would not purchase it. I'd probably just get Unreal2 instead because there would be no rationale in getting a game with no saber that has lesser quality graphics than compared to a game with no saber and higher quality graphics.


I don't know... I'm trying to make sense :p

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Originally posted by Wilhuf


To name just a few.

The Sniper Rifle from :

1. AvP2

2. UnrealTournament

3. Quake3 Urban Terror

4. AWP from Counterstrike

5. Tribes1 and Tribes2

6. Red Faction

7. Day of Defeat for Half-Life


And a few other high powered weapons with very long range, suitable for sniping:

8. The laser from Battlezone 2

9. The rail guns from Quake2 and Quake3

10. The infinity modulator and phaser rifles from Elite Force


Any other good weapons I should include?



I thought he was talking about real weapons, and with that he's fairly right ...

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I see where you are coming from NailZ but there are other weapons including (probably) a rail detonator which in jk was more powerful than the conc though not as fast..... if the rocket was brought up to scratch in speed then we would have an even more pwoerful weapon than the conc. You Also Overlooked the Disruptor..... a weapon that fires fast and a vapourizes everything ni the radius, people who are oputside the radius are affected too, much like an atomic bomb but instead of burning people it hurts them a bitl ike it but takes off say about...... 15 health if ou're not near enough. btw the disruptor rifle radius is supposed to be >>almost<< the same radius as the conc but not quite. hope these weapons make it up to u and remember the conc has not been mentioned. i too would like a conc but let's see what happens

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I really hope it is included in the game :)........it was one of my favourite weapons. It was also my most hated weapon. I remember in the demo I got killed with it outside before i opened the security door....then when i got down a few levels if I didnt get killed by being shot at with it I got hit over the head and then died.........very annoying.

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Just because conc is not in you're beginning to draw out?!What a joke!(Sorry if anyone is offended)The rail detonator,as being my favourite gun,is more powerful than the concussion,albeit slower!

Even if there's no conc there's always the lightsaber,right?

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