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Ahhhh I Can"t Stand It


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Mind the pronouncement guys (and STTCT)


the 'oo' in Joop is pronounced as in 'boat' ... get it?


Doesn't sound that weird to me, I have an uncle and a cousin named Joop. And my brothers friends call my brother Joop too ...


But I see ... doesn't really work out.


Stick with Joshua then.

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Originally posted by STTCT

hey shouldn't we be hearing from Havoc today the exciting news.....???


Yes, you should!


And here it is:


We're having a wonderfully, healthy, completely normal Bouncing baby...





His name will be either:


Logan Xavier




Xavier Logan



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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Congrats Havoc! This is truly a great time to be on the board ^_^



Thanks Sherack! I wish I could scan and post the Sonagram images, but they are on a "thermal paper" and the scanner might very well wash out the pictures and I'd be a very sad parent-to-be! :(


But trust me when I say, my baby boy is going to be handsome and already very active! :D

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OH MY GOD HAVOC!! You saved my ultrasound pics...I was going to scan them!! Ah, they are little gray blobs anyways!







Isn't it great? My boyfriend was soooo thrilled. He is thankful he will not have to go shopping in the Barbie aisle! Great Name I like both Logan or Xavier.


I think I'm winning over the name Joshua too...!!! Yeah!

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


His name will be either:


Logan Xavier




Xavier Logan



First ... Congrats :D


Second ... Is Xavier a real name in the U.S. or are you just a big X-men fan. I've never heard the name outside that movie (or comic/cartoon) ... and since Logan is an X-men name too ...


Just wondering.

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Originally posted by Young David

Second ... Is Xavier a real name in the U.S. or are you just a big X-men fan. I've never heard the name outside that movie (or comic/cartoon) ... and since Logan is an X-men name too ...


Just wondering.


Well, here's the deal:


My wife and I decided a while ago that our kids will have unusual names, but unusual names that are semi-popular. For example:






At first I tried running Star Wars characters by her, but either she realized where they were from or just plain didn't like them, but none of them flew. So than I went another route, my wife has no idea what comic books are so I tried out Logan (because Wolverine is one of my favorite comic characters), and she liked it.


Now, I knew that she was turning down some odd names so I didn't even try to get Xavier by her, but oddly enough, one day she looked at me and said, "What about Xavier?" Little did she know, that was my favorite name for a boy! So, it look's like it's going to be Xavier. So yes, it is pulled from X-men, but it's also a semi-popular boy's name over here in the states. :D

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Ehehehhe... I can see it now... She's going to be walking down an isle in a store one day and she'll then see this comic.... "X-men?" she'll say as she thumbs through it. Then she'll soon after drop whatever she's carrying and scream your name, in a very angry voice, at the top of her lungs.



Well, either that or she'll go, "WOW! What a coincidence!" :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Ehehehhe... I can see it now... She's going to be walking down an isle in a store one day and she'll then see this comic.... "X-men?" she'll say as she thumbs through it. Then she'll soon after drop whatever she's carrying and scream your name, in a very angry voice, at the top of her lungs. :D


Rhett, you've just described one of my recent nightmares to a "T"! :D


Yeah, I can't wait for my boy to ask her, one day. "Mom, was I named after professor X?" :p

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LOL!!! The 2nd X movie is coming out soon....she may or may not figure it out. I probably wouldn't have even thought of Xavier as being an X man name. But now come to think of it yes. But that isn't the first thing that crossed my mind. I have heard that name a bunch of times over here..it isn't as common as Michael but still..

I'm still name hunting. I want something that is recognizable...but you know...5 people in his class won't have the same name. And I want a name that no one in the family has already. Argh. You know it is much easier to pick girls names.

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Originally posted by STTCT

LOL!!! The 2nd X movie is coming out soon....she may or may not figure it out.


You know what? Now that you mention it, I own the first X-men movie on DVD! She usually pretends to pay attention to my movies, so she must have not realized where I got the name.


I already told her about the Logan/Wolverine thing. She grimaced, but said she still liked the name. But she hasn't asked about a comic or movie relation with the name Xavier yet, but then again, she brought the name up, not me. She might think it's untainted. Little does she know... :p

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ah, go with Drey. it's cool. as well as Saurat. and Kioet.


i'd want a kid if i didn't have to put up with it being so small and not able to communicate properly and hearing it scream at the top of its lungs and have no way to legally silence it without it understand a word i say unless it's in gibberish, and i don't like giberrish it makes me cringe and get frustrated.


but that's just me. i don't plan to ever have a child cause i'd be impatiently waiting for it to grow up. of course, i could see the cool side of having a kid, but then again, it'd be for illegal purposes and could land me into the electric chair. :D

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