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Guest Obi

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Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

The tenloss rifle is outlawed by the New Republic but is still produced on the black market and used by some criminal elements. The primary fire produces a single fast-moving shot with a medium rate of fire. The secondary mode can be charged up and disintegrates living targets. It allows scope activation and zoom.


I wonder what the radius is on the living target disintegration..

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Hopefully if it a combination powerhouse / sniping weapon, it will be like the sniper rifle in RtCW - extremely ammo limited! No offense, but I think that would make things more interesting.


Certainly Ifound that having 5 bullets in the chamber and *none* in reserve in an area where stealth was helpful made things very interesting - and challenging.



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<font color=cbcbff> I didn't check the shots before this post, because I'm in a hurry. But I think I recall scopes on the StRifle and the BowCaster as well. Since the BowCaster is a long range weapon and was more or less the sniper rifle from the first Jedi Knight, that is where I'd place my bet for now.

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Originally posted by [eVe]DeathBoLT

Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

The tenloss rifle is outlawed by the New Republic but is still produced on the black market and used by some criminal elements. The primary fire produces a single fast-moving shot with a medium rate of fire. The secondary mode can be charged up and disintegrates living targets. It allows scope activation and zoom.



therefore, the disrupter is, indeed, the sniper rifle. and with the secondary fire AND sniper function, i beleive THIS will now be the new over-used multiplayer weapon (even if the ammo is limited. im not complaining, i think the gun looks awesome), or atleast of the ones we currently know of..


and obi, i beleive they have already stated the bowcaster WONT be having a scope, sadly. then again, hopefully it will be nothing like the bow in JK, so it might not even be an effective long-range weapon


actually, the disrupter somewhat reminds me of a bowcaster, or atleast the way they say it functions. a single fast-firing long range shot, and a charged up short range blast is quite similar to the bowcaster's shotgun spread..

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Originally posted by A Big Fat CoW


It allows scope activation and zoom.



Ok, that was <i>not</i> there before. I would have seen that when I read it last night had it been there, wouldn't I have? Well, excellent, it's solved. It is indeed the riper snifle.

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Most disruptors have a limited range (Rifles about 20 meters), this must be a new version. The one in the Essential Guide to Weapons is the Tenloss DXR-6. This one must be what, the DXR-20SE, for it to have a good enough range to utilize a scope. I'm not complaining, its looks like a sweet-action sniping weapon, but it doesn't fit the build of a typical disruptor in SW EU. Could be a tech-breakthrough though.

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian

Most disruptors have a limited range (Rifles about 20 meters), this must be a new version. The one in the Essential Guide to Weapons is the Tenloss DXR-6. This one must be what, the DXR-20SE, for it to have a good enough range to utilize a scope. I'm not complaining, its looks like a sweet-action sniping weapon, but it doesn't fit the build of a typical disruptor in SW EU. Could be a tech-breakthrough though.


Remember that disruptors had limited range and ammo due to the crude way they're built...but this looks quite sophisticated :D

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Now that the link is up,porbably my forum in the swamp could get locked,but usually,in this forum,it gets neglected,not locked.


Anyway,my current favourite weapons in JO is the DEMP-2 and the Disruptor.I like the Lightsaber more,though.Anyway,I hope that the disruptor would be weapon number '9'.I wonder how do you evoke the Sniper mode...

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Originally posted by Obi

<font color=cbcbff> I didn't check the shots before this post, because I'm in a hurry. But I think I recall scopes on the StRifle and the BowCaster as well. Since the BowCaster is a long range weapon and was more or less the sniper rifle from the first Jedi Knight, that is where I'd place my bet for now.


Point 1) They just have scopes on the graphic, you can't actually zoom.


Point 2) When we say sniper rifle we mean something akin to ST rifle w/ scope in MotS, rather than just a weapon you can usually hit with from a very far range without zoom. We're refering to a weapon that can zoom an allow you precice aim with no autoaim and a shot that goes really fast so that you will hit where it was pointing (normally).

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To me, the disruptor seems overpowered. The ability to zoom to get targets at long range (generally, sniper rifles = 1 or 2 hit kill), and the ability to disintegrate matter at closer ranges with secondary fire makes this weapon out to be the most deadly weapon at all ranges. They'll have trouble balancing this out with other weapons.

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