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Patch 1.04 and RED STANCE -- ONE HIT KILLS


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Hey !! LucasArts ..... the game is now screwed with this 1.04 patch.


The fixes that you made in 1.04 have runined the game play ...... not too happy I can tell you.


One guy uses the RED Stance ..... forward + JUMPS on you and brings the sabre down at the same time...... result = other player is dead in one hit even if you have full health points and shields.


This same player is not even near me, and yet he can take health points away from me when he swings the sabre (red stance). He has done this to every player he has played today. Players using the red stance can also move just as fast as players using the yellow stance, so I feel that this has also unbalanced the game play.


No way to counter these red stance moves / hits either.


This game is unbalanced in this department.

Time to fix it I think, and fast.


People kick you to death instead now..... (spam kick).


Patch 1.04 is total S H I T ... and needs to be re-addressed. The moves in RED Stance are too strong and fast, as you don't stand a chance to win in Yellow or Blue Stance !


This patch should have been tested first to see if it was fair..... it is not in this case and should not have been released --- POOR TESTING = UNFAIR PLAY WITH THE RED STANCE BEING THIS STRONG !

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Originally posted by CDRW

Hey !! LucasArts ..... the game is now screwed with this 1.04 patch.


The fixes that you made in 1.04 have runined the game play ...... not too happy I can tell you.


One guy uses the RED Stance ..... forward + JUMPS on you and brings the sabre down at the same time...... result = other player is dead in one hit even if you have full health points and shields.


Players using the red stance can also move just as fast as players using the yellow stance, so I feel that this has also unbalanced the game play.


OMFG you are just asking for a ****ing flame n00b. The game always had the DFA or the "forward + JUMPS on you and brings the sabre down at the same time...... result = other player is dead in one hit even if you have full health points and shields" move. RETARD


And RED stance moves just as slowly as ever. Damn, how long have you been playing this game? 2 minutes???



ps. I almost never flame people, but all this whining just got on my nerves.

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i agree. you're lucky im in a good mood, otherwise i'd flame you too.


the heavy style "attack + jump" has always existed and is probably the easiest move in the game to dodge. heavy stancers can "take health away" from further away because of the increased range of heavy swings compared to medium or light.


if you're concerned about a heavy player's movement speed, slow them down by forcing them to backpedal. there are so many ways to do this im not even going to start ...


there are so many ways to counter these moves, it's not funny. firstly, you can simply run away (dont backpedal, too slow). you can dodge using roll. you can use heavy stance yourself to increase your defensive capability. you can sidestep and use medium/light to hit your opponent during move recovery.


the kick spam i agree with however, kick is now quite a powerful move. reducing it's damage i think would make it perfect. if you have a real issue with kick, play on true NF servers, or play ffa saber duels, where kick does no damage and doesn't knockback as effectively (still knocksdown though).


1.04 is alot better than 1.03 in my opinion, and is very far from ****. i love it.


as for testing. how do you know how much testing was done? let's see, there was 1.03a, u1.04, the fan mod. those are three that i know of, all of which dabbled with reducing backstab's power, as well as putting forward their own suggestions in some cases as to the correction of certain issues they saw as problematic in the game. i think 1.04 is the best combination of those "dabbles"

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Another One, Huh???


You know...it's people like you that have f'd this game up. Why not instead of fighting in blue or yellow stance against a red stancer....use red???? It equals the odds.


Whine on fool!!! Maybe in the next patch they'll just remove the lightsaber.



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Originally posted by intoxictd

Another One, Huh???


You know...it's people like you that have f'd this game up. Why not instead of fighting in blue or yellow stance against a red stancer....use red???? It equals the odds.


Whine on fool!!! Maybe in the next patch they'll just remove the lightsaber.





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i'm with stupid :p


if somebody uses DFA, just move outta the way...it's the most ****ing easy move to counter in the whole game!

it results in a free kill for you, why complain if somebody only uses DFA you noob?


and for your information...DFA is exactly the same as in 1.03.......


and....red stance is as slow as hell compared to medium but it does a lot more....learn to play the game you ****ing newb

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

I remember in a pre-AOL time period where the Internet was actually free of these types of people...


pre AOL.....you mean crappy connections or whiners?:D


i didn't realize people use that **** AOL (no actually i know they exist...sad but true)

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You are right (almost)..


