JerAir1587249581 Posted August 29, 2002 Share Posted August 29, 2002 How much do you like it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted September 2, 2002 Share Posted September 2, 2002 I enjoyed Sp except for a few really annoying puzzles and some quibbles with the guns (too inaccurate and underpowered for the job they had to do). Mp I enjoyed a LOT more and haven't had so much fun with an online FPS since UT and JK/MotS. The bots were pretty good too. I would rate the SP portion above Elite Force, and slightly below JK/MotS. Even though the technology and AI were far advanced, the minor flaws mentioned above hampered the fun factor for me in several places. Once I got the saber and force (and got out of Nar Shaddaa) the game started to become really fun indeed. The mods are excellent and getting better (as they should) with time. Multiplayer is where the game really shines (despite people's complaints about the changes in the patches and the so-called "cheap" moves, which I think are unwarranted whines in most cases). MotS multiplayer just felt more varied in its options than JK2 multiplayer, but there's always the mod community. In SP I also miss the interactivity with the growing in the Force process that were present in JK and to a lesser extent MotS, but not JK2. So not a perfect game, but really good overall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
<|DLS|>Darth Fett Posted September 8, 2002 Share Posted September 8, 2002 I f**king HATE BOTS, WHY WOULD ANYONE PLAY WITH THEM, I DID AT First but then i realalized that they suck. Its better to play online but there are some people that are complete *******s(im not sayin that cuz they beat me, I beat them)!! But the SP isnt that great. Too much goin back and forth, i find that sometimes i have to stop and quit the game then look at guide on the net so i can pass the ****in level. I still havent beaten the game , too much time playin MP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheWhiteRaider Posted September 9, 2002 Share Posted September 9, 2002 I liked the game. I was one of the people that got hooked on the first Dark Forces. I admit back then I stunk at shooters, but now it's become realy fun. The game has come a long way from what it used to be. From AI just dancing around and shooting peas at you(Just saying the AI wasn't the best in Dark Forces) to this. I admit there were somethings that could have been done to make this game better. But over all I give it a 4 out of 5. Oh and Filler_Fett here are somethings bots are good for. 1. If you are a coder and need someone to test something on(like a weapon or stuff like that.) and can't get online(I just got back from Seattle and I was coding in the car with a laptop) Bots are great. 2.Great for slautering when you need a break or to tone your sharp shooting. Set them to easy TK-421s and let them have it!! :D 3. Just for messing around. 4. And some of us don't have fast Internet connections I say that Human players are much more of a fight that bots and if I want a fight I'll look for human players, but bots still have uses. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedi Spy Posted September 9, 2002 Share Posted September 9, 2002 I think JK2 is one of the best games i have ever played, although i have just started recently i feel that the fun is endless (although we will see if its sustained over time) To me it is a cross between quake3, max payne and a random starwars game which is great tbh. The thing that it lacks which makes it my 2nd fav game is a mmoge (massive multiplayer online gaming environment) which games like ultima online and starwars galaxies have (not sure) The game i rank about this is one called subspace (continuum) which is a free download game going for about 7 years but maybe thats just cos im rawly addicted, it was dropped by Virgin Interactive and is now fully player sufficient, the difference being there are sever zones (servers) all set up with a different gaming idea and if u join it there is always someone there to play and if u get bored of that then u can just join a different server Although this doesnt make it the best game ever it can hardly be described as a flaw, as i dont see any company in their right mind funding servers like that for jk2 . Unless ofcourse we slip something into their tea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rfa_vasquez Posted September 9, 2002 Share Posted September 9, 2002 i dont like avp2 no more so JK2 has become my fave game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
txa1265 Posted September 9, 2002 Share Posted September 9, 2002 Within the first hour of playing JKII when I got is Apr5 for my birthday (36, if you care to know, and I got it from my kids) I immediately knew it would be on my top 10 list of all time. By the time I was half-way through Nar Shadda hideout, I knew it was top 5. Before I met Tavion, I knew it would be #1 or #2 (the other would be JK1/MotS). I have never had a game take on such a life with me, and it is all about the saber and force powers. I've been playing since the *original* Castle Wolfenstein (i.e. not Wolf 3D) on an Apple ][, and am big into FPS games. I just really enjoy this game ... Perfect? No. My Fave? Absolutely! Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedi Spy Posted September 9, 2002 Share Posted September 9, 2002 yea i agree it will be alot of peoples favourite game but there is just something lacking it being an award winner i really think the mods help that tho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
