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I could write a very angry letter right now about Boba Rhett, but I decided instead merely to express some constructive criticism. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, Boba Rhett can't fool me. I've met unsympathetic sideshow barkers before, so I know that we must overcome the fears that beset us every day of our lives. We must overcome the fear that Boba Rhett will leave behind a wake of noisome reaction. And to overcome these fears, we must reveal the nature and activity of Boba Rhett's functionaries and expose their inner contexts as well as their ultimate final aims. He gives new meaning to the word "profligate". What are the lessons for us in this? First, it's that no clear-thinking individual would have the temerity to authorize, promote, celebrate, and legitimize capricious, ethically bankrupt clericalism. And second, if he wants to be taken seriously, he should counter the arguments in this letter with facts, not illogical panaceas, personal anecdotes, or insults.


Something that I have heard repeated several times from various sources -- a sort of "tag line" for Boba Rhett -- is, "We should go out and mock, ridicule, deprecate, and rebuke people for their religious beliefs. And when we're done with that, we'll all emphasize the negative in our lives instead of accentuating the positive." This is not a direct quote, nor have I heard it from Boba Rhett's lips directly, but several sources have paraphrased the content to me in near-enough ways that I feel fairly confident it actually was said. And to be honest, I have no trouble believing it. I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of his hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now.


It is my fundamental belief that his invectives will send us to hell in a handbasket before you know it. To pretend otherwise is nothing but hypocrisy and unwillingness to face the more unpleasant realities of life. Boba Rhett is not just devious; he's heinous, too. Accompanying this recognition of the indeterminateness of verifiability with regard to an external, objective reality has been a crisis regarding our ability to know that his morals will have consequences -- very serious consequences. And we ought to begin doing something about that.


It's anal-retentive saboteurs like him that bombard us with an endless array of hate literature, which is another way of saying that I want to straighten out his thinking. That may seem simple enough, but some of the facts I'm about to present may seem shocking. This they certainly are. However, the same poisonous spirit that infects the worst sorts of mawkish pests there are also pollutes Boba Rhett's thinking. Why do I tell you this? Because these days, no one else has the guts to. This moral issue will eventually be rendered academic by the fact that Boba Rhett's double standards have caused widespread social alienation, and from this alienation a thousand social pathologies have sprung. As a general rule, those of us who have to deal with the victims of Boba Rhett's sound bites don't find his ****-and-bull stories at all humorous. That's self-evident, and even Boba Rhett would probably agree with me on that. Even so, as that last sentence suggests, he insists that he has the mandate of Heaven to promote a form of government in which religious freedom, racial equality, and individual liberty are severely at risk. This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands he perpetrates. It is never easy to judge what the most appropriate or effective response to Boba Rhett's patronizing prank phone calls is, but one unfortunate fact remains clear: Boba Rhett is totally uncouth. We all are, to some extent, but he sets the curve.


His press releases are devoid of any intellectual substance. Added to this is something else: He is out to waste hours and hours in fruitless conferences and meetings. And when we play his game, we become accomplices. If you think that this is humorous or exaggerated, you're wrong. Please don't misinterpret that last statement to mean that Boba Rhett can walk on water. That's not at all what it means. Rather, it means that someone has to be willing to reinvigorate our collective commitment to building and maintaining a sensitive, tolerant, and humane community. Even if it's not polite to do so. Even if it hurts a lot of people's feelings. Even if everyone else is pretending that human beings should be appraised by the number of things and the amount of money they possess instead of by their internal value and achievements. I challenge you to ponder this subject with the broadest vision possible.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine



It censored "****".


You forgot the link, Rom.


What link? I'm totally serious.


R9 u nog. I wanted a few shocked responses first. Yeah, I sometimes ask myself: "What do intemperate menaces, unconscionable lugs, and Rogue Nine have in common?" If you answered, "They all project a stream of sullen images of death, sex, disaster, material goods, celebrities, and other fixtures in a mock-Olympian firmament," then pat yourself on the back. I realize that some of you may not know the particular background details of the events I'm referring to. I'm not going to go into those details here, but you can read up on them elsewhere. Finally, if this letter generates a response from someone of opposing viewpoints, I would hope that the author(s) concentrate on offering objections to my ideas while refraining from attacks on my person or my intelligence. I've gotten enough of that already from Rogue Nine. :mad:

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hehehe, this is awesome. :D


I kept my silence when Comdr. Darth Rommel announced he wanted to lay the foundation for some serious mischief. I did nothing when he tried to scrawl pro-revisionism graffiti over everything. But his latest warnings are the straw that breaks the camel's back. Without going into all the gory details, let's just say that we must find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. As mentioned above, however, that is not enough. It is necessary to do more. It is necessary to provide some balance to his one-sided modes of thought. Everything he writes is littered with spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, missing punctuation, irregular capitalization, false statements, and incoherent thoughts and sentences for a variety of reasons. For instance, the first lies that he told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; Rommel's lies will grow until they blot out the sun.


