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Attack Of The Clones: The Paragon_Leon REVIEW

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No, Anakin does NOT take a swing at Obi. Quite the opposite, in fact, and it could be that that is what caused the rumour. He saves Obi by throwing himself with saber to the rescue. That causes him to begin his final confrontation with Dooku.


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Hehe ...


Let me add some cool things.


- After Yoda's fight he gets his staff again and walks leaning very heavily on it ... this got some laughs from the audience.

- Someone had a camera in our theater

- Obi One says something like "you'll be the death of me someday" to anakin.

- I saw Anthony Daniels

- I saw the YT-1300's (milleniums falcon's)

- A friend tought he was watching the sound of music at some point (love scenes)

- Another friend is now not a trekkie any longer :D

- My Teacher was in de theather also

- 3 years till ep3 is loooooooooooong

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Taun We brings Obi-Wan to Lama Su, right ? He tells Obi that he got his orders to create the army from a master 'Sifo-Dyas'. Apparantly Obi knew him, but thought he deceased a long time ago. BUT, Sifo-Dyas is sort of a mix-up of 'Sidious', who is of course the mastermind behind the Republic's fall.



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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

AotC has those moments where you discover something new every time...


Yeah, I just saw it for the third time and I noticed



The blue highlighted clonetroopers, and the Trade Fed core ships re-atatching to the rest of the ship in space.



I still need to see it two more times to comptlete my goal tho. :D

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

try working 13 hrs a day for three days in a row.

Now THAT'S a killer...


I just saw AotC for the fourth time this weekend...

damn you :D.. im gonna see it for the second time tonight... i havent had any time to go again.
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