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avatar requests ONLY !!!UPDATED!!! 11/06/2002


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sivy b whats the best way to set up moviegear. as you can see with my av, the quality sucks.


it don't look as clear as yours. the video that i got it from was very clear. when i paste it to paint it was still clear. but when i insert the pic into movie gear it look distorted. am i doing something wrong here????

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Originally posted by Padanime

good 1s zdwang. lookin nice.

is evrybody learning how to make avs these days? :(


It's not my first... i made some LOTR ones awile back.


and to the person who said the KB size was to large... they are all about 30 KB, i dont consider that to big.

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Originally posted by LBuRNa

sivy b whats the best way to set up moviegear. as you can see with my av, the quality sucks.


it don't look as clear as yours. the video that i got it from was very clear. when i paste it to paint it was still clear. but when i insert the pic into movie gear it look distorted. am i doing something wrong here????


there a few things you can do to stop that,

1. save all frames as bmps

2. crop the frame as much as you can before inserting them into movie gear

3. check the settings in movie gear, sometimes it will automatically optimize or reduce colors

4. when resizing check the second option so not to lose quality.

5. don't insert too many frames at once, it will automatically reduce the number of colors in them





ok here anyone for you



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hey guys once again i have the same request that no one replied too a muffin with limbs and face dancin and have it flash and make it say in the blood letters The Muffin Man this does sound hard but if anyone has da skill pm me or reply back(this is for my step brother);) ;) Muffin MAn he is out of town for a feew weeeks and want to suprise him:D

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Originally posted by Father Torque

hey guys once again i have the same request that no one replied too a muffin with limbs and face dancin and have it flash and make it say in the blood letters The Muffin Man this does sound hard but if anyone has da skill pm me or reply back(this is for my step brother);) ;) Muffin MAn he is out of town for a feew weeeks and want to suprise him:D


i been trying, but i haven't come up with anything yet

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