For proof of this ongoing tragedy, one has only to realize that Rommel somehow manages to get away with spreading lies (we should abandon the institutionalized and revered concept of democracy), distortions (genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all thoroughly justified), and misplaced idealism (anyone who disagrees with him is ultimately vapid). However, when I try to respond in kind, I get censored faster than you can say "photochronographical". If he wants to perpetuate myths that glorify phallocentrism, fine. Just don't make me jump in the lake while he's at it. Yes, you heard me right; if there's an untold story here, it's that he truly believes that his manuscripts enhance performance standards, productivity, and competitiveness. It is just such debauched megalomania, silly, pea-brained egoism, and intellectual aberrancy that stirs Rommel to impose a particular curriculum, vision of history, and method of pedagogy on our school systems.


If he is going to ridicule the accomplishments of generations of great men and women, then he should at least have the self-respect to remind himself of a few things: First, he doesn't understand politics or simply doesn't care. And second, he has commented that he acts in the public interest. I would love to refute that, but there seems to be no need, seeing as his comment is lacking in common sense. Rommel says that everyone with a different set of beliefs from his is going to get a one-way ticket to Hell. Wow! Isn't that like hiding the stolen goods in the closet and, when the cops come in, standing in front of the closet door and exclaiming, "They're not in here!"? He fails to consider the consequences of his vaporings. That sounds really foolhardy, but I sincerely insist that it's an accurate assessment of the situation.


It takes more than a mass of audacious boeotians to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. It takes a great many thoughtful and semi-thoughtful people who are willing to increase awareness and understanding of our similarities and differences. If Rommel wants to spoil the whole Zen Buddhist New Age mystical rock-worshipping aura of our body chakras, let him wear the opprobrium of that decision. Did it ever occur to him that I have absolutely nothing in common with him? Well, we all know the answer to that question, don't we? But in case you don't, then you should note that his cop-outs symbolize lawlessness, violence, and misguided rebellion -- extreme liberty for a few, even if the rest of us lose more than a little freedom. Because of Rommel's obsession with expansionism, he believes that he should replace discourse and open dialogue with crafty notions and blatant ugliness because "it's the right thing to do". Sorry, but I have to call foul on that one. Well, Rommel, we're all getting a little tired of you and your kind messing up the world and then refusing to accept responsibility for what you've done. We're fed up. And the day is coming when you'll be held accountable for your possession-obsessed ebullitions.


If his bromides aren't voluble, I don't know what is. It's one thing to provide pernicious smart alecks with a milieu in which they can cater to the basest instincts of wretched, improvident jerks, but wanting to adopt approaches that have not been tested to try to solve problems that have not been well-defined is unquestionably going too far. Is his head really buried too deep in the sand to know that he is so tied up in his personal dreams that he is oblivious to what is happening in the world around him? In other words, what happened to his common sense? I would venture the answer has something to do with scapegoatism. To elaborate, he coins polysyllabic neologisms to make his biases sound like they're actually important. In fact, his treatises are filled to the brim with words that have yet to appear in any accepted dictionary. Rommel's older ballyhoos were snotty enough. His latest ones are indubitably beyond the pale. I have two words to say about Rommel's personal attacks: brutal poppy****. In spite of the fact that Rommel's sinful treatises disgust me, it strikes me as amusing that he complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! Rommel does nothing but complain. I close this letter along the same lines it opened on: Comdr. Darth Rommel's values are totally otiose.

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All these super-mods seem to have something in common. Some of my colleagues recommended that I write a letter about how I take no part in any argument over these or any other views. This is that letter. So, without further ado, I present you with this all-important piece of information: It's irrelevant that my allegations are 100% true. Eets'chula distrusts my information and arguments and will forever maintain his current opinions. He maliciously defames and damagingly misrepresents everyone and everything around him. There's a word for that: libel.


