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does anyone like SCI-FI books? (not a good question)

anything else?


here are some i like:


Manifold Time


Manifold Space


The Uplift War




The extended SW universe (of course)


Dune (all the other books in this series too.)


Startide Rising


Tolkein books (unfinished tales, the book of lost tales 1, 2, LOTR, The hobbit, the silmarillion, all the rest)






i won't list all of them, but there are more. many more..

opinions on any of these will be appreaciated too.

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I reading Star Wars 'cloak of deception' at the moment and so far I would have to say it's one of the best EU books i've read.



Ok I know its extremely sad and I'm twice the age of the intended audience, but i quite like Harry Potter as well.

Because you flame me let me explain. I was on holiday last year and it was raining most of the time. I finshed the SW book I took with me(one of the jedi academy books). Now most of the books that the hotel had were all romantic trash apart from the first Harry Potter book, so you see I had no choice.

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Wow, I forgot about The Count of Monte Cristo. Trust Canoli, its one of the best revenge books I know of.


As for other books I do read popular fiction like Crichton and Grisham but that doesn't mean there stuff is the best out there just good for a read.


The Lord of the Rings books were a great epic story even though I thought it was a little slow in parts. The Hobbit was also good. The last series of books I read was excellent. They were the Bourne series. Great spy novels, in parts hokey but the story was enthralling. I liked the second most of all, it was the least hokey to me.


I do like Tom Clancy books. Without Remorse is my favorite by him.


Some odd books and stories I like because I ended up having to read them for school were A Midsummer Night's Dream and Bridget Jones's Diary. and stop looking at me like that will you.


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I really liked the novelization to "Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace" by Terry Brooks. There were alot of things that were part of the story that didn't make it to the screen. Plus Brooks adds alot of backstory to the characters that doesn't really translate well on screen.


Some of my other favorite books:


Bram Stoker's Dracula

War of the Worlds

20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea

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well sadly as it is i dont read a lot of books. i read alot of magazines and stuff but not books. well some books that i can remember as books i did actully read and liked were "catcher and the rye" (you a god damn prince, ya know that) i remember reading that in ninth grade and i read it every year in high school too. also i have this book of alot of edgar allen poes stories. good stuff there

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i have put together a list with a lot of the books that i like:


-------Orson Scott Card-------

ENDER: Epeaker for the Dead

ENDER: Ender's Game

ENDER: Xenocide

Shadow of the Hegemon


-------Greg Bear-------





-------Michael Chrichton-------

JP: Jurassic Park

JP: The Lost World

The Andromeda Strain



-------Isaac Asimov-------

I, Robot


The Winds of Change

Ehe End of Eternity

The Gods Themselves

The Edge of Tomorrow

GALACTIC EMPIRE: The Currents of Space

FOUNDATION: Foundation and Empire

FOUNDATION: Foundation

FOUNDATION: Second Foundation

FOUNDATION: Prelude to Foundation

FOUNDATION: Robots and Empire

FOUNDATION: Foundation's Edge



The Count of Monte Cristo

The Apacalypse Troll

Across the Sea of Stars

Descent: Stealing Thunder


The Armaggeddon Inheiritance

Stranger in a Strange Land

Battlefield Earth


Star Colony

Castle Perilous (FUNNY!)

Fahrenheit 451

Hero and the Crown


-------David Brin-------


The Uplift War


-------Stephen Baxter-------


Manifold: Time

Manifold: Space


The Time Ships


-------Michael P. Kube-McDowell-------




-------Garth Nix-------


Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr

Abhorsen (to be released)


-------FRANK HERBERT-------

The Dosadi Experiment

Whipping Star

DUNE: Chapterhouse

DUNE: God Emperor of Dune

DUNE: Children of Dune

DUNE: Dune Messiah

DUNE: Dune

DUNE: Heretics of Dune

DUNE2: House Harkkonnen

DUNE2: House Atreides

DUNE2: House Corrino


-------TIMOTHY ZAHN--------



The Icarus Hunt

The Blackcollar


-------ANNE MCCAFFREY------

PERN: The Masterharper of Pern

PERN: The Dragonriders of Pern

PERN: Dragonsdawn

PERN: Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

PERN: Nerlika's Story

PERN: Dragonflight

TALENT: Pegasus in Flight

TALENT: To Ride Pegasus

TALENT: The Rowan


The Ship Who Searched


-------J.R.R Tolkein-------

The Lost Road and Other Writings

A Tolkein Compass

The Hobbit

Unfinished Tales

The Book of Lost Tales 1


-------Keith Laumer--------

BOLOS: The Triumphant

BOLOS: Last stand

BOLOS: Rogue Bolo

BOLOS: Bolo Brigade

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There's a lot of books, but I'm gonna name only few of them here:


- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

- Bram Stoker's Dracula.

- The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life, The Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish & Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams(great books and first two of them are funniest I have ever read).

- Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, Endymion & The Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons(really great books which I suggest all of you scifi fans read, if you already haven't).

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