The game was fine just the way it was (1.03), except for the use

of scripts while you where backstabbing..


WHY cant they just fix an update so that people cant execute

scripts while backstabbing?!?!


The multiplayer game now SUCKS!

And everybody is just lightning you to death now....







Five sad ones of five possible.

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After releasing two patches (1.03, 1.04) the mp is now screwed up.


In 1.03 they have reduced the damage of the saber-tip, because ppl where complaining, they got hurt by a saber tip. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Effectively, the saber is now shortened. Eating only 1-5 hp with its tip is pointless. You need good timing to touch your opponent whithout risking to be touched. ´The saber tip damage gave a good fighter an advantage over the weak. Whats wrong with it? I dont mind beeing killed by a good fighter! In addition they deleted the feature that you could pivot during dfa. I havent played on public 1.02 servers, was dfa the only thing they did, really?


As a consequence ppl went for the bs-move. They used force pull & bs. Ppl where complaining about getting hurt again. Hey this pull and bs move is not primitive at all. In addition some ppl thought that floating is gay. Come on, leave me alone with your gay-problems! So Raven deleted floating and decreased the damage caused by bs.


Now the ppl are complaining about lighting and dfa. Well I understand what they mean. I have been on an FFA server yesterday. But it seems now that you dont have much choice. Well, Raven will delete this funtionality too in 1.05.


Then ppl will go for the yellow finisher, and in 1.06 they will delete this feature too.


The problem about whining is bigger then in other games. If you are killed in a very elegant manor, you cant say thats luck. So it makes ppl feel less smart. Thats the problem. But that (I mean elegant fighting) is the reason, that I guess most of us like the game. Yes, I still like it. I dont mean that dfa is elegant. No its not. Its more that conan style. However, its really fun to make an elegant move to kill the opponent. Or you jump into a croud of 4 ppl. and send them to the entry point with 4 fast and well coordinated swings. No longer possible, saber is too short/less damage.


Take a look at sp. You could kill a guy like desann with 2 clean blue stance lunges!! You dont beleve it? Try it out using the famous ladder map: call devmapall ladder, say notarget, say npc_spawn desann, and you will see what I mean.


All those patching have seriously disabled features, hence the fighting style becomes more primitive.


Lucasarts and Ravensoft invented a new gaming genre. You cant call it 3D action shooter. I'd rather call it 3D SciFi Martial-Arts Simulator. I am very thankful for this. I would - I am allready starting to - miss it.


I hope that the program management will change the strategy of continuously removing functionality, PLEASE! Its allways better to do slight adjustments then just slashing the features.


I know that the guys from raven read the forum: so this is my wishlist:


1/ Put back the sp and 1.02 damage model of the saber tip.

2/ Enable the feature of doing pivots in bs and dfa

3/ keep the feature (introduced in 1.03) of doining combos with the red stance

4/ put back the feature that allows you to see if one uses absorb.

5/ put in a low damage mode for DUEL (isnt there allready one? sg_saberdamage 0.5 or so?)


In sp ls-sabering is still fun. You can be successful just waiting for your ls-opponents (reborn, shadowtroopers) to attack. Then move right & swing, You just touch them with your saber tip. You need at max 2 strikes to let them make their final dance. Good timing necessary! In mp (since 1.03) you have to deeply run into your opponent and you eat up 20hp's while loosing 10. You need to fight like conan. Thats not elegant.


The first point above is the most important. It leads to a good fighting style because you will try to keep away from your opponent, just touching him with the tip. Thats what saber fighting is all about, right?

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Originally posted by Nuke

I havent played on public 1.02 servers, was dfa the only thing they did, really?

umm....yes it was :(


I know that the guys from raven read the forum: so this is my wishlist:


1/ Put back the sp and 1.02 damage model of the saber tip.

2/ Enable the feature of doing pivots in bs and dfa

3/ keep the feature (introduced in 1.03) of doining combos with the red stance

4/ put back the feature that allows you to see if one uses absorb.

5/ put in a low damage mode for DUEL (isnt there allready one? sg_saberdamage 0.5 or so?)

Nice statement, Nuke, however, I tend to disagree a bit. So far I played maybe 5 hours 1.04 mp, NF FFA and NF Duel. For me it'll take still some time to adapt to the patch.


