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What Specs do you have ?


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My specs:


SOYO P4S Dragon Ultra Motherboard

Intel Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz 512kb cache

256 MB DDR 266 Mgz RAM

ATI Rage Pro 128 32MB Video Ram

1 20 GB Hard drive

1 5 GB Hard Drive


8x4x12 CD R-RW Drive

56 Kb Modem

Creative SoundBlaster Live Audio Card

4 USB 2.0 ports

2 USB 1.0 ports

19 INCH True Flat screen Monitor

Windows ME


So my Video Card, Internet Access and Hard drives need a little upgrading, Everything else is right on par! :D





That's my main computer in my home. I have a network at home! My other computers are as follows:



Pentium 3 1.0 Ggz


40 GB Hard drive

Geforce 2 32MB video RAM

12x8x32 CD R-RW Drive



Pentium 2 333 Mgz

5 GB Harddrive

Voodoo 3 Video Card 16 MB Video RAM




Pentium 2 300 Mgz

20 GB Harddrive

Geforce 2 32 MB RAM




So there! That's all of them for now... ;)

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Intel P3 500


13.5 & 100 GB HD ATA

4x40x DVD Player

40/12/40 CDRW

100 MB ZIP

56k Modem

3COM 10/100 Managed NIC

16 MB nVidia TNT Graphics Card

Integrated SB AWE 128 Live

17 in Sony Flat CRT Monitor

2 USB 2.0 ports + 4 on Monitor

WinXP Pro

OfficeXP Keyboard

Explorer IR Mouse




Looking at uping my graphics card next and soon (GeForce 4 4600 TI) and then board and processor later on.

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WinME is evil. I have it.



1.4 Ghz Pentium 4 processor

80Gb hd space

64mb GeForce 2 Ultra

250 ZIP, also backwards compatable with 100 ZIPs

Nice DVD player

56k modem (I use cable though)

Voyetra Santa Cruz Turtle Beach sound card

Microsoft Intellimouse

19-inch visible Trinitron monitor


That's all I can remember.

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AMD Athalon k-7

40 gig hd

1 gig (overclocked to 1.33 :) )

384 mb sdram (256 + 128)

Thunderbird motherboard

56k modem AND Ethernet card

64 mb Geforce 4 mx 420 graphics card

Wireless Intellimouse

Internet keyboard

17" normal old monitor (I want a panel...but who doesn't?)

normal speakers (great sound, though...these are actually from my old computer, they were better than the new ones that came with this system)

normal cd-rom...don't need to burn music and dvd-roms have crappy resolution anyway. I'll stick with my xbox for DVDs. :cool:

Win XP Pro (a friend got me a copy that you only have to input a cd key to use and nothing else...beats the **** outta ME)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Now why the hell would you need a 56K and an Ethernet card? Seems a bit redundant.


it's helpful if say, your high-speed connection hasn't been installed yet and you still want to check e-mail or forums.....which did happen to me when I first moved into my apartment.

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Now why the hell would you need a 56K and an Ethernet card? Seems a bit redundant.

I have both 56k & NIC. I was originally using a dial up on my computer when I first got it. Then added a NIC when I upgraded to cable, so I just left the modem in. It does not take up anything that I would be using anyway, so I just leave it there instead of with the rest of my computer pieces.


I also forgot about my small HD, some 5 GB that I got from work. I only use it for testing or very temp storage.


Win XP Pro (a friend got me a copy that you only have to input a cd key to use and nothing else...beats the **** outta ME)

What you have is the corp edition. It does not require an activation. No Microsoft corp editions do, its for bulk licenses. However, check if you CD key starts with FCKW, then beware of the new SP1 being release sometime at the end of the month. It is suppost to deactivate your registration, but dont worry. There are ways around this too.... :evil2:

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Actually XP is not evil at all :)


AMD Thunderbird 1.2Ghz

ASUS A7V Motherboard


Maxtor 30 gigs @ 7200 RPM

Leadtek Geforce 4 Ti4400 128MB <==Cost bunches, deliver bunches :)

SoundBlaster Live! Value

Cambridge Soundworks FPS 2000 (4.1 surround speakers)

Samsung Syncmaster 900NF (19' monitor)

Pioneer DVD 16x

And umm... ah yes, the accessories:

Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000

Logitech Extreme Digital 3D joystick (good stuff for the price!)

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Originally posted by talldudeX

Intel celeron 866 with internal graphics




so, so? i don't care :D

Sounds like me too, and I don't care either. Only thing I've done to it is added 128 megs RAM and a DSL modem. :) Works fine for me, though I may buy another system in a little bit.



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