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What Would You Rather Be Killed By?

Boba Rhett

What would you rather be killed by?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you rather be killed by?

    • A Tiger
    • A Shark
    • Does Not Matter

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

I would rather die in a titanic struggle with a giant tiger, breathing my last breaths as I choke the creature to death, inso doing saving my village from a great menace and danger, and by my great courage being forever emblazoned in the memory and history of my people.


what the...


what if you were a merman;)

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Death by beautiful women would be the way to go, preferably scantily clad. :cool: But in-between a tiger and a shark, I'd say tiger, cause one quick bite to the neck and it's all over with. Sorta like getting shot in the head with a gun.

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Acutlly getting shot in the head might be a hell of alot worse way to die. True a REALLY well palced round could drop you before you fell a thing but its far more liely that it will rip up blood vessles and you'll slowly bleed to death in alot of pain if it kills you at all.

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Exactly but so is getting your spine broken by the bite of a tiger and then bleeding to death while it eats you alive.


Yes tigers do bite necks just to break an animals spine to stopn them from fighting, not to rip out their jugular and kill them quick.


Course I'm pretty sure either would put you into shock, and you'd pass out anyway. :D

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Im not sure their plenty of war stroies of guys taht have bits of grenanes in their legs or are shot and lay around for a few hour alive and aware. Faklands comes to mind the system for getting wounded off the feild was horrid the clod thou kept alive most of he soldiers left alying around on feilds.

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hmmm let me think.....

Shark or Tiger.


nearest WILD LIFE shark:

probably the coast of England


Nearest WILD LIFE Tiger:



uhmm... Tiger.. im able to run and hide before he gets here :D


but ... Eets first pick is very tempting :D.. but i dont want to die you know :D

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im going off the topic here... but i was in a gorcery store today and i was thinking... wouldnt it be cool to just start throwing vegetables and fruits and soup cans around... (sorry i was bored)... so my answer is going to be... i would like to be killed by the swat team while whipping bottles of ketchup at them :-D:c3po:

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Originally posted by D'Blee

I think I personally would choose to feed the goat to the shark and stand well back to allow the tiger to kill everyone else while I get busy petting the beautiful woman. Is that so wrong?


This person has the right idea. :D


What would be the quickest most painless death? Can someone make a chart of longest and most painful to quickest and most painless for us so we can see the ultimate way to die? (Besides getting struck down in combat)

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