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Actual big announcement!

Darth Homer

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Ok, here's the dealie....there is a film being done in Charleston, SC...it is about finished and the really cool part is that their wrap-party will be at my roommate's borther's club! He has told me that he can get me in to hob-nob with some of the celebs from the film. The main stars are: Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, and this little known actress by the name of NATALIE PORTMAN!!!!!!!!!!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


and don't worry, everyone, I WILL get a picture of her...all I need now is a set day the party will happen and the ability to get time off from work.

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"Does that movie just happen to be about the Civil War? And does it happen to be titled...um...er...hold on..."


*Brother comes into room*

"Here's your Star Wars Insider."


*flips to the current projects page at the back*


"...Cold Mountain? Oh yeah! Who knows all?!? Yeah it's Fergie!"

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I'm really pissed now...apparently, my roomie's brother no longer has a club....his "business partners" (who actually own most of the place) decided to shut down the club and open it up as a rental place (mainly for retail stores, etc.). THEREFORE, no more club, no party, no Natalie.... :(


why couldn't they wait to do that until AFTER that party??? It's not fair...

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Speaking as a woman!



I like Natalie Portman in the Star Wars movies - I do not think they coud have picked a better actress to portray our hereo's mom! She is by far the strongest feminine charector in Star Wars - Leia always struck me as a bit too whiny. Natalie is pretty and she still manages not to act all wussy in the films. "ooo I broke a nail." or too fake.


As far as an actress goes...I enjoy her movies. I think she's really good. She manages to play in many different movies and I've never seen one that I really did not like.


Props to Natalie


And hey...at least Lucas gave me Ewan and Hayden...sighs... although hayden stanks like a monkey.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

And now,after all your drooling over a girl who isnt even hot and you only know bevause of Star Wars,you are now depressed..


You are the incarnation of Star War geeks everyway..


..adn sadly,you'll take it as a compliment...:D


uhm, why would you be here (this particular forum) if you WEREN'T a SW geek?


and yes, it is a compliment to me :p

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

I think Tyrion is either a girl and isn't 'into' other girls or he's a he and still thinks girls have koodies, or he's a he and isn't into chicks (um...not that there's anything wrong with that).


No..it's only that I think something called personality(I can hear you guys now-"What the...?") is more important than LOOKS! You guys are in awe of a girl only because she is the only Star Wars woman(besides leia...) there AND you guys fanatasize about her...


Next time, maybe you should consider meeting a woman near your house,your friend, and has a good personality? Frankly,they'd proboly be better than Natalie...

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i think i read in the other forum that you were 13....


everyone a 13 year old is giving love advice!! Telling you to get a diffent woman than this fantasy one.


Everyone wants what they can't have. My boyfriend likes Natalie Portman and Bitchy Spears, JLO and etc...



that doesn't mean that he doesn't have uhem...me for the past three years. And if he had a chance to go meet portman. I say here take this and get her autograph and have fun. So I don't know what the heck you are talking about...that people should like her because they can't have her??

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Originally posted by STTCT

i think i read in the other forum that you were 13....


everyone a 13 year old is giving love advice!! Telling you to get a diffent woman than this fantasy one.


Everyone wants what they can't have. My boyfriend likes Natalie Portman and Bitchy Spears, JLO and etc...



that doesn't mean that he doesn't have uhem...me for the past three years. And if he had a chance to go meet portman. I say here take this and get her autograph and have fun. So I don't know what the heck you are talking about...that people should like her because they can't have her??




No...it's ok to have fantasies. But look at you guys,drooling over Portman who somehow homer got to the same party with. Wouldnt the time be better spent looking for another woman who you actually could have chances with?


Of course...maybe I just havent gotten that hormone...

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