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Star Wars Anti-Trivia v. 1.0

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On the planet Hot.


because .. well the rebels were all like.. childeren.. like those damn hippies who fight againts anything...

like some kids... a lot of them dont talk to well.. and they.. (dont know the english word)slis. they have a speaking disorder.

behind every "T" they put an "h"


So they made thios base on this planet where it is enormously hot... like the sun is shining like... alway.. they all go surfing and lying in the sun....when all of a sudden the empire needs a suntan aaswell.. but the rebels dont want to go away.. the yell liuke hippies: make love noth war . Peace man. have a jointh. Far outh.(<-- as you can see speaking disorder)

anyway the imps defeated the rebels... and when the holonet news channel came along to interview the rebels on their defeat.. they said it was: a Cool planet named Hoth.


well.. there you have it :D

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1) The Battle of Hoth never really took place at all. It was actually just an elborate propaganda scheme thought of by General Jan Dodonna (or whatever) in order to rally more planets to the Rebel Alliance's side... (strangely enough, the rebel alliance lost... :confused: )


2) Err... must've been the Karathi Guild

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Dantooine (Wacky_Baccy)

BUMSVILLE / it never happened (Cmdr. Cracken)

an asteroid (Devil Doll)

Greenland, Earth (NeoDios)

The planet Hot (Wraith 8)

a propaganda scheme / it never happened (Darth_Rommel)




The bonus goes to three people: Cmdr. Cracken, Devil Doll, and Wraith 8


RPG Bonus Question


The answer is Karathi Guild and the bonus (2 points) goes to Wacky_Baccy for first answer and the secondary bonus (1 point) goes to Cmdr. Cracken, NeoDios, and Darth Rommel


The RPG this question was taken from: The Karathi Assassin Guild in RSRP


The points go to:


1st: Wacky_Baccy 8 points

2nd: Cmdr. Cracken 8 points

3rd: Devil Doll 5 points

4th: NeoDios 4 points

5th: Wraith 8 3 points

6th: Darth_Rommel 2 points


Points overall


1st: Wacky_Baccy 40 points

2nd: Lynk Former 31 points

3rd: Tyrion 29 points

4th: Cmdr. Cracken 25 points

5th: Wraith 8 19 points

6th: Darth_Rommel 18 points

7th: NeoDios 17 points

8th: AB_Legion 13 points

9th: Devil Doll 10 points

10th: Kyle d'Tana 7 points


10th Question:


Who was the most powerful Jedi at the beginning of the Clone Wars (Attack of the Clones)?

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Who was the most powerful Jedi at the beginning of the Clone Wars (Attack of the Clones)?


Why its none other than- This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.


Bill Gates: MUAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!! You will never know!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!

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It´s simple




at the beggining of the movie, Yoda was the first Jedi who appeares in the movie and he shows how powerful is he, trying to put attemption(did i write it good?:p) in amidala, you can see how sweet and good is him, he thougt about to talk to Obi Wan and Anakin to protect amidala, and he ask to Obi Wan to go and investigate about the people who tries to kill amidala, he will always be the most powerful Jedi in all the universe, he know how to speak and confuse all the people, and he showed that he will always be powerful when he go for all the clones, you can see he was the only one who feels powerfull, the only weak moment he had was when he fight with Dooku, you can see he had problems with his leg and he needs to walk like you saw in the movie.


Yoda was the more powerful Jedi cause he was the only one who was training all the padawans in the movie and he is so smart, cute and small :p.

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Originally posted by Redwing

@DD: The answer actually could be either Anakin or Yoda :D but it still counts because of the 'reasons' you gave ;)



Hahahaha, sorry, when i saw the question I only think in anakin, :p, but the reasons i said was to good, i never think in what i write so, i think i still got some points :p

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Qui-Gon Jin (Wacky_Baccy)

(Bill Gates knows) (Commander 598)

Yoda (Devil Doll)

me (NeoDios)

Yada (Kyle d'Tana)

Corzip Dinn (Wraith 8) (duh :D)




The bonus goes to two people: Devil Doll and Wraith 8


RPG Bonus Question


None :D


[other info]


Normally I would subtract one from Devil Doll's points because she got it right technically, but she thought she had it wrong, and the purpose of that rule is to make sure people read the directions. So I am waivering the rule in this case :D


@Kyle d'Tana: Rank list? :confused:


[/other info]


The points go to:


1st: Wacky_Baccy 6 points

2nd: Commander 598 5 points

3rd: Devil Doll 5 points

4th: NeoDios 3 points

5th: Kyle d'Tana 2 points

6th: Wraith 8 2 points


Points overall


1st: Wacky_Baccy 46 points

2nd: Lynk Former 31 points

3rd: Tyrion 29 points

4th: Cmdr. Cracken 25 points

5th: Wraith 8 21 points

6th: NeoDios 20 points

7th: Darth_Rommel 18 points

8th: Devil Doll 15 points

9th: AB_Legion 13 points

10th: Kyle d'Tana 9 points

11th: Commander 598 5 points


11th Question:


What animals do the Tusken Raiders use as mounts?


RPG Bonus Question (reminder: get this one right)


At what time was Wraith Squadron formed?

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Tusken raiders.... it's obvious. they use my pants.

I mean, my pants are one of the hardest working mounts ever. they take me all over, and it's clear that my pants are techologically superior to any mount, mechanical or otherwise, therefore, the Tusken Raiders use... my pants.





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Tusken Rides use Wookies, they catch all the wookies who doesn´t speak like all the wookies and make them bad animals :p

the feed them and showed them how to be a good pet, that´s the reason the wookies grow up with a very small size and they learn how to walk with his arms and legs, then the wild wookies have family and they children grow up like their parents and all the wookie family lives hapy forever.


Those wookies grow different like the normal wookies, that´s the reason that the smart wookies never discovered the wild wookies are wookies too, if they could know that, they would kill all the tusken raiders they saw and try to make the wild wookies be like the smart ones.



RPG Question


Some years before battle of yavin, I remember you said something was wrong with the rpg and that time :p

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