While I don't know Eets'chula's secret plans, I do know that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but Eets'chula truly believes that individual worth is defined by race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. It is just such prissy megalomania, politically incorrect, inconsiderate egoism, and intellectual aberrancy that stirs Eets'chula to destroy the heart and fabric of our nation. His opinions serve as a stepping stone to world government. And who will compose that world government? A ruling class consisting of simple-minded prophets of favoritism. Anyhow, I guess I've run out of things to say, so let me just leave you with one parting wish: Together, may we plant markers that define the limits of what is intellectually stultified and what is not.

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I feel obligated to say something about Eets, because, as the Talmud says, "Silence is akin to assent." With this letter, I hope to hinder the power of testy vigilantes like Eets. But first, I would like to make the following introductory remark: I don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to build an inclusive, nondiscriminatory movement for social and political change, because doing so clearly demonstrates how the facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that those of us who oppose him would rather run than fight. There's something fishy about his hastily mounted campaigns. I think he's up to something, something refractory and perhaps even superstitious. I find Eets's ideologies rather antihumanist, don't you? Eets contends that no one is smart enough to see through his transparent lies. Sounds rather smarmy, doesn't it? Well, that's Eets for you.


There's one thing you can indisputably say about him: He has a sense of humor. He was being a real comedian when he told us that a book of his writings would be a good addition to the Bible. He has recently been going around claiming that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance. You really have to tie your brain in knots to be gullible enough to believe that junk.


One wonders how Eets can complain about slatternly blockheads, given that his own objectives also aim to deny us the opportunity to deal with the relevant facts. His treatises are destructive. They're morally destructive, socially destructive -- even intellectually destructive. And, as if that weren't enough, his eccentricity is surpassed only by his vanity. And Eets's vanity is surpassed only by his empty theorizing. (Remember his theory that human life is expendable?)


In a tacit concession of defeat, Eets is now openly calling for the abridgment of various freedoms to accomplish coercively what his jackbooted manuscripts have failed at. His objective is clear: to utilize questionable and illegal fund-raising techniques sooner or later. His ballyhoos present us with a riddle: How can he be so callous? To rephrase that question, why can't he relieve his aching sense of inadequacy without having to alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with his current "reality"? You see, a person who wants to get ahead should try to understand the long-range consequences of his/her effusions. Eets has never had that faculty. He always does what he wants to do at the moment and figures he'll be able to lie himself out of any problems that arise. So let me make it clear that he might go to great lengths to conceal his true aims and mislead the public in the immediate years ahead. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome? Eets may not be that self-centered, but he sure is dissolute.


I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know. I always catch hell whenever I say something like that, so let me assure you that I'm not a psychiatrist. Sometimes, though, I wish I were, so that I could better understand what makes people like him want to retain an institution which, twist and turn as you like, is and remains a disgrace to humanity. What a cunning coup on the part of Eets's co-conspirators, who set out to deface property with racially and sexually derogatory epithets and offensive symbols and got as far as they did without anyone raising an eyebrow. After reading everything I could find on this subject, I was forced to conclude that those of us who are still sane, those of us who still have a firm grip on reality, those of us who still contend that Eets's policies do not come without a price, have an obligation to do more than just observe what Eets is doing from a safe distance. We have an obligation to lend support to the thesis that I disagree both with Eets's point and with the way he makes it. We have an obligation to derail his shallow little schemes. And we have an obligation to educate the public on a range of issues. This has been a long letter, but I feel that its length is in direct proportion to its importance. Why? Because to Eets, acting like simple-minded, brain-damaged present-day robber barons is a lot of fun.

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I have two orders of business regarding Princess Rommel. Before I start, however, I should state that to understand what Princess Rommel's particularly presumptuous form of Dadaism has encompassed as a movement and as a system of rule, we have to look at its historical context and development as a form of ruthless politics that first arose in early twentieth-century Europe in response to rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Don't let him delude you into thinking that a plausible excuse is a satisfactory substitute for performance. He's just trying to cure the evil of discrimination with more discrimination. He maintains that either the federal government should take more and more of our hard-earned money and more and more of our hard-won rights or that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs -- or maybe even chocolate. Princess Rommel denies any other possibility. He really shouldn't convict me without trial, jury, or reading one complete paragraph of this letter. That's just common sense. Of course, the people who appreciate his canards are those who eagerly root up common sense, prominently hold it out, and decry it as poison with astonishing alacrity. I hope I haven't bored you by writing an entire letter about Princess Rommel. Still, this letter was the best way to explain to you that collectivism is sustained by rigid ideological categories.

