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Cantina 8


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*Cracken walked into the mess hall, and spotted Alys. odd, we have cooks to prepare her meals........ He shruged to himself and headed over there. He sat beside her, and began to speak, but she cut him off*


Alys: I know, the cooks. but they take too long.


*Alys looked over to the counter line, and with teh Force, brought herself a cup of Caf. Cracken smiled. Stronger every day. He noticed Starr sitting across from her.*

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*Deac sees Rwos is busy on the comm and turns to Kal*


Guess you're my Padawan now. Whoa...so...tell me about yourself.




*Reletha takes another dangerous chance to contact Cracken*


Cracken...are you there...come on...answer the comm....I will give you information on Lokphet Darkstar and Irvine Cracken and General Cracern...don't make me kill them myself...

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*As idea come too and fro across the Council Table, none that would surely garentee a victory agenst the Loyalists, Irvine ignores that situation.*


Irvine interupting: "I'm sorry, if there can't be any decision to be made here, I'm leaving. I i might belieive that your new freind Lokpihet might agree with me, besides I wish to speak with him alone... good day gentlemen."


*Gaurds look at Ivan with impressions about Irvine allowing himself to leave, and IVan just nods his head, letting him do so.*


*Irvine being quite aware of the feelings and emotions around him getting more and more keen, he senses Reletha's desparation.*


Irvine turning to Lokpehit: "Oh big bother, I think your sister is having problems of some sort..."

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*Lokpihet turns to Irvine*


Lokpihet: I'm not your brother. But my sister has tasted power, and she will have to learn her place. She is, a sith lady, but should probably be given a military commission and a Fleet Command. The council is no place for her.

Anything else, Lord Irvine?




*Reletha becomes very stressed*


Damn you Cracken! I go to all this trouble to tell you that I want to kill several high council members and need your help, and all I get is your answerphone!




*Deac waits for various replies*

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Irvine was being sarcastic, and was mentioning that reletha was having trouble with something


*leaving the Council to come up with their own ways, Irvine abandons them to talk with lokpihet, while walking down corradors*


Irvine: "Yes, maybe she would be the best thing for it. However I could use as meny Sith or Jedi whom would be willing to join our side... Thats If you'd be following an Interesting idea I have. Thus meaning either or."




Ivan: "looks like those two got bored quickly...."


Ravan: "Oh quiet, I haven't herd a good idea out of ya yet..."


Marcus: "Watch that'd come up with an idea..."

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*Rwos looks up from the comm. Dark clouds are gathering*


I sense something...elusive, but there...


*into comm* I'm sorry, I must leave. I will contact you later...I only wanted to be sure I was right, about the Scrolls...




Jun Tarl: *walks up to Ivan* For an old general, you seem to know little of the value of warfare...the Empire has attacked us. As we speak Ord Biniir is being taken. It is necessary to strike back - immediately.




Farran: *smiles* Your spirit is admirable, but resistance is pointless. We already know what happened. I could even thank you for bringing our lack of security to our attention...after all, overconfidence is one of the greatest of weaknesses.


*Farran stands and casually walks across the room*


I understand that you know a certain Irvine Cracken, and have had relations with him. I would be very interested in hearing about them.


Before you argue, perhaps you would also like to know that the trackers Irvine had injected in your body double as microscopic detonators. I can, of course, deactivate them; but only if you cooperate.

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Ivan in a frim tone: "Tari, theres little to what I can do with a weak navy! WE are outnumbered and outguned. the only advantage we have are the Vanguard, but they seem to be mostly effective when there is a person whom is using the force. Other then that, we hardly have anything to work with... As for you, what Ideas do you have? Right now we already lost a system to the Loyalists. Not only that we aren't all that sure the Republic even has much of a navy after Cracken got done with it... hmm..." *Ivan goes into thought...*

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*Kioet smiles at the thought of this*


Kioet: Well, ok. I do have some information on him, I was there when it happened, you notice him acting all powerful and arrogant? Well...I saw what happened. A guy from the future, that looked alot like him, came and interrupted him from buying some weapons from me, I was lucky to record it all. Fortunately for you, I left it back at Mos Eisely in my landing craft. It's well guarded, if anyone would to try to get into my ship, they'd regret trying to, it's well secure I can assure you. What happened to Irvine is really something you need to see for yourself.