I agree with you in no. 1 of your list.


I strongly disagree with no. 2. Pivoting during dfa is just complete bull****. Not only is it completely unrealistic, it would also make dfa spamming in FFA games worse than it is now. Pivoting during Backsweep moves doesn't really make a difference with decreased damage, I think. But I just like it the way it is now, since the backsweep moves are now the way they are supposed to be: a rare counter move when your opponent is behind you. Now it is really dangerous to turn you bvack on your opponent because a backsweep won't attack but rather rescue you from being killed.


No. 3: AGREED! I love red stance combos as you know ;)


No. 4: I disagree. I like it this way. You can still listen for the absorb.


No. 5: I think the Raven guy (Chang) said something like that in the sticky post about different settings in private duels in FFA games, so we might give this a shot.

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Doesn't sound like the v1.04 patch is all that fun then?


I wasn't too fond of the v1.03 patch when I first played it because it changed things just as I was getting used to them. But now I do enjoy lightsaber combat more because I installed several mods (Availble at jediknightII.net) such as the jedi Moves v2 mod. Make sit really fun! :D


(Gives you fast Tavion and Strong Desann type one handed lightsaber combat and lots of combo options. The combat can go freakingly fast with that! Really made for maps with lots of space where you can move, runa round, jump around do accrobatics. Fun! :D - Especially in SP the Reborn and all also use this mod in combat, where they used to waiver they come in strong and lethal now. But I still chop them up. :p)

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Originally posted by Wan

WHY cant they just fix an update so that people cant execute

scripts while backstabbing?!?!


News flash, well over half the people killing you with backstabs weren't using scripts.


They were just better players than you.

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OMG ! First I think there have been enough threads bitching about the patch.




Third, only a noob would complain about getting killed with the DFA.


Fourth, I do believe it was patched this was because of all the damn whining about 1.03


Fifth, no you cannot stop the scripting because of the Q3 engine, it is how the damn game works.


Sixth - SHUT UP AND PLAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think he was referring to the blender/helicopter/yawspeed "scripts". No matter how you cut it, that was ONLY possible w/ either a script or an insane mouse sensitivity. It was cheap and was spammed sooooooooo much that Raven made the right choice. The backstab itself wasn't the problem, it was the inbalance of pull, the spinning scripts/binds/whatevers, and the ability to cheat using a script that allowed you to backstab w/out anyone behind you (it simulated an NPC behind you or something like that). Other than that, 1.03 had only 2 other flaws, the float, and the saber throw/pull (which still exists in 1.04).

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Jesus. They keep churning out a patch and everyone keeps pissing and moaning. If a 1.06 comes out everyone will piss and moan again and go "they need to make a 1.07 and do this!" And then when they release a 1.07 everyone will start moaning about what they need to change in 1.08. Just shut your traps and play already. The damn game is fine. Why don't you go bust your ass developing some huge innovative FPS and see how well you can do if you don't like it. I doubt it would even come close to this game.

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Originally posted by MUHAHAHAHAHA

I think he was referring to the blender/helicopter/yawspeed "scripts". No matter how you cut it, that was ONLY possible w/ either a script or an insane mouse sensitivity. It was cheap and was spammed sooooooooo much that Raven made the right choice. The backstab itself wasn't the problem, it was the inbalance of pull, the spinning scripts/binds/whatevers, and the ability to cheat using a script that allowed you to backstab w/out anyone behind you (it simulated an NPC behind you or something like that). Other than that, 1.03 had only 2 other flaws, the float, and the saber throw/pull (which still exists in 1.04).


Disabling cl_yawspeed setting that are higher then 200 would have been enough.


What is that "they simulated an NPC behind you" stuff? You sound as mystc as an neanderthal talkin about starships.

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Originally posted by Bluezman

umm....yes it was :(


Nice statement, Nuke, however, I tend to disagree a bit. So far I played maybe 5 hours 1.04 mp, NF FFA and NF Duel. For me it'll take still some time to adapt to the patch.


I agree with you in no. 1 of your list.


I strongly disagree with no. 2. Pivoting during dfa is just complete bull****. Not only is it completely unrealistic, it would also make dfa spamming in FFA games worse than it is now. Pivoting during Backsweep moves doesn't really make a difference with decreased damage, I think. But I just like it the way it is now, since the backsweep moves are now the way they are supposed to be: a rare counter move when your opponent is behind you. Now it is really dangerous to turn you bvack on your opponent because a backsweep won't attack but rather rescue you from being killed.


