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What Was Your Favorite Part(s) Of AotC?

Boba Rhett

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Well? List them here. :)



1. When Anakin's mother dies and Anakin's face is right in the camera and you can see something just snap in him. The music in this scene also added alot. It was kind of spinning out of control just like anakin was starting to do. AWESOME. :)



2. When Obi Wan and Dooku are fighting and they have their sabers clashed and Dooku's looking at Obi Wan with an absolutely evil grin on his face while at the same time, pushing Obi's saber back. The look was just perfect. As if he was playing with a mouse that he's about to kill and was immensly enjoying every second of it.



3. When Anakin's in the shop and he confesses to Padme what he did and he's breaking up while saying it, "I didn't just kill the men....I killed the women...and the children. ... They're animals. ... And I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them. I HATE them!!" GAH! It was great! :) It left me squeeling with pleasure!



4. When Palpatine's on the balcony viewing on all the clones boarding the ships and the Imperial March starts playing. PERFECT.


5. The part were, ah screw it. The whole thing was frickin' amazing! Go see this movie over and over and over again! :rhett:

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Yeah, i've already been once for everyday it has been out and i plan to see it again today, the whole thing was incredible.


I especially enjoyed the music. The whole second time through i focused on the music, you gotta love John Williams!

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett


I didn't just kill the men....I killed the women...and the children. ... They're animals. ... And I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them. I HATE them!!"[/i] GAH! It was great! :) It left me squeeling with pleasure!




You're a sadist arent you ;):D

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See through shirt? Missed that.... guess I'll have to go see it again. :D


The whole clone/battledroid battle was the best part for me.


They could have left out most of those Anakin/Padme scenes as far as I was concerned.



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Originally posted by KhaleeLah

See through shirt? Missed that.... guess I'll have to go see it again. :D


The whole clone/battledroid battle was the best part for me.


They could have left out most of those Anakin/Padme scenes as far as I was concerned.




It could have been worse. Lucas could have overdone it you know :lol:. I thought it was fine anyway.


I did like the part where the clone army came and formed a perimiter around the Jedi :D.

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Best scene in the entire movie was Yoda throwing it down with Count Dooku, bar none. Little guy was frickin' amazing with a lightsaber. Second best is when Mace Windu makes a sucka outta Jango Fett. Makes me wonder why everyone liked him so much when he didn't do much of anything.

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Best part was after Dooku shocks Anakin, when he tries to shock Obi-Wan and he says, "I don't think so" and catches it on his lightsaber. That was cool. It shows you how far above Anakin, Obi-Wan is even though he may not have the abilities that Anakin does.

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I'm with you rhett I can't find a singe 'Favorite' part, its all so good. In some ways origanal, but still very star wars its amazing! They were right when they said that Episode I was just for setting the stage, Episode II is the real show.


If you haven't seen it yet go see it now, and if you have allready seen it go watch it again. I've seen it twice and I got more out of it the second time and I'm planning for a third trip to my local theatere.


Thats all there is to say. I haven't ever been good at long moving speechs.



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Haha, when Obi-Wan goes, "Anakin here!" and flips him his saber and all the triumphant music plays and then whammo! His arm gets cut off and the music stops all of a sudden. That was hilarious. And also when Mace activates his saber and goes, "this party's over." That was one of my favorite parts. Also when Obi-wan toured the cloning facility. That was hilarious to see them all eating.

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Fergie's Top Ten Scenes in AoTC

1. Yoda spinning and whirling through the air...sweeeeeeet...

2. The whole ground battle with all the tanks and explosions...

3. Arena Battle

4. C3PO and his little side story (split personalities;) )

5. Jango Fett vs. Obi-One

6. Palpatine...later in the movie you can just feel the Dark Side in him

7. Clone Facility (bright lights...Wierld aliens...the only thing it was missing is the weird piano music from Close Encounters Of The Third Kind)

8. Podracers...um...er...City Chase!

9. Death Star

10. Jawa Camp;) :D

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My absolute fave part was Yoda bustin' out the moves on Count Dooku, whose butt was gonna be mounted on Yoda's wall. Dooku was toast, and he knew it, that's why he made the distraction.


I also liked little "Yoda the General." "Focus all forward fire on the nearest starship!" His composure and calmness during the whole movie was awesome.


The only part in the ENTIRE movie that I didn't like (heck, I hated it!) was when poor, poor Jango gets his cranium, detached from his body; decapitated! (That's getting his head chopped off in lamen's terms.) Why, why did Mace Windu have to cut off his head, I didn't stop holding my neck from that point on except when Yoda kicked butt. Jango needs to return, somehow for the next movie. Who knows, maybe that wasn't really him...

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