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Irvine: "No, she can be definately be of use to us, besides She's your sibling, I can be all powerful, but im not heartless, unless I need to. Let's leave give her that choice. I was more or less thinking of creating our own path, to disrupt the relation with the Loyalist Imperialists and the Republic, becuase even if there are stih who still follow my father, they'd be still be alling with the Jedi, it doesn't matter if i want Jedi and Sith together, becuase we'd just use either or's powers to increase the Vanguard around them to do the work. And if the Jedi turn and say that such actions would eventualy lead the to the dark side, Just tell them to so what ever they have to do with a clear mind. At least its honest, that way. And I'd follow that statement with my own actions as well, just to make sure that my own actions wouldn't be manipulated by dark forces. I ask of you to do the same from now on..."

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Odin: That is fine. Use the device I gave you, when you need to. Oh, the Imperial Speratist have developed a weapon to counter the Force.


Until we speak again.


*Hirst takes back the com link, and disappears into the shadows. Deac taps Rwos on the shoulder.*


Vidar: Father it is almost time for the weapons test.


Odin: Yes it is, come get your mother and lets get going.


*The two leave the com room, find Frigg and go to the testing grounds*

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Kal: Master. I was born after the Trawn Campaign. I fly fighters, though I'm not as good as my Father or my brother, Hal. My father trained me but he said someone else had to complete my training.


My mother, she is in Intelligance.




Sophae: Yesterday the iTitan attacked Ord Binir, although the fleet took losses they captured the planet.


Our target now is Phindar, the IndependanceII will lead the Assualt. At the Same time our forces will blockae Dantooine and the space in between. We must cut Cracken off from the other Rouge systems until they have been secured.


Ackbar: Even now we move towards Phindar, the attack will comence in less than 2 hours. It is paramount we secure this planet. General Farlander is already preparing to mount the blockade of Dantooine.


Flax: We go in fast we kill anything Imp. Questions?


Then good luck and may the force be with you!


*The Officers file out.*


*Over Agumar.*


Hal: General Farlander, all Squadrons are ready to launch.


Farlander: Comence the attack.


Tannoy: Attention all personal, battle stations. Storm Units, to your transports.


*Y-Wing Bombers escorted by A-Wings spill from the bellies of the Republic capital ships, frigates move to cover the larger ships and X-Wings and Tie fighters begin a deadly dance.*

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((OOS: @Scar:

I'd follow that statement with my own actions as well, just to make sure that my own actions wouldn't be manipulated by dark forces


What dark forces? What does Irvine know about dark forces that could manipulate him? Wouldn't he consider himself a dark force?


Also I got the impression the Flax is attacking a Separatist controlled planet))



*Rwos takes out a scanning device and looks at readouts* Great. Major signs of interdimensional activity...this isn't good. Something is crossing over...


Odd. Either it doesn't know it can be detected or doesn't care, because it isn't cloaked at all.


*Rwos looks up at the sky. The clouds gathering are getting heavier and darker*


This is...disturbing.




Farran: Release them. *guards come in and remove the binders from Kioet and Nimalf*


*Farran hands Kioet a comlink and a passkey* You'll find a ship in the south hangar near the shuttle you used to get here. This passkey will get you in the ship and past any guards. Use this comlink to contact me...and remember what you carry in your bodies.




Beron Ghenn: What about the second Crimson Star?

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*Cracken gave a hard look at Starr, and sensed varying emotions from him. Emotions that he never expected from Starr*


Excuse us, Starr, may i have a word with you in the hallway?


*Cracken stood, and Starr followed him. when the doors closed behind them, Cracken turned, and looked Starr Directly in the eyes*


What is wrong, be brutaly honest. Nothing you say, not even if you say you wish to end my life, will bring repercussions.