No. 3: AGREED! I love red stance combos as you know ;)


No. 4: I disagree. I like it this way. You can still listen for the absorb.


No. 5: I think the Raven guy (Chang) said something like that in the sticky post about different settings in private duels in FFA games, so we might give this a shot.


I agree with u in all of these Bluez... Just on No.5 (about lowering damage in duels???) i don't see why damage should be lowered... this is a problem that has been there all along, that duels just lasted forever... and still do... so lowering the damage would almost mean that duels could literally last forever!!! (with heal and so on)


i won't say that damage should be increased (it shouldn't, or else there'd be a strong element of the lucky hit striking and causing the win) but an interesting idea would be to lower the auto blocking rate for saber moves... others have suggested also modifying blocking radius, and i proposed a manual block system (one that forms a compromise by allowing 100% block rate for certain moves, given a certain "block combo" or "blocking stance", each combo of which could block a certain set of moves, these could overlap to make it easier) - i think this would allow for different styles, so ppl can play defensive or offensive, but it would be really nuts if someone was to master both modes of play...


i'm not calling for a change, but this IMHO would make duels far more exciting, diverse and challenging... and could be a really good mod if someone can make it...

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Hmm. All this moaning about the new patch. I've been playing online for about a fortnight now, so played 1.03 too.


With all FPS online games you'll get players who cheat, players who perfect one move/kill type and then stick to it and players, who (lo and behold) are genuinely good at the game overall. Wise up all you whingers! Sure when I started to play JK2 online, I was got by the pull+spin insanely a few times.


Now with 1.04 I was cleaved in half a couple of times by dfa'ers. I adopted the novel art of LEARNING and PRACTICE, consequently DODGING the lungers, moving round the back quickly and jabbing my pointy blue saber up his ar*e. Guess what? He changed his style after that! I even lunge myself occasionally.


The trick is finding players who are likeminded, enjoy a good fight involving all the tricks/moves/skills instead of boring the hell out of everyone else by leaping about one time after another. If people just like racking up kills by standing in a corner electrocuting everything and it annoys you then my advice is, er, leave the server... have a beer. Do something that calms you down - ;-)... Just don't blame a piece of coding.


I agree with Bluezman though about 'blocking stances' etc. I wouldn't mind seeing a mod too where one swipe of the saber virtually kills you. Would make for interesting fights that could be over pretty quick. We're talking about a weapon that slices through metal like a blow-torch through butter afterall. Just a thought and as it's mod, it would be a choice rather than a patch that everyone 'suffers'.

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Originally posted by karismatik


I agree with u in all of these Bluez... Just on No.5 (about lowering damage in duels???) i don't see why damage should be lowered... this is a problem that has been there all along, that duels just lasted forever... and still do... so lowering the damage would almost mean that duels could literally last forever!!! (with heal and so on)


i won't say that damage should be increased (it shouldn't, or else there'd be a strong element of the lucky hit striking and causing the win) but an interesting idea would be to lower the auto blocking rate for saber moves... others have suggested also modifying blocking radius, and i proposed a manual block system (one that forms a compromise by allowing 100% block rate for certain moves, given a certain "block combo" or "blocking stance", each combo of which could block a certain set of moves, these could overlap to make it easier) - i think this would allow for different styles, so ppl can play defensive or offensive, but it would be really nuts if someone was to master both modes of play...


i'm not calling for a change, but this IMHO would make duels far more exciting, diverse and challenging... and could be a really good mod if someone can make it...

Ok, that's what Chang from Raven wrote:

A reminder to players and dedicated server runners: I recommend that you set g_saberTraceSaberFirst to "1" only for duel modes, set it to "0" for all other modes. This will make the saber combat last longer (because blocks work more frequently) in duel mode, but they will be shorter in other modes.

So actually it was about reducing blocking, not lowering saber damage.

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Originally posted by Prime

Getting hit directly by a lightsaber with a strong swing kills you? How unrealistic! LOL :p


Well the one I bought at Toys R Us doesn't kill either, so I dont understand why the hell it must be so dangerous in JK2!

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