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Han Solo model in progress

Major Clod

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No its gotta be a Fully Posable Han with flip aciton...


(Special Edition comes with metal thong bikini included- Just for Eets)


It Must Be!:

1) Han- Bespin

2) Han- Endor

3) Han- Death Star


Oh wait there all the same


To be honest a safe bet would be indiana jones exepct the hat n everything would be a pain to do.

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sweet the maud ib dude likes njo too


ONe day all star wars fans will know and love the NJO ...



hmm..well im really loooking forward to the release of this model, and the release of the awesome gun model.


I hate using the Han Solo skin i have...it's too Landoish..with the shoulders and crap..*sigh*

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When's in gonna be released???

i've been wanting to play as han ever since the game came out, and this is the best model i've ever seen (next to yoda, tuskin rader, and that dash rendar one looks pritty good) and i cant wait to play online with this model, great work major!

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Everything is pretty much finished, I just need some good sounds. Unfortunately there is so much background noise in the Star Wars Trilogy, and Han Solo doesn't get hurt too often, so I'm having a hard time getting good sounds from them. What I really need are some good pain/death sounds, basically any grunt or groan Harrison Ford makes in any of his movies. If anyone can get me a good, clear, 44KHZ 16bit mono sound file of a Harrison Ford pain sound, I would appreciate it immensly.


Actually, if anyone could get me a copy of the screams Harrison Ford makes when he gets his fingers dislocated at the end of Blade Runner, that would be even more appreciated.

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ok Major Np ill see what i can do on the sounds if you would like? i do alot of sound fx and that with soundforge and all that stuff plus i have blade runner on dvd plus all if the other ford moves i got what you need ill see if i can get them today ok


FireStorm Entertainment

Saberist mod 1.2

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bw3rdln: Cheers, that would be great! I have all the taunt/talking type sounds, so pain sounds are pretty much what I need.


Uber Sith: Believe me I tried that sound, but the problem is, as soon as he really starts screaming, the shot changes to outside the interogation room, and his scream has faded. In game it would sound like the scream is coming from another room, through a wall or something like that, even if the player is right infront of you.

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