On the Super Star Destroyer Vengence, Tojo is counting his losses, one army battalion, one squadron of fighters. Not to shabby.


he looked at the Galactic map, and pointed to a planet. Toprawa.*


We will jump to Toprawa. We shall cut off the Hydian way to the COrperate sector, starving them economically. Expect heavy resistance. we jump in 5 hours.

*his staff nodded, and saluted, and left to assemble his fleet. another Star Destroyer had jumped in an hour ago, to hold the planet. The Titan was moving toward the Seperatist territory, most likely to dive deep into the Territory. or maybe not. His Emperor had his ways.*

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red:battle dog posted"We must cut Cracken off from the other Rouge systems until they have been secured." then he had fighteres launched


and with Irvine, i havent truely stated his true movives as of yet, he's just starting to reveal it. and as for dark forces, he was sortspeaking in a mediphor about ones inner devices would take over and manipulase anyone like a truely dark sith would be.


Ivan: "Ah, yes Crimson Star II, but I left Irvine to supervice the project, but if he's here, then why hasn't he told us about it's progress?"


Ravan: "Good question..."

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Lokpihet: I'm leaving for the remnants of Byss. I have some...assests there that I wish to recover.




*Deac hasn't seen Rwos like this before. Something must be up*


Rwos....are you coming or not?....what's wrong?

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Sophae: We have secured Phindar and Gen. Farlander has cleared his sector.


Ackbar: Set course for Toprawa. Mine the area between Agumar and Dantooine.


Sophae: An Imp fleet just jumped to Toprawa! Spy sats show an SSD in the formation.


Flax: Then we'll just have to get there first.


*On Toprawa.*


((OSS: This is the planet where those big cats live, remember the Han Solo Trilogy.))


Muckquara: We await the arrival of the Fleet, but the Empire comes first?


Miri: Then the treaty's off.


Muckquara: Perrrrrrrrrr.


((OSS: Cracken, I'm going to get there first, since I have half the distance to travel. Look at my other conquests, you have to go around Dantooine and Dubrillion, so infact 4 times the distance.

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((I think he's trying to make sure Cracken doesn't make a move on Republic systems, just in case))




*Starr looks uncomfortable* In honesty...I don't know. *looks around nervously* Perhaps it is restlessness...have you a mission you could use me for?




Rwos: Something is coming. A very big something...crossing from my dimension to yours. *looks at his scanner again* Maybe more than one something... *Rwos' eyes narrow* Hold on a sec...someone's using a teleporter here...another of the Blades!


*A voice comes from behind the group* Well, of course I am. Haven't you been checking your goddamned messages?


*A young woman wearing an outfit resembling Rwos' walks towards the group from the shadows* You're a very hard person to get ahold of, Rwos. Have you turned off your comlink or something?




Beron Ghenn: Then why don't we find him and ask him that now?

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Ivan: "Yes, good idea, maybe you should go take of that yourself? And marcus, ould you do me a favor? Can you try to get the Crimson Star: II on a priority one comm and make it very secure."


Marcus: *sigh* "Alright. Lazy bum."




Irvine: "Alright then, just as long as they are willing to our cause... Oh wiat, I have something for you, The DarkScythe I told you about, I said it was a Light, but the name is more proper with the adverse title. I Was informed that my things would have been brough to my quarters, but don't take it too personaly, I admire your work, just as any other person whom has opened themselves to the force..." *With out changing his visual toe on his face, Irvine thinks:* 'Hmm, I can't put it where I have once hated him before... Oh well, what ever happened then, completey doesn't effect his or my attitudes now...'

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((OOS: Scar you do realize that whatever you are trying to say is completely incomprehensible :D


Battledog: Do you realize that Cracken is fighting the Separatists, not the New Republic?))



Beron: If you wish to keep your position in this Council, General Cracern, I'd advise you to be more proactive. *turns and stomps away*


Tarl: You are his uncle. You confront him.


