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I agree as well, and it's usually the "skilled" players who are the first to run when their killing spree is broken...


However, there are times when it's not so fun to lose. For example, I hate being backstabbed 3 seconds after starting the duel. That's when you say to yourself: "What a fun and exciting duel we had there!" Then, in the next round I watch out for that backstabber and kick his arse. Then I get called names of course....

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I hate whiners and other scumsucking pond vermin that only cry and moan when they lose. I always lose (well, not always)

and try to just take it. Hey, I suck, but I can take it. You can't win all the time. Thats my philosophy, I will eventually wear you down :D





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The only time that I can't stand losing is when it's to one of those freaks who binds messages to say how much he is owning you every time you die. Haha, it IS funny when you kill someone in any manner and they're like, "WTF?! OMG!!" EVERY time.


I tend to laugh when I die. My own mortality amuses me. I wish someone would make that counter that tells everybody how many times you've died.



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Originally posted by MediocreSlacker

I wish someone would make that counter that tells everybody how many times you've died.

No! No! No! -- I don't want to see a count of my deaths! :) I'd say I have about a 20% win record in battle, which is not so good.

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Originally posted by MediocreSlacker

The only time that I can't stand losing is when it's to one of those freaks who binds messages to say how much he is owning you every time you die. Haha, it IS funny when you kill someone in any manner and they're like, "WTF?! OMG!!" EVERY time.


I tend to laugh when I die. My own mortality amuses me. I wish someone would make that counter that tells everybody how many times you've died.




Yeah, the morons that like to tell us exactly *how* they rule the server and how gay your fighting looks really ticks me off.


The counter that tells us how many people a person has killed is just an instrument of bragging really, I too, would rather see that other counter.... Especially if it made your deaths into more precise statistics like:


I've now been:


-Sabered: 49 times,

-Shot: 69 times,

-Killed by my own dumb Self: 1457 times...



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The only thing you can do is keep quiet and say no word. That usually makes them stop.

I was on a server, mentioned in that expanded Saber Code topic, and at that time, there was a guy, who just in sudden called me wimp or something. Didn't know then, don't know now, why. :) Funny, how these things go round 'n' round :)

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Like SLO-Sentinal said, I find the best thing to do is ignore the idiots, it winds them up even more when you don't reply and they eventually leave to go pester someone else. Silence is indeed Golden in these situations.

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oh yeah, one time I had a guy being a complete idiot to me and others on the server, then I did the little lunge trick from the cliff on the Jedi Training map or whatever the hell it is, the one after Carbon. Anyhoo when I got done floating on down, he stopped and asked me how I did that. I just remained quiet and he got really pissed and left LOL. Some people can be so clueless.

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Unfortunately the ego problem is common to all of the online multiplayer computer games that I can think of... and also part of the makeup of the internet at large, so likely a human problem.

; p


Oh well, some of it brings out the worst in people, but in others it brings out the best. Just gotta take the good with the bad...


I say, train the Newbies and put the fear of God back into the Elites... its a dirty job, but if we all work together we can do it!

; )

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Unfortunately the ego problem is common to all of the online multiplayer computer games that I can think of... and also part of the makeup of the internet at large, so likely a human problem.

; p


Oh well, some of it brings out the worst in people, but in others it brings out the best. Just gotta take the good with the bad...


I say, train the Newbies and put the fear of God back into the Elites... its a dirty job, but if we all work together we can do it!

; )


I'm with ya 100% ;)

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I dont mind being beat and if I am, I will usually tell you I had a lot of fun in the match. I only get mad when people say I'm cheap and then I have to explain to them how the game works and if they heal or lightning I will backstab them, cause I am not going to fight them all day, expecially when I dont use heal or absorb. I Know its my preference and that I could use absorb or heal, but hey, they could use protect or rage, right? Some people just want to whine about anything they can. I have a friend who makes excuses for everthing. If you cant accept blame then you can never move forward. example... some people will never remap thier keys or play with mouse look (my friend) to become better and then blame loosing because they couldnt see you were above them. In my gaming history I have re learned several keyboard mappings and mouse configurations. I finally moved to the numlock keys and mouse and have stayed with that for the last 2 years. I remaped my keys for jk2 at least 4 times to better handle my movements and forcepowers. ummmm what were we talking about. oh yeah... getting beat.. I dont mind it.

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OK, yesterday I was on a DS server and there were 4 others all chatting real $h*t so I just kept quite, then one of them starts saying "oh lexx must be the kind of stupid person who just plays and isn't sociable". WTF...now I'm being cussed for keeping quiet!!! I replied "I just don't like chatting $h*t like some people" so they got all upset and started cussing me. Of course I just kept quiet again and it pi$$ed them off even more. Jehhhzuuusss, you just can't win with these idiots no matter what you do! :rolleyes:

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Yes lexx, this is commonplace on DS more and more. Egos are HUGE here (Kill a "sabergod:rolleyes:" and the 1st you'll hear is OMG!!! (like slacker said also...).

Sometimes I just go into clown mode and have a blast teasing their asses of.

This works best in the Reelo (Rodian fatty) outfit - hehe:)

Also I can't keep my trap shut so I sometimes remind them that they are being extremely arrogant.

That usually results in ppl. lightening up or shutting up.


Is this just a game or what? *LOL*

NO dammit, this is survival of the foulest mouth :D:D:D

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No kidding, last night I'm playing on this one server and I win like 5 matches and everybody is being cool and then this one guy comes up who is better and he beats me and right away everybody starts with the "owned" crap.


I just stayed quiet and did my thing. It seems that people just revert back to the days of cavemen or something, It really ruins it for some people. Just play and if you get beat, cool, if you win, thats cool to. But keep the stupid comments to yourself.



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