<|DLS|>Darth Fett Posted September 9, 2002 Share Posted September 9, 2002 Good point white rider.............................. I still hate bots though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted March 15, 2003 Share Posted March 15, 2003 Now that I realize that dismemberment actually WORKS in multiplayer (at least in the latest version) and some decent blood patches are out, I'm liking the MP game even more. Bots aren't perfect and one thing that REALLY bugs me is that you can't give them orders to follow in team games (like you could in UT or Q3), which is really too bad. Is it possible to make them accept saber challenges? That'd be nice too sometimes. It seems like the Jedi Master (there's really no point setting them any lower) level bots are okay on Bespin (the most overplayed level) but everywhere else they're utter crap once you learn how to play the game, its true. Hey, we all know bots can't match good human players, but they go far to spruce up otherwise small games. Like if you're playing with your one or two buddies and you don't just want fight alone. It's now up to the mod community to get their act together and put decent bot waypoints in their user-made maps and release tweaked AI bots that are smarter. Heh.. that reminds me of how we all used to complain about the AI in JK... ; ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted March 15, 2003 Share Posted March 15, 2003 You know, I don't want to diss anyone's hard work here either, but this reminds me of a little something that seems to have happened. The game's only been out a year, but it seems the majority of mods we've been getting have been maps geared towards saber only combat and skins (and decent ones at that) in addition to "I fixed the game/saber balance" type patches... Even JK1 had more mods and gametypes. We had JKPong, JKQ*(qbert), Jediball, Detention Cell (Jailbreak), Burn the Witch, Tag, Blaster Tag, Paintball, coop, RPG, etc. What do we have for JK2? Hydroball? The RPG? Many more are in the works, and it did take almost 3 years for the good stuff for JK1 to come out (remember all of those stupid "hacks" that we got in the early days? nobody understood the engine yet). Oh well, maybe I'm expecting too much too fast and yes yes, I should just code the mods myself. ; ) I'll give it time. I guess with all the excellent models and dueling levels (all of that knowledge carried over from the Q3 and EliteForce mod communities) I got spoiled. I won't say I'm burned out on JK2 (though one might get that impression from reading some of the posts in these forums). In fact, I'm enjoying the game more now than when I first began playing. Sure, the jittery sweaty-palms excitement of discovery is long gone, but once the dust has settled, I am enjoying it all the same, much like what happened to me with JK, which is a good thing. Good luck guys, you've got your work cut out for you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wassup Posted March 15, 2003 Share Posted March 15, 2003 excellent game with a good story, solid MP, and good community. Not the best I've ever played though (that would be Battlefield 1942...), and I'm sure not the best game ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Echuu Shen-Jon Posted March 15, 2003 Share Posted March 15, 2003 I really like it! It's great, but not the best game ever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted March 15, 2003 Share Posted March 15, 2003 I would like the game a lot more if there were more Holocron FFA/Jedi Master/CTY servers up (not to mention more good quality CTF maps with bot support). And if somebody came up with a way to give bots on your team orders... hint, hint... ; ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Krayt Tion Posted March 16, 2003 Share Posted March 16, 2003 Someone needs to make a mod that pits Marrilyn [?] Manson against the Spice Girls. Then we will have arrived. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted March 16, 2003 Share Posted March 16, 2003 *gets maniacal gleam in eyes* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arán Posted March 18, 2003 Share Posted March 18, 2003 I liked the Multiplayer best!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solo4114 Posted March 18, 2003 Share Posted March 18, 2003 SP: Overall, I enjoyed SP. There were parts of it that were a little too jump oriented, and parts of it that were a little contrived in terms of puzzles, but overall, I found it to be a lot of fun. Never had any real complaints with the SP game, and I've played levels of it over again a number of times after beating the game. MP: Hmm.... To me, JO's MP was the game that should have been but wasn't. I've posted elsehwhere in more detail as to why this was, but I think that a large part of it was 1.) the game modes, 2.) the failure to create a real Star Wars feel to the game, and 3.) the bugs/patches. The game modes had potential in terms of CTF/CTY, but as Kurgan has pointed out, finding good servers to play on was difficult. Add to that the fact that a lot of the CTF maps that the game shipped with were rather boring to me (and many servers never played anything but these maps), and you have a CTF community that's already hurting. CTF, as well as other game modes, was affected by the other two major problems, but I'll get into that later. Basically, my problem with the game in this aspect is that I find DM style intensely BORING. And when you strip away CTF and CTY, that's really all this game has: DM in a slightly modified from. I don't like that all that all that much, so I got bored with the game pretty quickly. The game also failed in creating a real Star Wars feel to it. In one fashion, this was due to the types of weapons you had. Bouncing grenades and plasma balls of death just aren't Star Wars material to me. The game felt more like a Quake mod and less like a Star Wars game. In that