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My Greatest Fear for Star Wars

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I've been thinking about the romantic scenes between Anakin and Amidala in the upcoming movie. My fear is that there will be too much romance, and that that element will make many die-hard fans feel betrayed. Just a Jar-Jar messed Ep1 up, the romance between Annie and Ami may wreck Ep2, and maybe set the Star Wars universe is a slow path of decline. Now, I'm not scared of a little kissing. The stuff between Han and Leia was just fine. But when its just lip-locked two teenagers exchanging spit while violins play, it can get ugly, fast. I will feel utterly betrayed if LucasArts does this. What do y'all think about this serious issue? I haven't heard anyone talk about it.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

doesn't bother me....as long as they don't show how luke and leia were created...


hehe, i dont know about that... JK.


There will be tons of battle action in this movie, don't worry about that!


Three words:



















Yoda Vs. Count Dooku :D

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Well, a little is fine, and i think that is all there will be. I think that the trailer shows most if not all the romantic scenes.


Besides, GL is a huge geek, he couldn't possibly think up of more than a couple romantic things at time. ;)

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I just hope that if there is romance, it go's up to an MA15+ rating....none of this PG crap.

My biggest fear is that the aliens etc. become too unrealistic.

Eg. Ben Quadrinaro......:mad:

They should keep it at least Semi-Realistic.

A Nude Amidala would be sweet though.

I saw her in a bikini at Bondi while they were filming....Oh Mate.

That was tops......

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

Man, cut out the nudity stuff. If they ever did that, I would cease to be a SW fan. I first encountered this junk on an official LucasArts website. I also know they'll have a lot of romantic music. It could really mess up the movie.



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You rock, Rogue.


What I really mean by this is that by creating scenes of love between 2 love-sick teenagers, them will be seen as trying to appeal to people other than the ones that form their solid and strong base. Its the same deal as politics. You don't offend your base. If you attract new people, that's great, but take care of your long-time supporters first.

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I say: Get over it.


What's wrong with romance? Or romantic music? Geez!


And news: It ain't a "serious issue". If done right, it will be a great part of a great movie. Lucky George doesn't particularly care for catering to the masses.

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Please I hope that the movie is clean. I like hannibalscipio also fear that something bad or too romantic might occerr or if theres just to much kissing!


I hope Tie Guy is right and we won't see much more than what was in that trailer.



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I really wouldn't say that HavocStryphe. ESB wasn't all that too bad, but he has a point. Hans and Leias romance kinda ruined the movie, and the battles were somewhat lame. Lets hope that they don't go any further with romance. It really does ruin the movie, especially historical ones (ex. Pearl Harbor). I also agree with Rogue 15. Lets hope they don't show how Luke and Leia were created. AHH BAD IMAGE!:eek: :eek: :eek:

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He was being sarcastic, Ed. :)



The Han/Leia romance didn't ruin the movie at all! In fact, I've never heard anyone ever complain about it before. :eek: It's an integral part of the story. It gave the movie more depth! It was great!


What do you mean the battles were lame? :eek: The ESB battles were the most memorable! I can't believe what I'm reading!




You've given me a headache! :p;)

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Everyone has their own likes and dislikes about movies. I thought the battles were SOMEWHAT lame to me but you liked them. I really did think that the Han and Leia parts KINDA ruined ESB. Key words: SOME WHAT and KINDA. You have a problem with that Rhett or is this still giving you a headache?:mad:

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