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And you think I have too much time on my hands...

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A Lego Beretta 9mm








That's right, this guy has developed and built them. And now he's selling them! 65 bucks for the build-it-yourself kit and 75 for the pre-built. Or you can just use the dat file he has available for download and the legocad program to try and build your own. This thing can even fire lego bullets! :)



If your not into small guns, maybe this will do it for ya. :D

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

what I find disturbing is that the free time isn't used up with helping old grannies....wait. that's a myth.

ok, ok. so he's into Lego. as long as he doesn't wave that gun in his car during a traffic jam.

you say that like you have experiance in this :D :D... what... did you get into a traffic jam on A28 :D :D
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