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Bring yer kids !!

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I know I can bring all my action figures, buy a large popcorn and pop for everyone, then eat and drink it all before movie starts then :barf:, make every one run out of the theater. The I sit all my action figures in the chairs watch the movie in silence. :rolleyes:


:D Hey, I mad an evil plan with out any generator! :rolleyes:

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In india movie theatres have intermissions, which is a time to go to the bathroom....


here in USA with no intervals, i prefer not to take any beverages with me to the theatre :D


A little something to munch wont hurt, but then you miss lines when the crunch sound is hard in your ears :D

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Well...I'm the biggest star wars fan I know...pitty me.


I know about...oh...45-100 who have COME UP TO ME and told me they are going to see it tonight OR HAVE ALREADY SEEN IT!:ball:


Everybody expects the biggest SW fan in school to see it at midnight or tonight...but no...I'll see it sometime this weekend because I want to HEAR the movie (unlike the premiere where people SHOUT through the entire movie) Tomorrow I'll have even MORE people asking me how star wars Eps II was. I'll tell them I have no idea and they will go away with a look of utter shock on their faces...


Oh well...that's life:D

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Three times today, baby! Three times! :rhett:


*does some pelvic thrusts reminiscent of Ace Ventura*


*frolics away with tears of joy streaming from his eyes*


Fires blasts from his Hot-Rod Deleting Bowcaster, but barely missed Rhett as he frolics away -darthfergie

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:eek: Are you crazy, I wish I could see it 3 times a day! :(

But one of the bad things would be 3 times the Binks :jarjar:x3 :freakout:x3 , good things are 3 time the Clone troopers :clone:x3 ,3 times the Yoda :yoda:x3 and 3 times everything else :Dx3

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