*The unvoiced sentiment among the Council members was that none of them wanted to take responsibility for the certainly unstable Irvine Cracken*

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Ivan: "Okay, Baron halt, I'll take care of it..."


*Ivan walks out of the council, not too long after Marcus begins walking towards a sercure communications console with ability to link with the Council Chamber's Comms*


"Scar you do realize that whatever you are trying to say is completely incomprehensible :D"

im surprised you ahvent notices already.

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((Scar, you need to make so people can understand you.... and please check your spelling.))


*Odin, Vidar, and Frigg arrived at the demonstration. They enter and auditorium, in the front is a large display screen. The test were to be broadcasted to the room, allowing those in attendance to view in perfect safty* Some of the others presant include council members, and military officials. Taking their seats they wait for the demostration to begin. Odin sits by Idun.*


Odin: Hello Idun, I'm suprised to see you here.


Idun: Good afternoon Lord Odin. This should be a very spectacular demonstartion. I understand Tyr is putting it on.


Odin: Yes, Heimdall is helping him.


*Tyr steps up to a podium*


Tyr: Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight you will see some of our newest and most advanced weaponry. We will begin with a Resonance Rifle. To refresh your memory. The resonance rifle is in essance a minaturized version of our resonance torpedoes. It is capable of doing great damage against the Jotuns. The weapon has two setting the first is more traditional. In this mode the rifle fires a projectile that unleashes tremendous energy.


*Tyr turns on the display screen. A corellian corvette appears on the screen. and a man holding the rifle*


Tyr: The Correllian Corvette you see here, has been improved so that it roughly matches the armor of a Jotun craft around the same size. In a moment the rifle will be fired at the Corvette. Please watch closely.


*Tyr press a button on the podium signalling the man to fire the rifle. A moment later the rifle is fired at the corvette. Smoke fills the screen, it shortly disappets, showing reckage and flames where the corvette used to be.*


Tyr: The second mode creates a sigularity similar to a black hole. It sucks items in and destroys them. *hitting a button, switching the display screen to another area. This time the a man appears with a rifle, and down the range an X-wing and a ragne of other items* It is a very powerful mode but the signularity last only a short time.


*Tyr gives the signal. The man fires the resonance rifle in a the second setting. A short time later a signularity appears, sucking in objects around it. The S-foils and canopy of the x-wing are ripped off, and pulled into the signularity. A little while later it disappears.*


Tyr: Our final demonstartion take place in space.


*hitting another button the display screen switches to a group of drones flying in formation above Asgard. Lasers suddenly fill the area destorying the drones. After all of them are destroyed six fighters uncloak, showing where the lasers blast came from*


Tyr: Allow me to introduce the mark III cloaking device. It is small enough to fit on our fighters, and the device contains it's own power source. This allows them to be installed faster, and replaced quicker if necessary. The However, the cloaking devices still require large amounts of energy. Due to this they can only be used for 30 minutes untill they must be recharged. Still the 30 minutes is ample time for a number of tatics, some just like you have seen.


Under your seats you will find further documentation of what was shown here. You will also find information on other weapons in development, including the Gungnir missile.


Any questions?


Idun: When will these be put into production?


Tyr: They are already in limited production. All that is needed is a council mandate to start full production. Any other questions?


Alright then. That finishes the demostration, thank you for your time. Have a good evening.


Idun to Odin: Lord I recommend we get the council to approve this tomorrow.


Odin: I agree. I'll see you then.

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*Byss. An asteroid field left from the destruction of the old Throneworld of Cracken's father. Among the rubble, several small structures remain inactive...


Until now. Lokpihet's TIE Advanced dashes between the rocks, watching containers power up. He lands in a hangar/container (like the ones the Tie Experimentals had in XWA) and looks around. He moves to a safe, punches in the code and...*


Lokpihet: It's gonel. Damn father, he must have lost it. But he didn't take this... *holds up a small vial*...


*Lokpihet returns to the council to present his new weapon*




*Deac is all but used to this by now*


Friend of yours, Rwos?


*Fills Kal in on various stuff*

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