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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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Originally posted by Shadriss

Dont worry about sending thefile via email. :) I'll be putting the BETA version on a website (for your downloading ability) I'll send an email to those who need it when it's ready to be picked up, giving the address. :)

whoa i missed this post, don't know how... anyway, since you're going to host it on a site, you can count me in. :D

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Terror - Send it via Email! I said that too... maybe you missed it? I want to further stipulate, that I would prefer those who have actually POSTED on this thread, as opposed to those who have been content to merely stand on the sidelines and wait. :) If I see the posters and the non-posters both sending applications, the posters are gonna get it. Just so we all understand. :)

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OK, I have the full list of BETA testers now. Selection was based on :


A) Posting. I wanted people who have been involved with the map and it's development.


B) Experiance. I wanted at LEAST three mappers to be on the team, so they can give me detailed analysis of the problems, and give possible solutions as well.


C) Order of Reciept of E-Mail. Because of the other two requirements, some people were skipped over. This covers all those people who got skipped.


So, here's the list, and a brief reason why they were selected.


1. LivingDeadJedi - The original map creator. If he wasnt on this team, something would be wrong with me. :)


2. WhiteShdw (aka Kal_El) - Aside from making a great many new textures and shaders for THIS map, he has been an invaluable assistant in the creation of this map. He's been able to provide a great number of screenshots from the movie for referancee, ,and has helped me find the balance between what the movie showed us and what the drawings gave us. Thanks much, bud.


3. Wes Marrakesh - He's been with me since I first started mapping, giving me helpful suggestions and ideas. When he heard about DOTF, his support only got stronger, and I appriciate that.


4. RC_C_Stormie - I have to admit that he doesnt really fit the first two requirements I had, but he's a good friend on the Zone, and also a fairly good player. I need a hard-core gamer's opinion on this map as well, and he's here to give it.


5. T3rr0r - Well, if he wasnt the FIRST to post on this project, he was darn near close to it. Giving valuable comments ever step of the way, he's more than earned his place on this list.


6. Keo718 - Sitting in pretty much the same place as T3rr0r. Thats for the support. :)


7. Leslie Judge - Not all of the maps problems were on this thread. Leslie helped me overcome the forcefiled timing issue, one of the biggest problem I faced in this re-creation. Thanks, Les.


8. DarkLord_44 - Not a poster, not a mapper. But, ,according to his email, he HAS BETA tested a player model or two, so that puts him one up on most of the other applicants who didn't make the list.


WhiteShdw has offered to let the BETA test be run on a Vulcanus Test Server so all eight of you can test with each other. He'll give more details on that when the test point gets closer. I hope to be BETA ready in a week, two weeks at the most, baring any real world interruptions.


Oh, and I'll be upgrading my system in the next few days, so my old FPS and other such stats may be altered. Just to warn you... :)


THats it for now, guys. Thanks for volunteering, and I'll get you the pick-up address as soon as I can.

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Oh, and I'll be upgrading my system in the next few days, so my old FPS and other such stats may be altered. Just to warn you... :)


LOL, so i guess it's up to me not to let the FPS get out of hand now :). You were already faster than me and now you'll be even faster.


Should be good for the compile time though.

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shadriss would i be able to beta test or would i just need to wait for it.


As noted in my original BETA post, I had four, ,and I was accepting up to four more. IN my last post I listed 8 people. Sorry, Sith... but do the math. :) It'll be done fairly soon, though. Dont get to dissappointed.

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You know Shadriss, when it comes time to just about the release the final version, I could do a review of it for JKII.Net, that way more people will be interested as opposed to releasing it, and not having any kind of review. Plus, with my soon to be newly aquired system.. I will then have 4 systems to be able to test the map on for FPS, performance, gameplay, etc. All are uniqure for CPU, RAM, Monitor, Video Card, Motherboard... So it will produce different numbers from machine to machine.

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I got the works back from WhiteShdw (AGAIN!) and got to some sertious work today.


