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The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future


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((OOS: Huh? Ken'atra has the Time Matrix. Why would he jump with it? What just happened there?


Argh...Death needs to post...she's been busy, and LucasForums has been down two days in a row the whole time she was on, and she wasn't on before that.


[me being on all day, didn't affect me]


edit: And naturally, the forums go down just as I want to edit this stupid thing...anyway disregard this, Deac read PM ^.^))



Rwos: What in seven hells? *looks around* I know this planet...it's called Atredis. It's...Deac's home planet...


*Rwos glances around and sees a figure slipping away. He recognizes it too late*


Ken'atra! He's been following us...he must have seen all of that...all of it...the Darkstar...


Flax! Odin!


*no answer. Rwos looks behind him to see his companions already embroiled in the fight. Just in time for the stormtroopers to notice him...*


Oh great.

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* A man, looking similar to Deac rises above from behind a pile of rubble and rapidly fires at the stormtrooper squad*


Man: Come, fellows! Death to the Enemies of the House!


*The squad of Atredian soldiers drag the party behind cover*


Man: I'm Terrakon Starkiller, 3rd brother of Lord Talzion. Who, and what are you? *Points at Rwos* And how did you get here


*The comm beeps*


Comm: Be advised, Deac's protection squad was taken out...Deac has been sighted in your area..


Terrakon: All I need, my 10 year old nephew wandering out in a warzone...

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Rwos: Listen to me very carefully, because your family's future depends on it.


We are from the future. We have...followed a being named Ken'atra here via a time-traveling device called the Time Matrix. He has a powerful spirit named the Darkstar with him. They are here to kill your nephew, Deac Starkiller.

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*As Cracken regains his composure, the sound of blaster fire ignights his military training. he jumps behind a rock, using it for cover. he takes his sniper rifle out, and sets his sights. *BLAM* a stormtrooper got one to the head. as the battle progresses, many a dead stormtroopers were strewn about due to Cracken's crack skills.*

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Terrakon: Darkstar? That must be...what Syrnl got...he was the firstborn, you know...he read into books on evil, he found a strange power, and is...with the empire...


We have a common goal. We must find Deac, otherwise all is lost...





*A young boy cowers behind a trashed speeder. His spirit suddenly picks up...he can see his father, but he is wounded. Another figure stands above his wounded father. A young man, only about 17...*


Talzion: You wouldn't kill me...or have you truly sold your soul?


*The man turns. Deac gasps...it's his older brother. He hasn't seen him since the argument*


Syrnl: I did not sell my soul, mearly loaned it. I get it back, and I get power...


*A voice that is not Syrnl's leaves his mouth...*


How does it feel to be finally beaten, Starkiller?

We'll meet again...sooner than you think...


*Syrnl stabs Talzion through the heart*

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ill just wiat til this one's over, but i also might go into that spin off one :p


but for now ill just play minor characters here and there



*After cracken's assult on the squad of stormtroopers, all but a lone StormTrooper was left, in the open...


if you were too look closely you'd notice a small puddle around his ankles.*

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Rwos: He could still damage history, perhaps beyond our ability to fix it. And he didn't fail at Asgard - he left before doing anything. The Darkstar had to have warned him and convinced him that killing Deac Starkiller would alter this. And since Deac is no longer under the protection we are, it could work!

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Vidar: He didn't do anything on Asgard he left which means he failed. Whether he returns is another story, for now my people are at peace. Remember once we have the time matrix we can go back to the time before he found it. We stop him again before he get hold of the time matrix. Then he will no longer be able make the changes.


Look at it this way if I go back in time and kill myself, I would no longer exist in the future. Because of that I wouldn't be able to go back in time to kill myself, as such time would remain unchanged.


Odin: It doesn't matter, we need to stop Ken'atra, the sooner the better. When we stop him we will then posses the time matrix.


Now if you don't mind we can continue this debate another time. We are here to stop Ken'atra, and acquire the time matrix. Now if you please, either be quite or say something that will help us accomplish our goal and get back home.

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Terrakon: It sounds to me that if Deac dies today, you might never meet. So do me a favour and keep him alive...


[Deac never goes to Cantina, never meets Rwos, Rwos leaves shortly after arriving. Deac never meets Odin, Odin stays on Aesir, Cracken never tries to sway Deac to his side, Ragnarok never happens.]


Comm: Lord Terrakon?


Terrakon: Yes?


Comm: Lord Talzion has fallen.


*Terrakon kneels and begins to weep*




*Syrnl bends over his dead father. Deac screams.*


Young Deac: You monster! You killed Dad!


Syrnl: Deac...come with me. You can be a lord too. Would you like that?


*Syrnl grabs Deac and holds his face close to his*


See the power I hold? You could have something like it!


Deac: I have a power already...


*Deac's steel toe capped boot goes straight into Syrnl's groin, allowing Deac to run away. Syrnl, says the words he will say time and again over his life for the first time*


Syrnl: Owwww! Curse you Deac Starkiller!

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Vidar: Which in turns means that there would be no holocaust, Ken'atra would never get the time matrix which means never come back here to kill Deac, which means Deac would live and the events would then happen. [Ragnorak will happen, it may be delayed but it can't be stopped]


You have a choice, stop crying help us or watch Deac die. I give you 10 seconds to decide.

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((OOS: Nice downtime there...well I'm relaying a message from Death about four days late. Her computer has a virus, and it won't be fixed till Monday which is...tomorrow. *shrugs* She might not be online here till Tuesday. She says for Deac to do what he thinks best if she doesn't show up in time.))



Rwos: I know some things about this Time Matrix; I always considered it a fanciful myth, but obviously - anyway, the Time Matrix protects the user in the time stream. Ken'atra cannot kill himself using the Time Matrix. Even if he removes any possibility of his existence from this reality - he will still exist, and everything he has done with the Time Matrix will remain unchanged.


Because of...whatever that creature did to us...we are also under the Time Matrix' protection. Ken'atra cannot harm us but he can now erase Deac from existence and I am NOT going to allow that to happen!


*Rwos collars Terrakon, eyes glowing* It's been twenty seconds. Are you going to help us or not?


(( edit: called Terrakon 'Talzion' :animelol: ))

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Rwos: *to Odin* This isn't Asgard, so take your own advice and be silent. *to Terrakon, who is still sobbing* Terrakon! Listen to me! *shakes him* Do you want to save your nephew or not? Talzion may be dead, but as long as his son lives, the Starkiller legacy will carry on. That's what you care about, isn't it?


*Rwos hopes he'd guessed right*

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*Terrakon fills with rage, and stands. He says nothing to the party, only grabs a weapon and steps up to the battlements. *


Terrakon: Deac was last seen in the courtyard. Check there.


*He fires over the battlements, killing several stormtroopers*


I have to secure the gates...it was Talzion's last order. Never let this Castle fall...




The battlements! I'll be safe there!


*Deac runs towards the battlement access stairs, but is barred by a Stormtrooper, who raises his blaster at Deac's shaking head...*

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*Rwos flies around the courtyard, knocking over stormtroopers that fire at him. He catches sight of a form, too short to be a warrior, entering a small door under one of the castle's battlements. A stormtrooper was raising his blaster at it...Rwos roars and swoops towards the figure, eyes glowing*

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*The stormtrooper notices Rwos*


Trooper: What the-!?


*Deac whacks the trooper in the groin, and he falls backwards, dropping his blaster. Deac takes it and raises it.*


I hate you...horrible men...


*Deac shakes, and as the Trooper begins to try and grab the blaster, Deac fires. The trooper falls dead. Deac has killed for the first time. He then looks up to see Rwos flying round*


An angel...?

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