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The Rare Games thread


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The object of this thread is to tell about games you own that you don't think anyone else has ever played or heard of. You must have used the original CD or floppies (no warez/abandoneware stuff) to play it, and discuss the game if people are interested about it. Consoles and Game Boy/Gear games are also allowed.


Ok, i'll go first.


Descent (PC) FPS Action/Arcade

Descent II (PC) FPS Action/Arcade

Eradicator (PC) FPS

Deadlock II (PC) Turn-Based Strategy

Hybrid Heaven (N64) RPG Fighter

Armorines (N64) FPS

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In Descent to pilot a one man starship thing, but you see through first person objective. You are sent to a mining colony because all the mining drones (droids) have turned against all the workers. It was a completely 3d map, you could go anywhere on an x,y, or z axis. pretty cool for it's time. You collect weapon upgrades and such etc... I believe that there were blue canisters for weapon upgrades, but it's been a long time.

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I've seen Prince of Persia, Star Wars: Pit Droids, and the Turok games.


Descent is a really cool game. Its pretty hard, though. My cousins have the trial version. You fly/drive around a 3D maze, fighting enemies and bosses, and collecting power-ups. Its a rather pulse-pounding game.


Btw, has anyone heard of The Rise and Rule of Ancient Empires? I played it for a while, and it could have been an AWESOME game, but for a couple of big flaws.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

I played Prince of Persia, and Descent II too!


If console games would be allowed, I'd say Bubble Bobbles...On the PC side, the oldest game I can remember is Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis...


Fate of Atlantis is a QUALITY game, nothing like an old fashioned, low requirement, good story, adventure game....


wasnt there another indiana jones game before that :confused:

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Also, anyone play Droid Works? that game is pretty fun until you beat it unless you want to go through the levels again with some more droids (no point in it tho...).


I had mario paint. Loved that fly swatting...i've made it to the 3rd or 4th boss in that. VERY hard. hehehe

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I've played the Descent series, though its been a long, long time. I've also played Prince of Persia, and the first Turok.


I also have Bubble Bobble for the Gameboy, interesting game.


Here's a few of my old GameBoy and PC games i can remember:




Tennis - Thats right, the original tennis game. To my knowledge, this was the first tennis game ever made, but i could be wrong.


Solar Striker - This game was so much fun. It was a top down flying arcade game. I was so mad when it broke a while ago.


World Cup Soccer - a very good arcade style soccer game for its time.




The Oregon Trail - I'm not sure exactly how popular this game was, but it was pretty fun.


Harrier - I remember playing this game on my good ole 33mhz orange-screened portable. A very early side scrolling flight game. It was on one of those gigantic floppy disks that came before diskettes and CDs.


Scorched Earth - A freeware game that was fairly popular as far as i know so you might have played it. Bascially the predesessor to Worms, but with tanks. VERY fun.

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Is Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo pretty rare? :confused: I think it is. Not sure though.


Wizard of Oz


Super Gameboy






Tons of them.... NIGHTDAWN I suppose.







None that I know of. :confused:






Indiana Jones




Atari 7200


Jedi Arena


Empire Strikes Back






No clue what's rare and what's not.


Are the Star Wars games rare? What about the TMNTurtles games?

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