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My entire life I have been taught to stand up for my beliefs, to be a person of high morals and ethics. That's why I feel obligated to open minds instead of closing them. In the text that follows, I won't bother discussing the flaws in Lord Fergie's logic, because he truly doesn't use any logic. I myself have not forgotten that his spokesmen, when they are taken seriously at all, are considered by most scholars to be of questionable credibility. I have not forgotten that nowhere in the Bible does it say, "Fergie is the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread". And I cannot forget that no matter how bad you think Fergie's equivocations are, I assure you that they are far, far worse than you think. Couldn't you figure that out for yourself, Fergie?


While he might not provide support to backwards banana republics and their self-indulgent dictators per se, we must understand that until recently, Fergie's undertakings have gone unnoticed and unanalyzed. And we must formulate that understanding into as clear and cogent a message as possible. His method (or school, or ideology -- it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Fergie-ism". It is a mischievous and avowedly stupid philosophy that aims to pander to biased New Age Huns. Given a choice of having him level filth and slime at everyone opposed to his values or having my bicuspids extracted sans Novocaine, I would embrace the pliers, purchase some Polident Partials, and call it a day. I want to thank Fergie for his rejoinders. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how spiteful Fergie can be. Out of the vast number of devastating evils for which hopeless geeks are directly or indirectly responsible, I shall pick out only a single one which is most in keeping with the inner essence of Fergie's churlish vituperations: Marxism. Does anybody else feel the way I do, or am I alone in my disgust with Lord Fergie?

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umm, you're supposed to use the little link posted by rommel....geez, fergie


You won't hear about this in the media, but Darth Homer favors manipulative psychological techniques over honest discussion. As this letter will make clear, we must remove our chains and move towards the light. (In case you didn't understand that analogy, the chains symbolize Darth Homer's baleful philosophies, and the light represents the goal of getting all of us to put to rest scary and disgraceful ideals such as Darth Homer's.) His cause is not glorious. It is not wonderful. It is not good. It's not that I have anything against moochers in general. It's just that if Darth Homer wants to be taken seriously, he should counter the arguments in this letter with facts, not illogical panaceas, personal anecdotes, or insults. On a closing note, I hope that this letter, while incomplete, informal, and having no authority except its own inner strength and conviction, has clearly demonstrated to you that writing instructors seeking to introduce the concept of "Fabianism" into their curricula could hardly do better than to use Darth Homer's effusions as an example.

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I cannot conceive of any circumstance under which Tie Guy's subliminal psywar campaigns could be considered appropriate, but that's not the point of this letter. The point is that it disturbs me that these vitriolic cutthroats have so little tolerance for differing points of view. For openers, everything I've said so far is by way of introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point is that Tie can't fool me. I've met mingy manipulators of the public mind before, so I know that Tie has been deluding people into believing that the health effects of secondhand smoke are negligible. Don't let him delude you, too. As another disquieting tidbit, the following must be stated: Tie wants to spread mad views. You know what groups have historically wanted to do the same thing? Fascists and Nazis.


He is out to create a regime of mawkish sectarianism. And when we play his game, we become accomplices. Other than that, there's more to this letter than inflammatory rhetoric. The mere mention of that fact guarantees that this letter will never get published in any mass-circulation periodical that Tie has any control over. But that's inconsequential, because if you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. Tie provides none. One can examine this from another angle, and plainly see that he can fool some of the people all of the time. He can fool all of the people some of the time. But Tie can't fool all of the people all of the time. This is not wild speculation. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact.


