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I saw the movie this weekend!! Watch it...its good! My boyfriend thought it be kinda gay...but he ended up really liking it! Its scarey. I had all kinds of wierd alien dreams and woke up in the middle of the night and kept searching the shadows for an alien!!




good movie!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Rogue Nine

The ending could have been tweaked a little bit better though. That's all I'll say.


Are u referring to the amazingly not scary alien or the fact that Mel Gibson's character takes his son's asthma attack as a wake up call and reaffirms his faith?


If u are referring to the latter then i have to disagree w/ u my friend, it was the best ending that it could have had! I loved it, it sent out the message that there is someone out there looking out for us and protecting us and that there really are no coincidences (i probably spelled that wrong). It had a heart warming and friendly ending.


If u are referring to the alien being kinda fuzzy and not realistic, well, i think that was to give u the feel that u were looking thru the eyes of that family and that u were really there experiencing it or that ur watching someone's home movie of that experience. I thought that it was an effective means of putting the audience into the perspective of that family. I felt like i was really there.


Altogether i thought it was an extremely well done and well written movie. It was very enjoyable and way creepy! When I went to see it with my friend the entire theatre was filled w/ girls, all of whom screamed at the top of their lungs at the slightest flick of a corn husk. It is a movie that you should never watch alone and that can only be fully appreciated when seen in the dark and on the big screen. I was surprised at how fast it jumped into the story tho.

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Next time insert spoiler warnings before you give away plot detail. Just a friendly service to the other forummites. :)



The alien was incredibly cheesy. Blahness. What would have been a really good twist was to have little Bo be one of them and eat Joaquin Phoenix's face off or something....or maybe not. Just something better than an alien that spews gas at you and allows itself to be bludgeoned to death by a man with a baseball bat.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just saw it, I thought it was good...



yeah the alien was bald, but it was a little more realistic than some big thing made up of only spikes and teeth. It was supposed to look more like a person or the first time Mel saw it (standing on the roof) it would have been obvious what it was. I liked the ending too. It was cool how everything tied together.



I suggest anyone who's been thinking about seeing it, to go

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I saw Signs the other week and though it was good. It wasn't that scary, but I don't think it was supposed to be that scary, though it was more of an intence movie. I also suggest that if you were thinking about it you should see this movie, because I enjoyed it.

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It wasn't that scary, but it startled me a few times. Especially when Bo is handing one of the dogs a food bowl, and all of the sudden, the dog barks at the top of his lungs. The only real creepy part is



when the alien hand is coming out of the coal shaft and it grabs the boy by the throat.


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Originally posted by Captain Fett


Are u referring to the amazingly not scary alien or the fact that Mel Gibson's character takes his son's asthma attack as a wake up call and reaffirms his faith?


If u are referring to the latter then i have to disagree w/ u my friend, it was the best ending that it could have had! I loved it, it sent out the message that there is someone out there looking out for us and protecting us and that there really are no coincidences (i probably spelled that wrong). It had a heart warming and friendly ending.


If u are referring to the alien being kinda fuzzy and not realistic, well, i think that was to give u the feel that u were looking thru the eyes of that family and that u were really there experiencing it or that ur watching someone's home movie of that experience. I thought that it was an effective means of putting the audience into the perspective of that family. I felt like i was really there.


Altogether i thought it was an extremely well done and well written movie. It was very enjoyable and way creepy! When I went to see it with my friend the entire theatre was filled w/ girls, all of whom screamed at the top of their lungs at the slightest flick of a corn husk. It is a movie that you should never watch alone and that can only be fully appreciated when seen in the dark and on the big screen. I was surprised at how fast it jumped into the story tho.

:wstupid: I agree. It was scary as hell, and the ending was one of the best so far. Especially in a country that is in dire need of some faith.
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