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Going, going....?


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Someone posted a while back about this, but I think its relevant to discuss it again.


IS THE FORUM ALMOST DEAD? Its beginning to look that way. There are still some interesting threads in Off-Topic, but the number of posters is way down, and we don't have any really big threads around. Perhaps we should bring out "Tell You I Will" for one last go 'round.

The RPG section has about keeled over. We might have to make a message board for the players who still wanna play. But nobody has really posted there in a long time.


So, whadda y'all think? Is it time for us to move on to a new board?

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Oh sure...Galactic Discussion is dead, but the off-topic board sure isn't. We have a very active Off-Topic in comparison to some of the other boards. Also we still have a large number of regular members in comparison to some boards who have 1 or 2. All in all GB.com is in fine shape. We have just the right number. We don't have a billion regulars and we don't have 2...we're just right. I looked around another board the other day and I really must say I like this one MUCH better. It had 84,000 members...for ONE board. It had so many new threads that I had to flip through 2 pages of just stuff from that day. Very annoying...

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ya this forum is dead...urm no... have u visited Lucas Consoles. JUST KIDDING RHETT! Don't beat me with the ugly stick.


Sure the gb discussion is a little lacking...but for now Galactic Battlegrounds is on hiatus. Nobody really wants to play it anymore. The zone sucks right now for it - something about scenerios. Everyone thinks Lucas isn't going to invest anymore money in something that really didn't take. Meaning they screwed up so bad the first time - i doubt they could save the game in a second version unless they redid everything. But this is the only OFF TOPIC DISCUSSION in which i can post a topic and people I've come to know over a year will post in it. Hardly anyone posts that are knew...and at least if they are. We can get to know them. The other forums have like a hundred newbies. Spamming around...blah blah. There are so many of them you don't have time to get to know them. Or care to at times. This forums great. I don't know why people keep putting it down. :mad: I'll say what i said last time. If you don't like it leave - and don't let the door kick you on the arse when you do. We will miss you. Blah Blah. Boo hoo. Sob Sob. J/k



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hannibalscipio, I think you should loosen up a little. STTCT meant no offense and you reply back implying that she doesn't say anything intelligent. Well, my friend, if all you can do on this board is bashing other people and threatening to leave, I kindly suggest that you do so.


I think it's safe to say that the first rule to being a good member here is to be friendly toward the other users. With that said, I hope that you will understand the situation and shape up :)

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me macho???


I thought I explained myself very well the last time I posted. I'm sorry if all your intelligence level can handle is a one word answer of ...


Yes or no?


Then why didn't you post a poll?


You come in here postin a thread like is this board dead and insult everyone (including my intelligence?) and you expect us to sit back and take that?


I'm sorry I will not. You know I got all kinds of emails this weekend from people on this Revolution against all these boards. Well why don't you go join them. And stay off ours. If your not going to contribute anything positive.


I'm allowed to post a diffent opinion as yours - and you can post a different opinion to mine.


You say the boards are dead - I explained No and what I thought about your comment.


I said if you don't like then leave???!!??


And you say I'm acting macho. Ask me if that's the only intelligent thing I can say. Then suggest that all you wanted was a one word answer. Ya that takes intelligence.


I hope you go find another board to post on. Since this one is dead to you.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

Galactic Discussion isn't dead, it just full of annoying guys like Windu and joesdomain talking about SWGB2 (altho Windu has been converted to the sane side).

Yeah, I'd hardly call it dead. I know that myself and a number of other people post there daily. Hopefully I'm not heaped in with the annoying guys. :)



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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

So, who do u dislike more, Windu or joe?:D

Honestly, I can work much better with Windu's idea than Joe's. Windu at least give some presentation of what a unit would be like (stat-wise). Joe tends to be more of the "I want this and this and this and this" and not bother to go into details about how they would work in the game. Despite what it may sometimes looks like, Windu wants balance, he just wants it to be balanced with certain additional units added in. Joe doesn't seem to care whether it's balanced so long as it has a ton of extra units.


That and Windu actually breaks his text into paragraphs. :D



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