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Something very disturbing that most likely will not make it into any Star Wars film


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Something very disturbing


are we forgetting other "disturbing" deaths. its all part of the action, the adventure, we all didn't classify shimi's death as "disturbing" or corde's death as "disturbing" or even obi-wans or the lars' deaths... well actually burning skeletons are disurbing, but thats not the point, just because natalie portman is "hot" does't mean shes special


Note: i'm not trying t flame, im just making a point ;)

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I couldn't resist unearthing my first post to the Swamp! :D


I honestly don't know where I got the MC Hammer skin thing from... I can't remember. There must be a clue in the thread somewhere.....


Edit: oh, yeah... GonkRaider posted an MC Hammer image.... I think it said "this thread's old." :p

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Originally posted by Kurgan

One thing though, how would Vader know he had a son, but NOT that he had a daughter (a TWIN, ie: born within minutes of her sibling??). That's what doesn't make sense.


I figure Anakin must leave Amidala BEFORE he knows she's pregnant (must have his mind focused on other matters, since he could sense it with the force, especially if his kids were latent force sensitives). Notice that Vader doesn't know it's his son when he's targetting Luke's fighter in ANH, he just says "the force is strong with this one" because he senses Luke using the Force to see the Exhaust Port on the Death Star.


Vader must get an idea that he has a son MUCH LATER, just like he doesn't know about Leia until later.


However we never get much of Leia's side of the story except for that brief dialouge in ROTJ. For all we know Amidala was alive and died on Alderaan (and married Leia's "Father"). Then again, it's even possible that Leia knew Anakin, but didn't know he was Vader... or??


Lots of stuff to wonder about until 2005. ; )


You said it Kurgan :thumbsup:.

Not much for me to add is there?



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Originally posted by Kurgan

Vader must get an idea that he has a son MUCH LATER, just like he doesn't know about Leia until later.


yeah, i figure that after the battle of yavin luke becomes the hero of the alliance and his name becomes famous. it wouldn't take vader long to hear his name and say "WTF?!"

then of course vader becomes 'obsessed with finding young skywalker' as it says in the opening scroll of ESB.

i don't think anakin has any idea that padme's up the duff (pregnant) when he turns to the dark-side. also that explains why the droids have their memories wiped.

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It seems completely illogical that Vader/Anakin would know his wife was pregnant but not with twins. That would be like looking at two people and saying "hmmm... there's only one there."



I think that it can be logically deduced (unless George forgets and goofs it up) from the films so far that Vader didn't know he had ANY children at all, until he sensed Luke using the Force and did some research/thinking about it.


The name "Skywalker" for all we known is like "Smith" or "Jones" in the Star Wars galaxy (ie: very common), so just because he noticed a pilot with the same last name doesn't mean anything.


The fact that Luke used the Force at the battle of Yavin got his attention ("the Force is strong with this one..") but I bet even at that moment he didn't realize it was his son.


It wasn't until ESB that he knew he had a Son who was force sensitive (both he and the Emperor sensed a "disturbance" in the Force, probably as Luke grew more powerful and knowledgable in the Force).


So most likely Amidala's pregnancy won't be known to Anakin/Vader at all or else he'll think she died or something and not have a chance to really give it any thought.


I'd heard some speculation that Amidala may simply have been an old woman living on Alderaan when it was destroyed by the Empire. However that would clash with Leia's statement about her only having "memories, feelings" and her dying when she was "very young" (and ANH is supposed to only take place 4 years prior to ROTJ anyway). I assume of course that Leia is talking about her "real mother" (since that's what Luke asks her in ROTJ) rather the people (the Organa family?) who were taking care of her on Alderaan (where I assume she was raised).



As to the theory about Boba Fett killing Mace Windu, that's gotta be the lamest, most fan-boyish cop-out thing ever, I sincerely HOPE that isn't how it turns out.


No offense, but a 13 year old boy killing off Samuel L. Jackson's "baddest mofo in the galaxy" (insert standard typecast Shaft/Pulp Fiction character joke here)? Sigh...


Though it would fit in with GL's "Little people accomplish big things" motif he keeps trying to sneak into each movie he makes.

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Here's what's gonna happen :


Anakin force chokes Padme and throws her away when she tries to get in his way at some point, but she doesn't die... yet. Anakin knows that Padme is pregnant but he has no clue about the second child. Amidala, badly hurt has to give birth to her children before she dies even if her pregnancy is not to term (not sure about how you say it exactly).




As for the Boba killing Mace theory, I definately agree with Kurgan, this it total BS. Although Boba IS in ep3, I don't beleive he has a big role, I beleive Anakin will do the dirty work, with some outside help from Palpy, because Anakin still wouldn't be able to do it by himself.



BTW: shouldn't this be in the star wars forums ?

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Originally posted by Kurgan

As to the theory about Boba Fett killing Mace Windu, that's gotta be the lamest, most fan-boyish cop-out thing ever, I sincerely HOPE that isn't how it turns out.


No offense, but a 13 year old boy killing off Samuel L. Jackson's "baddest mofo in the galaxy" (insert standard typecast Shaft/Pulp Fiction character joke here)? Sigh..

Jackson wouldnt even allow that to happen I bet, I mean if he got his way with the purp saber, he can deffinately get his way about how he dies. Seriously, I will be disappointed if Boba kills Windu, it will be the lamest thing ever. I would like to see Boba TRY to kill Windu and have Windu kick his butt too.

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

Here's what's gonna happen :


Anakin force chokes Padme and throws her away when she tries to get in his way at some point, but she doesn't die... yet. Anakin knows that Padme is pregnant but he has no clue about the second child. Amidala, badly hurt has to give birth to her children before she dies even if her pregnancy is not to term (not sure about how you say it exactly).




As for the Boba killing Mace theory, I definately agree with Kurgan, this it total BS. Although Boba IS in ep3, I don't beleive he has a big role, I beleive Anakin will do the dirty work, with some outside help from Palpy, because Anakin still wouldn't be able to do it by himself.



BTW: shouldn't this be in the star wars forums ?


Nice spoiler posting there, might want to fix that. ;)

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Whoops! My mistake, sorry if I spoiled anything for anyone, but still this might turn out to be innacurate (and probably will :o ). However this is the latest 'leaked info' on the matter, so to speak...


Anyways, thanx wassup for pointing this to me, but you also might wanna edit your post now ;)

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I think May 2005 we will find out....


But we have no evidence that Amidala ever dies, not in any SW movie. What Leia might be saying, is what the Organa family was told to say as her history, rather than anything "real".

Not too many people know of the origin of the Skywalker twins, let alone their parents and where they are. Don't expect anything to match Leia's comments, since they will easily be explained as this is what Bail and his wife told Leia as to why her real mother was no longer around.

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