sense, it failed to bring me into the environment on which the license is based. And when the rest of the gameplay isn't all that compelling (IE: standard DM stuff), that's ALL you have to rest on: the license. The sabre combat also contributed to the failure to pull me into the game. Sabre combat was flawed in each of its different incarnations, from 1.02 up to 1.04, and while those flaws might be subtle (I can only swing a sabre a particular way if I assign force powers?? WTF?) or even blatantly obvious (the most lethal move in the game is to turn your back to a guy THEN stab him??? WTF???), they all combined to make sabre combat just not feel like the way it should have felt, I think. Is it possible to create sabre combat that's totally faithful to the movies? Probably not, but I view that as more because it's just not possible to implement real life moves and the complexity of sword fighting in any particular fashion into a video game. That said, I'd be happy to suspend disbelief, if the combat felt at least MORE related to the films. I'm not going to get into how I'd have fixed things, but suffice to say, it could've been done MUCH differently and made MUCH more interesting in my book. Finally, the patches botched as much as they fixed. In 1.02 there was hardly any sabre collision, and fights became more like jousting matches. Add to that the flaws with the DFA and you need yourself a patch. 1.03 fixed these aspects, but screwed up other aspects. The blocking became random, and the backstab was left in its flawed form (which no one ever bothered with, since they were too busy doing the DFA). This necessitated a patch, which came in the form of 1.04, which fixed the backstab, but nerfed the sabre to the point of being utterly useless. And that's just dealing with sabre damage. Guns and force powers were tweaked throughout the game too, fixing things but breaking others. In the last analysis, the patches screwed up some things and fixed other things. The end result was a game that in its final form, was still flawed, albeit in new and different ways from the form in which it was originally released. I still have hope for this game, though. I've recently discovered the AOTC:TC project (yeah, yeah, I know it was going on for a while...I'd given up on the game up until VERY recently and didn't pay attention), which looks like it'll revolutionize JO multiplayer, and bring it back to its Star Wars roots. I'm hoping that, upon its release, enough people will get into the new mod that it will revitalize what, for me, has become a fairly ho-hum game. The license that Raven was dealign with had HUGE potential, but unfortunately, it was never met in the base game. Now it's the mod community's turn to try and save the game, and if they can't do it, no one can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prime Posted March 19, 2003 Share Posted March 19, 2003 I loved SP and liked MP a lot. I really don't have many big problems with this game. Sure there are a few little things that bug me, but that's going to happen with any game. I found it to be a great SW experience, which is what I was after. Also, the fact that the game is so customizable takes this game from good to great. I've made a big mod for SP that sets everything up just the way I want it. The fact that I am still playing this game since the day it came out speaks volumes... Quote Originally posted by Kurgan Now that I realize that dismemberment actually WORKS in multiplayer (at least in the latest version) and some decent blood patches are out, I'm liking the MP game even more. hhhmmm. Blood patches? What are these blood patches of which you speak? Can you direct me to them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurgan Posted March 19, 2003 Share Posted March 19, 2003 I disagree.. I think that JK2 had MORE of a star wars "feel" to it than any game in the series prior (except maybe Dark Forces itself). That doesn't mean the other games weren't good, just that the textures, sounds, and characters this time around made you feel more like you were "there." I could also say this about Elite Force. However, I did kind of feel gyped with the dearth of skins we got in JK2. Basically all we got were the humanoids from single player. JK1 had at least a dozen skins that didn't appear in Single Player, and some more star wars universe characters (MotS was even better in this regard). MotS had Darth Vader, JK and MotS both had C3PO, Imperial Commandos and Mandalorians for example. The guns were straight out of the Star Wars universe... just take a look at the Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology... they are straight out of its pages (and those weapons are ones that have appeared in the EU books, comics, and the movies). Only a few things were different... the "laser trip mines" we see in game look just like those bio scan emitter thingies and the "Mark Inquisitor Seeker Drone" we see in game is actually the Imperial Remote (the Seeker Drone looks rather different). But I can see why they chose the Remote design, since that would be more familiar to fans who saw A New Hope. The Flechette sounds like the explosives were supposed to burst into lethal shards rather than just blow up, but the primary fire seems accurate. Also the Disruptor looks more elongated in the game, and I question whether or not it had the disintegration feature. But otherwise, pretty accurate overall in terms of design and implementation. The "made up" stuff has to be put in someplace, because the films just didn't have that many hand weapons, other than your dime-a-dozen pistols, the E-11, thermal detonator (that was never used) and the lightsaber (and only four colors at that). The same thing happened in Elite Force.... if you stuck to movie/show weapons, all you'd get would be a few different hand phasers and maybe photon grenades. So you make stuff up. JK2 doesn't feel like Quake3 (though there are similarities.. but superficial ones), even if you take away the sabers and Force. The weapons are very different, and the overall feel of the game is different. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
