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†h€ Mª†r‡x avatar REVOLUTION


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Searching for new host............


Please try this address:











Get your avvy this way:

[*]Type the credentials at the top and click Files on the left.

[*]Click on the folder Avvy.

[*]Click on hamster.jpg. This will start a download. Open the downloaded file - that's your avatar.


Click here for feedback.


Note: You can find all my avatars in this folder. Login works for everyone.



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The ugly people avatars are online again, get them this way:

[*]Click here.

[*]The username is


the password:


[*]Once you type this info in, click Files on the left side menu.

[*]Click on Avvy

[*]Select one of the filenames. The ugly people are: fat.jpg, sympath.jpg, mary.jpg and eyeswideshut.jpg.



The other avatars are not the ugly people, but they are mine too!


And, if anybody wants, I can make an avvy for you too - a funny one like the hamster...

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

Hallo, I'm back after 6 days with out internet.


JEDI_Anakin_S Whoa! Your animated avatars put mine to shame! I'm gonna take the mouse one k?

youre too late, i already got the mouse one (though without scrolling background), people may confuse us.

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Originally posted by KingPin

yeah i like this movie but .....


..but the movie doesn't like me, lol






Lighten up, joos guys! Don't make me go Tony Montana on ya.








Anyway, revolutions have been around for a long long time. The matrix one is probably the 50th one I've seen. So like they say when in Rome...





...check out my new av. :cool:

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