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Full Throttle 2 Trailer...

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Originally posted by jannar85

Ya! It looks nice, but it should have kept the 2D look.

Anyway, the music still rocks, and Michael Land is still very good! :D


What makes you think Michael Land is doing the music? He hasn't worked with LucasArts since about 1999. He's off doing his own company. He didn't do any of the music for the original Full Throttle, either.

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McConnell is off with land at "Cooler Tool" (I think that's the name), though he is doing the music to Tim Schafer's Psychonauts through Clint Bajakian's company, "The Sound Department," which is contracting with Double Fine.


The Sound Department also contracts in for work at LucasArts (for instance Clint Bajakian did the sound design on Jedi Knight II and is doing original orchestrated music for the new Indy game).

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Yeah, of course. Probably some new people and some people who worked under the original 3.


So how about that FT2 trailer, eh? Actually I wish it had had the Gone Jackals music in there... would have made it feel more FT. Maybe not, though. Feh. The bad "bad to the bone" knockoff was a little silly though.

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I hope the real game music doesn't sound like that... that music made the game seem a little too... goofy? I mean Ben wasn't all hardcore when he was sliding that dude on the bar, he was laughing. That's not like Ben. He should have a pissed off face! Just think of in FT1, if Ben were laughing when he slammed QuoHog onto the Bar. It would be wrong.


Also, the music makes a huge impact. You throw Gone Jackals into that trailer, and it makes everything different.



1000th Post w000t!!!

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I hadn't heard that rumor. As rumors go it's kind of nonsensical. I mean, why bother putting a faux credit in the, um, credits when it's not obviously funny? (There are of course reasons to disguise a credit other than as a gag, but the usual one is that the person doesn't want there name on it for some reason.)


Met: Yeah, the song contains those words, but the song is credited to 'Chitlins, Whiskey, and Skirt' even if Jake's rumor is true.

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