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I´m crazy and today it´s my bday!!!!

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Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanna say hello again to everyone, i had some time to not enter the forum, so i wanna say hi to all and say that today is my Bday Let´s party!!!!!!!!


party.gifxlbirthday.gif HAPPY BDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!partysmiley.gifhb2.gif


I think I ned to calm and do not eat a lot of candies, it makes me fell more crazy than my normal level of insanity hehehe, well, see you later!!!!!!!!!

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I don't like alchohol. I'll take a keg of mountain dew though. :D DIE SPERM DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




eheheheheheheheheheheheheh ok now i'm ready to take on GED prep test.....COME HERE SCIENCE LET ME KILL YOU!! O WAIT I DID THAT YESTERDAY! ART & LANGUAGE U GONNA DIE!!!!!!


see, i get violent with mountain dew, if i drank alchohol, i'd be banned from these forums. (i'd head to jk2.net and flame every1 who doesn't like TPM and skirt the censor on top of that)

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You are crazy guys, :p:D, well, I´m 18 now and I still have dolls in my room hehe, but not common dolls and I´m happy cause a frind gave me a snake doll, it´s so cute and it will be the sister of my old snake doll :D


the only problem is that all the people gave me chocolates, I´m too crazy now

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

so what did Dark Sad Shadow give you???? or shouldnt i ask? :D

i mean you 2 were acting realy weird on msn lately :D:p;)


i read that....



well not too much only flowers....... :( i was having a very had day, that day (14 march) it was my sister´s wedding... so i wasnt able to be with her all the day :(

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