The Reactor Room was torn down just about completely. It was also rebuild almost as quickly. I think the claustro feeling has been dealt with, although it can be hard to tell in the screenies. THe only thing I still have to change is the fog I used in the level. I used yavin_swamp because I couldn't find the friggin white fog I was looking for. If anyone can steer me to it, I'd appriciate it.


Also, using the corridor design that WhiteShdw developed, I remade that corridor completely. It now features all new textures, ,and a whole new look from the original. ABout the only thing that's the same is the forcefield texture (if it aint broke...)


FPS in the level (I still have the same system specs for a few more days) breaks down like this as of an hour ago :


Hanger - 40 to 80, dependant on location in the hanger.

Outside - 70+, unless the doors are open, in which case it's comperable to the hanger.

Reactor Foyer - 80+

Reactor Room - 45 to 70. Dramatic improvement over the original specs.

Forcefield Corridor - 50s with all fields up, 80s with all open.


Remember, thats with a 1.1Ghz Processor, a GeForce3, and 256MG of PC133 DDR RAM. Your miliage may vary. :)


I took down all the old screenshots on my page and replaced them with new ones taken this afternoon. No lighting has been put in yet, and there are still a few texture changes to be made in the forceefield corridor, but they give a fair representation of what it'll look like when complete.


THat's it for now... talk at you all later.

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WhiteSHdw and I are talking about releasing a second version for those of you with monster systems. He did an experiment with a mirrored floor in the forcefield corridor, and while the FPS on his system sucked, the effect was AMAZING. I almost drooled on my keyboard. I didnt post that screenie, ,cause I didnt want to get anyones hopes up yet.


The DOTF SE will be released at the same time as the original, assuming we actually do it. :)

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Well, right now my main machine is inoperatable... My PSU fried my AthlonXP 1600 cpu. :ball: :ball: So, I am looking to get a new PSU of like 350W and another XP1600... I might even go 400w, just depends I guess. But yea, if you want to email me a version to get a review started, that could work.. my email address is dmccarthy100@charter.net Just put like DOTF Test or something in the subject so I know the email is authenticate. *Damn Klez virus... *

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WhiteSHdw and I are talking about releasing a second version for those of you with monster systems. He did an experiment with a mirrored floor in the forcefield corridor, and while the FPS on his system sucked, the effect was AMAZING. I almost drooled on my keyboard. I didnt post that screenie, ,cause I didnt want to get anyones hopes up yet.


YES! Please do that.

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Do you still plan on adding some kind of black fog on the ceiling? Also some constructive crit. I'm not sure if you did decrease the reactor beam size, but you may want to restore its original size. Also, the fog at the bottom could be brighter.

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OK.... more responcees.


I forgot to add in the cieling fog... thanks for the reminder, Keo. Both it and the lower fog area is gonna be the white fog (which I couldnt find that day), so it'll look a lot brighter than it is now.


No, I didn't resize the beams. I resized the ROOM. They look smaller by comparison now, but believe me, that's as large as they can really get and still have some good distance between them. We can't have this both ways, guys. :)


I'll hopefully finish up the corridor today and have a good start on the pit room as well. I'll let everyone know whats up tonight. :)


And judging from your reactions, you REALLY want the SE version... Guess we'll have to do it. :)

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Actually, I was planning on a small patch for the map file. It will just be the same map but i'll make a patch with a slightly different shader file in it, which will have a mirrored floor in the forcefield corridor and the Pit room. That way everybody can play in the same map and only the people with the patch installed will see the mirrored floor. The patch will just be a really small pk3 which we should be able to pack with the original release.


Basically the same thing Toonces did with his Kit Fisto model and the sounds he packed with it. People can just choose to use it or not.

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The BETA testing will probably start sometime next week. There will be NO public release BETA. I expect that any errors that are found will be minor, and not require a large amount of time to fix/alter, so the FULL release will probobly be within a week following the BETA stage. So, all told, I HOPE to be able to release this in about two weeks.


If that gets moved, I'll let you all know of course... real life has a way of interupting things, for some reason.


And good idea, White. That'll work MUCH better. :)

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