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Personal Awards!

Darth Homer

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This is just an idea I got whilst sitting in class...bored...but I'm repeating myself. Anyway, the idea is that since a lot of people had issues with the Official Awards, that they get the chance to make up a list of their own awards and hand them out to those that they deem are worthy of recieving them. Rules for the awards are as follows:

1) nothing that violates any rule of the forums....you should've guessed that one :)

2) as many or as few awards as you like

3) You may get ideas for awards from other people's list

4) You are allowed to award yourself (but what's the fun in that?)

5) no whining about other people's lists

6) have fun!


Darth Homer's Forummer Awards


Best Member: Boba Rhett

Funniest Member: Havoc Stryphe

Punniest Member: Havoc Stryphe

Best Thread: Second Contest: Story

Longest Winded: Tie Guy

N00biest: Chase Windu

"Best" Avatar: Eets ;)

Most Annoying: Chase Windu (though he's getting better)

Most Likely to B**** Someone Out: STTCT (only due to the mood swings :p )

Best Forummer W/O an Avatar: Kryllith

Cutest avatar: STTCT

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My personal GB.COM awards for 2001-2002 go to:


Most Valuable Member: Boba Rhett


Funniest Member: Darth Homer


Most Thoughtful Member: Sherack Nhar


Most Likely To be browsing The Forum: Crazy Dog No. 3


Member Most Likely to be on the Forums Forever: Red Wing


Member Most Likely to Spam and Get Away With it: krkode


Most Interesting Member: STTCT (She's female, if there's anything I find interesting, but don't understand at all...) ;)


Most Likely to Stick His Foot in His Mouth: Hannibalscipio ;)


Most Annoying Member: Chase Windu (For now, getting better!)


Most Informative: Boba Rhett w/ Chase's help! ;)


Most Inquisitive: Jatt13


Most Behind the Scenes: Paragon Leon


Best Account Name: STTCT (Only Becuase, I've yet to figure out what it means! :D)

Best Links: Link Antilles (Coincidence? I think Not! :D )


Best Avatar: Young David


Most Missed Member: Kvan


Wierdest Sense of Humor: TheMadDoofer (I still don't get that Pokey comic!) :confused:


Greatest Debater: Tie Guy (Mostly with Heavyarms!)


Most Talented Member: Eets


Best Thread Creater: Boba Rhett


Quitest Member: Darth Rommel


Craziest Member: Rogue 15


Most Cynical Member: Clefo ;)


Most Whiny: NL Ackbar ;)


Best Sig: Sherack Nhar (Hey, I'm biased!)


Most Likely to Appear in the Next Story: Darthfergie ;)


Most Likely to be Upset Because He Wasn't on this List: Silenthunter (But wait... now he is!)

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alright...i think i can do this



"Macho-est Member" - me


Most likely to be on at 5:30 Pacific Time: Havoc


Cutest Avatar - Jett


Most likely to start a thread concerning "WAR"- Crazy Dog


Most Likely to talk about Football: Clefo


Most Annoying Member - That King Andreai guy - blach!


Most likely to piss a Pregnant Woman off: Hannabal

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Greatest Debater: Tie Guy (Mostly with Heavyarms!)


And Tirion.....surely you remember him. Every time he was backed into a corner he'd utter the two words i possibly hate most...."cop out." He'd say that everything! If you had a reason or point, it was a cop out. I wonder where he is now.....not that i actually want to see him again. :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


And Tirion.....surely you remember him. Every time he was backed into a corner he'd utter the two words i possibly hate most...."cop out." He'd say that everything! If you had a reason or point, it was a cop out. I wonder where he is now.....not that i actually want to see him again. :D


I do remember him, and your "debates". Man, between Heavyarms and Tirion, you really earned that title, Best Debater, didn't you.


It's not easy correcting people, is it? ;)



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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


I do remember him, and your "debates". Man, between Heavyarms and Tirion, you really earned that title, Best Debater, didn't you.


It's not easy correcting people, is it? ;)





Well, i guess thats the price you pay for being perfect :D

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Here are my personal awards! Each winner will receive a Golden Jawa statuette :D


Funniest Member: Artoo

Best n00b: Sarducker :D

Luckiest Member: Silenthunter ;)

Member Most Likely To Get Lost Under A Seat Cushion: Darth Rommel

Member Most Likely To Get His Panties In A Twist: Chase Windu

Most Annoying Member: NL_Ackbar (For his hatred of pentium)

Bestest Pregnant Lady: Kvan! Err... STTCT! :D

Funnest Old Guy: Havoc Stryphe

Best "Once-In-A-While" Poster: Sherack Nhar (Let's face it sher, you're not exactly a spammer ;))

Member Most Likely To Bitch About Not Winning Something: Me! err... Clefo! :)

Crankiest Oldbie: Tie Guy

Best Admin of GeeBeeDotCom: Boba Rhett (Because he's the only one :p)

Second Best Jawa: darthfergie


*hands out golden jawa statuettes*





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Originally posted by Eets

Funnest Old Guy: Havoc Stryphe


Oh sure, I see! I give you "Most Creative" and I get "Funnest Old Guy"? What the 'ell is that! Funnest isn't even a word! And Old Guy..... I oughtta shove this Golden Jawa up your....


*Everybody stops and stares*


ahem...yes, well...I guess..I am older than most of you, and I should be grateful for what recognition I do get... thank you.... I suppose.


*walks away muttering something about young punks these days!*




Thanks Eets! I try to be the funnest guy I can be! ;)

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