There is a problem here. A large, possession-obsessed, scary problem. I surely hate having to keep reminding everybody of this, but Tie recently stated that he can change his cynical ways. He said that with a straight face, without even cracking a smile or suppressing a giggle. He said it as if he meant it. That's scary, because if we lead the way to the future, not to the past, then the sea of mandarinism, on which he so heavily relies, will begin to dry up. No amount of opinion or innuendo nor any string of unrelated plans for the future can change the fact that he presents himself as a disinterested classicist lamenting the infusion of politically motivated methods of pedagogy and analysis into higher education. Tie is eloquent in his denunciation of modern scholarship, claiming it favors the worst classes of ignorant slimeballs there are. And here we have the ultimate irony, because I find that some of Tie's choices of words in his refrains would not have been mine. For example, I would have substituted "unbalanced" for "mediterraneanization" and "xenophobic" for "pseudoconglomeration." To end on a more positive note: Tie Guy's equivocations are a cancer that gnaws away at the national psyche.

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hee hee, this is getting good! all these big words! i better write some of these down! *pulls out a pencil, a notebook, and a bag of popcorn*:D seriously, though, as the song goes: "Why can't we be freinds, why can't we be freinds?"

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I would like to clarify some comments I made recently regarding Prof. Darth Homer, Esq.. The following paragraphs are intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how bad the current situation is. He can't attack my ideas, so he attacks me. It could be worse, I suppose. Prof. Homer could violate strongly held principles regarding deferral of current satisfaction for long-term gains. To state it in a more sophisticated manner, he wonders why everyone hates him. Apparently, he never stopped to think that maybe it's because if we don't hold out the prospect of societal peace, prosperity, and a return to sane values and certainties right now, then Prof. Homer's equivocations will soon start to metastasize until they outrage the very sensibilities of those who value freedom and fairness. Imagine people everywhere embracing Prof. Homer's claim that he should hammer away at the characters of all those who will not help him terrorize our youngsters because "it's the right thing to do". The idea defies the imagination.


If one could get a Ph.D. in Faddism, Prof. Homer would be the first in line to have one.


There is a proper place in life for hatred. Hatred of that which is wrong is a powerful and valuable tool. But when Prof. Homer perverts hatred in order to foster suspicion -- if not hatred -- of "outsiders", it becomes clear that his idiotic claim that the laws of nature don't apply to him is just that, an idiotic claim. His lickspittles often reverse the normal process of interpretation. That is, they value the unsaid over the said, the obscure over the clear.


Perhaps Prof. Homer has some sound arguments on his side, but if so, he's keeping them well hidden; all the arguments I've heard from him are completely depraved. Sure, some of his slogans are valid, but that's not the point. It's a pity that two thousand years after Christ, the voices of grotesque demonic-types like him can still be heard, worse still that they're listened to, and worst of all that anyone believes them. It may be helpful to take a step back and build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow. Think about it, and I'm sure you'll agree with me. One of Prof. Homer's former subalterns, who are legion, shortly after having escaped from Prof. Homer's iron veil of monolithic thought, stated, "I shall make every effort, especially in this limited space, to search for solutions that are more creative and constructive than the typically wretched ones championed by pesky, besotted prigs." This comment is typical of those who have finally realized that Prof. Homer's values represent a backward step of hundreds of years, a backward step into a chasm with no bottom save the endless darkness of death.


Prof. Homer should clarify his point, so people like you and me can tell what the heck he's talking about. Without clarification, Prof. Homer's ethics sound lofty and include some emotionally charged words but don't really seem to make any sense. I hate to say this, but he is addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling people. Sadly, he has no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people he desires to lead. And that's it. Jujuism can not and must not be tolerated.



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In terms of general remarks making no meaningful contribution whatsoever, i would forsake my mod-duties if i didn't say this is...disturbing.


Any conflict on these here forums can and should be solved peacefully.. and might i add: fancy language nonwithstanding, it should take as less fuss as possible.


end transmission.

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

In terms of general remarks making no meaningful contribution whatsoever, i would forsake my mod-duties if i didn't say this is...disturbing.


Any conflict on these here forums can and should be solved peacefully.. and might i add: fancy language nonwithstanding, it should take as less fuss as possible.


end transmission.


Um...you are aware, Leon, that this is all a big joke...right? :eyeraise:

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon




of course i know it. if i didn't, my response would have been MUCH shorter.. :D



Riiiiiight....I knew that, I was just..um..testing you, yeah, that's it! I was testing you because you've been away so long!


*nervously glances around to see if anyone bought it*






Welcome back, Leon, haven't seen ya in a while! :D

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

Any conflict on these here forums can and should be solved peacefully.. and might i add: fancy language nonwithstanding, it should take as less fuss as possible.


So you're saying that my "Havoc is a poopiehead" is the best post in this thread so far?

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