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Originally posted by Young David


Again you claim to have a game you cannot have. It releases next week here and you could never have it from the U.S.


That concludes you use warez, or that you lie. I don't like both.


me neither:mad: it's warez users that put game companies out of business!

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At least they have the Norse in there. Most of the time it is only Greek Mythology. I want the game for the Norse even if it is commercialized.


About ignorant American thing, look at my sig. (yes I know the comment is a joke, this just makes it a little funnier)


I'll give you a bonus point if you can tell me what Ragnarok and Gotterdammerung is. Name 3 of the nine worlds in Norse mythology (excluding Alfheim and Midgard, they appear in the demo). and Which day they gods have (ex: Odin's day is wednesday, Thor's Day is Thursday) You only have 5 left to name.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I can name one person who's fascinated by Norse mythology :p!


It seems I'll have to look up some Norse Mythology! I'm interested in the Norse faction myself instead of just the Greek and Egyptian mythology :lol:. I like the Huskarls and the fact they live in the cold winter weather for the most part :D.....

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Want a good place to start:




(will give you info on Norse, Greek, Roman, Celtic, and other mythologies) Now answers to the questions.


Ragnarok is Gotterdammerung (different names for the same thing. In Norse mythology it is very common. Odin for instance has hundreds of different names). It the end of the world.


The Nine world of Norse Mythology (starting on the highest level and working down.


Asgard/Godsheim (home of the Aesir)

Vanaheim (home of the Vanir)

Alfheim(home the light elves)

Midgard(Earth, home of the humans ect.)

Nidavellir(Home of the dwarves)

Jotunheim(home of the Giants called Jotuns)

Svartalfheim(Home of the Dark Elves)

Hel and Niflheim (basically Hell)

Muspellheim (land of the Fire Giants.)


Now the days of the week.

Monday (have yet to find the god.)

Tuesday (Tyr's day.)

Wednesday (Odin's day.)

Thursday (Thor's day)

Friday (Freya' day or Frigga, some will say they are the same goddess others say they are different)

Saturday (Loki's day)

Sunday (unsure, sun good likely)


if your really curios I can give you the name vairants of those gods that got the days of the week.


Side not. In certain myths Loki represant rest and relaxation. Thor usually work (he always keeping the giants at bay)

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Alright, today, i downloaded the 337 mb download for the demo of Age of Mythology...it took me 4 hours, but i wont say i'm disappointed. You may find i compare it to Warcraft III many times, but that is only because i think these games are worth comparing.


Firstly, the look:


The graphics of the game are really cool, the boats are sleek and nice looking, the centaurs (half horse half man) are very...umm...realistic :) And the scenery...stunning! you can literally see the sea weed swaying inside the water, and unlike the cheesy Age of Kings fish jumping in and out of the water, here you can see the fish swimming in the crystal clear water...


It's beautiful... :p

But one bad thing which i thought was: They kind of made it similar to Warcraft III with the concept of heros...i don't know how big of a role hero's play in the full version but in the demo the hero is there but he's not that powerful, and they do the most minimal detailing to his face.


detailing...although the scenery was made in great detail, and units are very small, and in the mid-campaign cinematics, when they close up on units, you literally see a pink blob for a face...it's not much to worry about but i felt like mentioning it.


As for some key concepts i found pretty interesting and innovative were:


You can't build your towncenter wherever you want...you have to build them on a "settlement" which are just ruins like things scattered around the map.


There're only three resources to collect unlike the standard AOK 4...but you can, and should also put villagers to "pray" in the temple so that the gods can grow favorable to you...so it's technically four resources ;)


Now to the specifics of the demo.


It allows you to play 1 campaign in which you start off playing 3 learning "walk here, walk there" scenarios.

Then you play 2 medium sized scenarios where you aren't given much help and you have to destroy some bad guy butt. :D

Some of the units you get to use are-

Hoplites (equivalent of footsoldiers)

Tox....(forgot the name) equivalent of archers

Centaur (equivalent of scout)

and a couple of cool mythical units, one of which, the cyclops, actually picks up bad guys and flings them away...very cool to watch.


Then there's a random map playability available which is pretty cool, but as is advertised all over, you only get to play as Zeus.


Now, why 337 mb you ask? Well, the demo tends not to cut off any mid scenario cinematics which you would see in the full version and they also include 2 tutorials on "How to use the egyprtians/norse" civilizations effectively. Very cool, as it basically plays the game for you and lets you watch and tells you about many units and their abilities...so i would assume those take up a lot of space..


anyway, the verdict:

If you feel like being entertained for the 1 and a half to 2 hours, then you might want to download this demo.

If you feel like getting a preview of what you're gonna get, then as the word "demo" implies, you might want it!


Either way, i'm not disappointed i spent time downloading this demo...it's not that bad...


force thread...yeah baby...one of the bigger ones :D

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I would give the demo a rating, but anything over 100 mbs gives me nightmares. To think of it, anything over 60 mb gives me nightmares....


I have 56k


I would give the full verison of the game a rating, but I beta tested AOM and it runs very poorly on my P3 600 Mhz... so, sadly I won't be joining the AOM comunity until I get a new comptuer.... :(

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To krkode :


ok you say that heros are not very strong

but thats becose you can only play the greek

thay are good at myth units


and the noors are good ad heros to destroy the many myth units of the greeks


you also say that most of the units are very smal

thats becose you can only go to the 3 age

in the 4 age you get big units and god powers like tornado and lightning storm ,earthqauke


ok now there are totaly 33 gods


think of it


of all the options :eek:

it would thake mounds to see everything

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I don't understand, why peope, sometimes, when there's a LARGE post, decide to quote it...it gets ugly!


Well, Akcbar, i am only speaking from limited experience and i told you that.


As for size...i don't mean size as in size ;) I know we get elephants, and all sorts of bigger units later on, but the thing i was trying to say is, everything has been scaled down to minute....one can hardly tell the difference between a villie and a hero (he is dressed rather plainly).


and once again, going to the beatiful graphics...look at the water ripple in the rain...stunning!:D

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

heh, I hear the computer is insanely hard on medium ;)


Don't make me laugh please. I tried it on hard and it wasn't nearly as challenging as I might expect. I have to admit though, there's none that 75 population limit like AOK and the AI is abit challenging, but I guess I would have to take it to the next level, titan (could be wrong on the setting name). My thoughts on the game, I thought the demo was pretty good, but I expected a small multiplayer demo aspect of it, but it was pretty good. I read there would be three ages to advance and I only saw two which made me disappointed. The only thing stopping me from getting the game was that it seemed to be sluggish for me as the video card is not made for gaming, so I would need to get my computer up and running again.


As for C&C:G, I refuse to buy anymore from the WW/EAP Nazis anymore :p. I'm fed up with there longitivity of a game and support for it.....

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

I read there would be three ages to advance and I only saw two which made me disappointed.


There are 4 ages in AoM, just like in every Age game. You start with the first so you can upgrade 3 times. The demo is limited to only 3 ages tough (as with all the age demo's ;))

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