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Having a bad Night


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Ugh. I'm going to unload some things cuz I feel sooo overwhelmed!


First of all I have been sick for the past like 4 weeks!! I can't eat anything and I'm running to the bathroom to loose whatever it is I tried to eat!! It is the most horrible. I just moved with my boyfriend. We got a place together real nice. We are planning on getting married etc. Well his parents did not take the whole "pregnancy" idea very well. They yelled and yelled and wouldn't even talk to us after that. My bf and I have been together for 3 years!! We have been planning on getting married and haven't decided on whether to do that before or after the baby comes in March. His parents are INSISTING we get married now. They won't even tell any of the family till we decide. Are they going to hide me away from them till we do? Its really hurting me. They told us we thru our lives away...okay I turn 23 in November and my bf is almost 24. Its not like we are 16 or something having a baby! Or dating for like a month? You know?? My bf just graduated college and I'm in my second year. We both have really good jobs etc. They (his parents) are soo mad they wanted us to give the baby up for adoption! Hello!! I can't believe how they are acting and when I'm around now they don't talk about it at all. Kinda hard since I am miserable sick all the time! I would love to share with them all the stuff like that we go to hear the babys heart beat in September and ask his mom questions. But alas they are being evil. All I can remember is the horrible things they said to us and how are lives are being thrown away. I don't feel like that at all. You know? I'm trying to take care of myself and deal with all this new stuff that comes along with everything. Including moving!! Taking care of my dog and becoming a parent. Its all so much. :crybaby: Work is horrible too. I'm on the night shift 11:30 pm to 8 am. I'm sick all night and its boring because I'm the only one here. Also when your preg you get really tired. So 4 am rolls around and I'm passing out! Its just not going good.


Thanks for listening. Also thanks for having you guys as my friends - ur posts on this forum are the only thing I look forward to when I come to work and they always make me smile. :(

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Though I can't say I've been in the same situation or I know how you feel, I will say this: I've been in a similar (Trouble with Fiance's parents not the pregnancy ;) ) situation and in other different but difficult situations, and I've always managed to pull through. You can, and if we have anything to say about it, will get through it too!


"How can you say that, Havoc?" you ask, because I know this much: from what I've read of your post in the past I've gathered this much about you. You are a resposible woman who has a strong will and a stronger heart. You are intelligent and think things through. You tackle life's problems efficiently, and yet not without feeling. You obviously love your Boyfriend, and from the sounds of it, he loves you. Togethor, your love, intelligence and responsible approach to life will get you through this and every other trial or tribulation that comes your way. But most of all, even when it couldn't seem possible, God is there.


There is nothing more precious to God than a child. He will see you guys through this. There's nothing quite like being wrapped up in God's love, like a warm blanket. Talk to God, he's listening. Maybe during those long nights, he can help make it through.


Just remember, your boyfriend's parents' anger is only passing, but your child will be their grandchild for ever. They are merely concerned for their son, albeit they are going about it completely wrong! They will come around, have patience and look to each other for strength to weather this storm. I have a feeling, if they are this upset about this, that they really love their son. And if that's the case, their anger will pass and their love for him will make it's way to you and your child.


Pray for strength, patience, courage and health, as I am praying for you and yours. Like I said earlier, I, too, was in a similair situation, but with God's help and the love of my fiance, we made it through. So can you, and we'll be here for you every step of the way.


You're in my thoughts and prayers,



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I'm sorry. That must be tough for you. And even though i can't relate, i hope i can still help a small amount.


I think that you should try to mend the relationship with your in-laws to be. Or at least wait them out. You shouldn't stay angry at them (although you have every right to be angry. You aren't throwing your life away, your just starting it a little early ;) And although i don't agree with that kind of thing before marriage, i certainly do not judge you for it, as they did), and i think that they will see that everything will work out in time. It really is a relationship that will be important to you and your marriage, especially for your fiance.


I hope you feel better.

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All I've got to say is that your boyfriends parents are currently being very... oh what's a good word, hmmmmm... ah yes, anal-retentive. They think that everything has to be perfect and in it's place. They cannot deal with a change in tradition, it'll blow off and then they'll be soewhat happier for you. Just be your nice understanding self and try and keep good relations with them, even though they don't want to keep good relations with you.


For this, I have chapter up tomorrow evening, so you may read tomorrow night. ;)

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i hope this thing just blows over soon for you. i think as soon as the baby comes or you get married (whichever comes 1st) they're gonna come to you with open arms. maybe sooner! i don't think they could be a grandparent and not love their grandchild. it'll all work out. and that's the extent of my "wisdom" (;) ), so i'll just say good luck.

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