txa1265 Posted March 19, 2003 Share Posted March 19, 2003 Quote Originally posted by Kurgan I disagree.. I think that JK2 had MORE of a star wars "feel" to it than any game in the series prior (except maybe Dark Forces itself). Absolutely agree ... it is to the point where, when I here some of the Dagobah cuts from TESB soundtrack, I think of where I was in the Yavin Swamp rather than the movie ... Quote JK2 doesn't feel like Quake3 (though there are similarities.. but superficial ones), even if you take away the sabers and Force. The weapons are very different, and the overall feel of the game is different. One of the lame, early criticisms in these boards of JKII was calling it a 'glorified Quake 3 Mod'. Sure it uses the engine, but that's about it ... I just never got that. I love lots of Q3-engine games ... even if it seems they have to struggle to add some things that are easier in Unreal engine games - but who cares. So long as the game is fun ... and JKII was (and is). Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solo4114 Posted March 19, 2003 Share Posted March 19, 2003 Quote Originally posted by Kurgan The "made up" stuff has to be put in someplace, because the films just didn't have that many hand weapons, other than your dime-a-dozen pistols, the E-11, thermal detonator (that was never used) and the lightsaber (and only four colors at that). The same thing happened in Elite Force.... if you stuck to movie/show weapons, all you'd get would be a few different hand phasers and maybe photon grenades. So you make stuff up. JK2 doesn't feel like Quake3 (though there are similarities.. but superficial ones), even if you take away the sabers and Force. The weapons are very different, and the overall feel of the game is different. I know that the guns are taken from the EU guides to weapons and such, and I suppose I don't mind including weapons besides blasters, but honestly, differently powered blasters, blasters that have different settings, blasters that do different jobs, that would've been just fine by me. Essentially, it wouldn't be all that different from what we have in the real world. You're pretty much limited to grenade launchers and projectile slug-throwing weapons, but these weapons differ considerably in operation, useful roles, and design. There could've been plenty of that in the game, but there wasn't. As far as throwing in extra stuff, that was actually one of my gripes about Elite Force, too. In many ways, Elite Force, while fun to play in single player, really lacked any kind of Star Trek feel to it for multiplayer. That game too felt like a glorified Quake 3 mod to me. Now, I know folks out there disagree with this assessment, but I'm just saying how the game felt to me. I never felt like I was really playing the movies in EITHER game, at least as far as multiplayer was concerned. Instead, it felt like the guns were essentially taken from the EU books, but given the same relative functions as your basic ho-hum arsenal from any other FPS. You've got your rocket launchers, your flak guns, your machine guns, your grenade launchers, etc. Sure the projectiles may look different and behave slightly differently (IE: flak gun projectiles bounce around in this game, whereas in UT they explode on impact), but the end result felt to me like they were throwing in the same ubiquitous weapons that you see in all games. Elite Force had this same problem. In fact, if you look at Elite Force's weapons (from what I remember, really) they function in strikingly similar ways to the guns we got in JO, they just had different models. It wasn't just the guns, though, it was the whole experience. The guns are easy to point out because, while they may jive with what the EU describes, they didn't feel like the films to me. There were other aspects as well such as lightsabre operation, the way the force played out, etc. In fact, I actually had similar issues with JK1, come to think of it. The single player was fun, but the multiplayer never really felt all that Star Wars to me either. Maybe it's the game modes that got to me. Like I said, DM just seems like random pointless killing, which really reminds me of Quake games. I guess I was looking for more from a Star Wars game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RenegadeOfPhunk Posted March 19, 2003 Share Posted March 19, 2003 Solo4114 - I'm with you all the way... Don't mean to shamlessly plug my mod, but it sounds like it might be of interest to you... Movie Battles I must stress that this is still a beta at this stage - there are still some issues to sort out... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeff 42 Posted March 19, 2003 Share Posted March 19, 2003 JO may not be perfect; it may even be far short of perfect. But I've had more fun playing it than any other game ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acdcfanbill Posted March 20, 2003 Share Posted March 20, 2003 Do my eyes decieve me, Krat Tion posted?! anyway, as to JK2, im loving it just as much as the day i started, well maybe not quite as much, but still, i play every day on the net, and i dont think i will ever burn out although it looks as if we wont be in for antother 5 yr haul before the next one tho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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